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Hi, I'd appreciate people's views on this please.

We're soon going to be launching an app that will list all known public BBQs across Australia. It would also feature facilities (pram-friendly, playground, coffee, toilets) and show photos and a brief description of the location and / or surrounding area. 

Data would be downloadable so you could use in areas with no WiFi, and if you had 3G you could use the 'directions' feature which plans your route to the location.

Would you be prepared to pay $4.99 as a one-off fee for this?

Thanks in advance.

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It's a tough one. Tbh most peoe are only going to want their local area. 

I get if it's a small company or a. Individual who has done this then they may perhaps charge for the app (time, costs etc) but am not sure many will want to pay for it. Least not in the first instance. Perhaps a free version with some ads and a premium one ad free.

Personally it would be of no interest to me as we don't often BBQ in public places and if we do we have a few local places we go to. Outside of that I'd just google local services for whatever area and find them that way. I don't install or keep apps I rarely or never use. 

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19 minutes ago, ItchyFeet76 said:

How do I delete this topic now we've got the answers we need...?

You don't. Threads are generally left on the forum. We don't delete based on that a person has their answers. 

You've only had 2 replies also, you may get more. People are at work, busy and perhaps not online till later. 

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Guest The Pom Queen

Personally I wouldn't use it because all the parks I visit have BBQ's anyway so I don't usually research. 

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Thanks for your input, guys. The app would cover all of Australia - from city to beach to bush - and we know from searching that not all BB!s are listed on the internet, plus our app's data can be downloaded offline so you don't need the internet to search, whereas you do if you're driving around using Google.

Good to have your opinions, though. I think we'll release it for $2.99 as that's only £1.50 so a paltry sum really, and then we can always introduce a free version with ads later on if necessary.


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Seems a lot to pay for something that it easily accessible on googling. There is a great free site which lists all the toilets and opening times of the toilets. Searching the local area brings up the BBQs. Would only be useful in a remote area, but in this situation I would be travelling to a specific location and the availability of a BBQ would not alter my choice. I wouldn't pay and I am not sure that there is any market for it, apart from people new to the country who haven't tried googling. 

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I wouldnt pay for this no - however it might work if you added on a pay for part where you provided pre-paid bbq equipment or food to be collected from a location or delivered. Brings up a whole new raft of issues /challenges tho.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for your feedback. I've decided to release the app for free, with an upgrade option planned for the future - that is if anyone actually uses it or finds it amongst the other 2 million apps!  It's still work in progress (mostly for my poor wife) as we have at least another 2k BBQs to add. Ultimately tho, I need to look at allowing users to add these by themselves, as there are just too many for us to manage and tbh, i had no idea when i started the app there would be that many public BBQs over here!

I wrote this app for myself and my family to use (and i've never programmed anything before, so I needed the motivation to learn), but maybe it'll provide some use to others too.




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I think that is a more sensible way to go. Free with ads for revenue and can introduce ad-free version with extra features once you've built up a user base

Sent from a really tiny keyboard - pardon random autocorrects and fat-finger typos

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