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Hi guys finally my visa has been approved today

Here is my full time

Nomination 25 may and visa lodged 28 may 2015

Nomination grant 01/10/2015

without further document asking

Visa grant 06/10/ 2015 ( without asking further documemt

Processing centre vicotria

good luck to every one who is waiting for their grant


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Hi guys finally my visa has been approved today

Here is my full time

Nomination 25 may and visa lodged 28 may 2015

Nomination grant 01/10/2015

without further document asking

Visa grant 06/10/ 2015 ( without asking further documemt

Processing centre vicotria

good luck to every one who is waiting for their grant



Congrats anup

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Hi guys finally my visa has been approved today

Here is my full time

Nomination 25 may and visa lodged 28 may 2015

Nomination grant 01/10/2015

without further document asking

Visa grant 06/10/ 2015 ( without asking further documemt

Processing centre vicotria

good luck to every one who is waiting for their grant



Congrats anup! :)

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Hi guys finally my visa has been approved today

Here is my full time

Nomination 25 may and visa lodged 28 may 2015

Nomination grant 01/10/2015

without further document asking

Visa grant 06/10/ 2015 ( without asking further documemt

Processing centre vicotria

good luck to every one who is waiting for their grant



Congrats Anup :)

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My neighbours son is just one of the case officers who worked all weekend. I'm sure he would rather have been at the beach with his family and friends instead of working to processes visa applications for mouthy migrants.

I also do not have any proof when I say that my neighbor also happens to be a case officer who started holidays early and when we drank some beers together he boasted of how he would just waste time over cases.

By the way, they don't have offices open in the weekends.

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Hi guys finally my visa has been approved today

Here is my full time

Nomination 25 may and visa lodged 28 may 2015

Nomination grant 01/10/2015

without further document asking

Visa grant 06/10/ 2015 ( without asking further documemt

Processing centre vicotria

good luck to every one who is waiting for their grant





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I also do not have any proof when I say that my neighbor also happens to be a case officer who started holidays early and when we drank some beers together he boasted of how he would just waste time over cases.

By the way, they don't have offices open in the weekends.


lots of civil servants work on weekends & after hours. my case officer emailed me on a weekend.

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Hi guys finally my visa has been approved today

Here is my full time

Nomination 25 may and visa lodged 28 may 2015

Nomination grant 01/10/2015

without further document asking

Visa grant 06/10/ 2015 ( without asking further documemt

Processing centre vicotria

good luck to every one who is waiting for their grant





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Now just to share a thing or 2 whitch are not from this topic. People who know it good and who are just planning to move or have just moved to Australia. I had a bad experience so thought I'll help others avoid the same mistake. I had a bad debt due to moving houses and not receiving bill from my mobile company then I bumped into a credit repair company. Must say they are waste of time and just pocket your money by giving big hopes and will do literally nothing to help but get you to do all the hard work with no results. they will use the same govt departments you can seek help that too free of cost. To be precise by not confusing you guys the bad experience I had was with credit repair who also run their business under different entities. Just be careful.*

I lost $2000.00 and currently disputing the matter.

If if you have any issues govt dept like ombudsman andCAV ,VCAT ETC ARE there to help.

Edited by Jazzcrave
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Hi guys finally my visa has been approved today

Here is my full time

Nomination 25 may and visa lodged 28 may 2015

Nomination grant 01/10/2015

without further document asking

Visa grant 06/10/ 2015 ( without asking further documemt

Processing centre vicotria

good luck to every one who is waiting for their grant



Congrats Anup...!!!

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Did you mean to say they work 7 days?

They may do shift work, work during a weekend and have time off during the week, they may do a job-share system - all those are possible.

Theone thing that Ithink is unfair is that you say the COs are lazy - they can only work as fast asthey are capable and can only grant the number of visas allowable.

I agree that if there was more cash spent on employing COs then visas might get granted faster, but honestly that isn't the COs fault is it - they don't control the budget. Rant at the department by all means, but not at the individual case officers, that just isnt fair.

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They may do shift work, work during a weekend and have time off during the week, they may do a job-share system - all those are possible.

Theone thing that Ithink is unfair is that you say the COs are lazy - they can only work as fast asthey are capable and can only grant the number of visas allowable.

I agree that if there was more cash spent on employing COs then visas might get granted faster, but honestly that isn't the COs fault is it - they don't control the budget. Rant at the department by all means, but not at the individual case officers, that just isnt fair.



We do not know whether it's the department or the case officers who are to be blamed for the slow processing of visas.

But when large amount of money is involved(non-refundable) then someone's surely to be blamed for the waiting frustration.


So let's consider a scenario where the department is running everything ethically and that they have enough resources to hire enough people to do the job "nicely" without any stress(but not that people miss going to a beach on the weekend because they chose to take weekdays off). Since they charge a lot from the applicants, let's say money is not an issue here. In such a case it would be more than fair to assume they are lazy. And the word laziness comes in play with added emphasis because they think their customers money is no good to at least update them case status as a courtesy?!?


Scenario 2: Let's assume it is the department which is not running the show right and they tend to be more greedy and selfish. So in this case they have a lot less officers to do the same job. And let's assume I am one of the case officers. So these would be my thoughts: "oh the department doesn't care bout my work load. Stress is building up. If they have taught me the meaning of greed I'll, as a return favor, educate them with the meaning of laziness".

I know this doesn't make sense at all. Right?

So if I blame the case officers or the department, either way the word laziness, directly or indirectly, comes into action.


I'm sure there are many worthy migrants who could do the same job more efficiently given a lot less resources. They would know that 457 is a real example of legal exploitation where a 457 worker technically has rights but can't complain in fears of losing the job, and not able to find another in 28 days time.

The case officers are aware of this and they also know that 186 would mean a lot of freedom to the applicants.


There are somethings we will never know and therefore I will just agree to disagree.

Edited by laurahaircutter
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Hi guys!! Today is finally my day and I'm beyond ecstatic to share this great news with all of you! Each and every one of you has been such a tremendous support to me and there's simply no words to sum up how much this forum has helped me get by everyday. Good luck to all – and trust me, it's worth the wait at the end of the day.


Nomination Lodged: 09 March 2015

Nomination Granted: 11 June 2015

Visa Lodged: 25 May 2015

Visa Granted: 07 October 2015


No further documents requested

Processing centre: Team 1, NSW

Occupation: Advertising Specialist

Edited by dreylee
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