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Back to Blighty and a little bit scared


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My story: came to Aus for 3 yrs in 97 with hubby’s work. Went back to the UK and decided we preferred Aus so returned again with hubby’s work in 2001. Sold our house and moved funds at a cracking exchange rate (33p for a $) and bought house in Sydney. Since both moves paid for by hubby’s work all a breeze. Then it went pear shaped, hubby diagnosed with cancer and died in 2006. Selling not an option until all the legal stuff with the will sorted out and anyway couldn’t face a major move at that time so stayed put. Last year decided time to move on and sell house. No ties here as sadly no children . Ageing mother in the UK and I am only one so sold house in July and applied for job in UK with the company I work for. All going well on job front so moved money back to Uk as exchange rate great post Brexit (60p for a $) and pound started to creep up. One week before Xmas corporate restructure means no job in UK . On the plus side generous redundancy payment, over a years take home pay. So here I am jobless, homeless , with a stack of cash

To stay or go? There are things I love about both countries and equally things I don’t. I know from multiple moves I will hate the first 3 months then settle in. And the move itself will be painful. In the short term I will have to move in with my mum as I have fur kids and finding somewhere to rent in the UK with no job and 2 dogs will be a challenge. As will all the paper work getting a new drivers licence, phone etc, etc.

Financially the UK is the best bet .I could move the money to Aus again but the $ has gone up so I would lose out ( we are talking a large chunk of equity from the house sale)and house prices have gone up 10% in Sydney since I sold so I can’t afford what I want. At 54 looking for work is going to be tough either side of the pond. Realistically I can afford to retire if I live near my mum but I am not ready to stop work mentally. I will miss my friends here but most of them are looking at retirement themselves in the next few years and they will move away from the city.

All my friends tell me how exciting it is and what a wonderful opportunity I have, I wish I felt a little more of their excitement. I was really looking forward to the move back when I thought I had a job but now I am somewhat overwhelmed. All tips and advice greatly received

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Have you got Aus citizenship? If not, get that before you go then you keep all your options open.


Speaking as an only child with aged parents (just lost one) being there for them has certainly assuaged the guilt factor which got worse as they got older. I found the move relatively easy (living with my mother not so much!) because it just sort of happened and I got offered 3 jobs even though I had no intention of working - there seems not to be the ageism here that is obvious in Australia.


If you can look at it as an adventure you might find there is a whole lot of stuff to enjoy. Good luck whichever way you jump!

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So sorry to hear about your loss! If you move back to the UK, how about getting a Buy to Let portfolio? There are some significant taxation changes afoot for landlords, but as you're most likely a cash buyer, you can buy via your limited company, then you'll be able to make full use of all the tax breaks available. This could then be your income, thus no need to rush into a full time job. You can pick and choose what comes along to complement your buy to let income.

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Life obviously hasn't turned out quite the way you expected. Do you know what you want from the rest of your life? You sound financially secure, and you are still young enough to enjoy it. I've not lost a partner but I have been through life changing events. You need to re evaluate, find out what you want, and then go and get it scottiegirl.

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What a dilemma - I am a similar age - my family are in Brisbane and I am in the UK tying up a house sale and buying a smaller house. My longer term goals include having a base in both camps - but only possible by downsizing property - is this an option for you? Both countries have so much to offer. If I had to choose one place to settle and my family were amenable then I would prefer everyone to move back to the UK - I love the activity, the buzz, the travel and (ahem..) the climate... But they are all happy over there with good jobs/prospects so majority rules.... You have not had an easy time of it - but at least are well positioned to make a choice - and as Quoll mentions, I believe that ageism is less ripe here for skilled individuals.

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Good to here ageism is less rife in the UK. Chortlepuss the original plan was to have a foot in both camps but the only way I can do that is to buy a unit in Sydney which is pointless as I have 2 dogs so it would only be an investment property and right now is not the time to be buying a Sydney unit for investment. I have ended up with a number of key decisions at once and I think the issue bothering me most is work not location so looks like I will be going back.

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Ageism is rife in Australia, unless I have have missed something. Once you get over 40 the job market kinda dies for you. Seems to be a common topic on some local forums. I cannot comment on the UK, but if less rife that is a good thing.


Note paragraphs in your OP help to make your post more readable!

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