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trump takes britain


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I can only hope and pray for order & peace across the whole world, I am no expert in such things that's why we have great leaders like DT, TM soon hopefully Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen at the front shaping the new world to come.


The old ways and neo liberalism have got us into this mess.


No country is wrong to want to put its citizens welfare & protection first or to want to protect its borders.


Why on earth would anyone think such a thing is being "bigoted" or "racist" ?


I wondered whether your desire for peace would be a Right wing peace, I just wonder whether you have heard the obnoxious, racist, authoritarian vileness that the Le Pen clan and Wilders spout, I hope you haven't because then I might just think you have been beguiled by their easy promises of a honeyed return to yesteryear , otherwise I can only assume you support their view of the world and where they want to lead us.

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I can only hope and pray for order & peace across the whole world, I am no expert in such things that's why we have great leaders like DT, TM soon hopefully Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen at the front shaping the new world to come.


The old ways and neo liberalism have got us into this mess.


No country is wrong to want to put its citizens welfare & protection first or to want to protect its borders.


Why on earth would anyone think such a thing is being "bigoted" or "racist" ?


Hooray to that

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Hooray to that


For every action ,there is a reaction ,and we are seeing it now .

Gulf war 1 and 2

Obama ,Cameron and sarkohzy boming the crap put of Libya ,and removing tbe cork in the bottle ...ghaddaffi .

He did warn them ,but was it all done deliberately .

Mr Blair allowing 200,000 non e.u immigrants per yearinto the u.k during his time in office




These poor people should be looked after in the middle east ,with western money ,as I have said many times.

Some of them are the pawns ,the innocent .

Its going to end in tears

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I wondered whether your desire for peace would be a Right wing peace, I just wonder whether you have heard the obnoxious, racist, authoritarian vileness that the Le Pen clan and Wilders spout, I hope you haven't because then I might just think you have been beguiled by their easy promises of a honeyed return to yesteryear , otherwise I can only assume you support their view of the world and where they want to lead us.
I'd give it up. Have you not realised you are preaching to a bunch of sad old skin heads who no longer need to shave.
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For every action ,there is a reaction ,and we are seeing it now .

Gulf war 1 and 2

Obama ,Cameron and sarkohzy boming the crap put of Libya ,and removing tbe cork in the bottle ...ghaddaffi .

He did warn them ,but was it all done deliberately .

Mr Blair allowing 200,000 non e.u immigrants per yearinto the u.k during his time in office




These poor people should be looked after in the middle east ,with western money ,as I have said many times.

Some of them are the pawns ,the innocent .

Its going to end in tears


Lets look at that idea of having giant refugee camps in North Africa

As many of these refugees are Syrian, Somalian, Malian, DRof Congo, Jordanian, Sudenese, Libyan, Iraqui plus others from Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, and other smaller African nations where do you suggest we locate these camps, many African countries dispise people from other parts of the continent, even from within their own borders, look at Rwanda, that is a problem in itself.


You then have the logistics, no country will give up valuable farm land to house 1000's of refugees so they will be plonked down in scrubland with little water, no electricity, no housing, no way of feeding themselves, no sanitation, no medical care, are we going to pay out in perpetuity to maintain them and protect them from eviction or are we just going to conveniently forget about them after 18 months and just let nature solve the problem for us.


An easily proposed solution which looks terribly caring until you start to think about the practicalities and examine the inadequacies of it.

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I'd give it up. Have you not realised you are preaching to a bunch of sad old skin heads who no longer need to shave.


...very good ...but just to correct you skinheads were very much in favour of multiculturalism...and their love of west indian clothes and music ....

We had I the other day with mo Farah

Iam getting used to it now

It must be your age

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Lets look at that idea of having giant refugee camps in North Africa

As many of these refugees are Syrian, Somalian, Malian, DRof Congo, Jordanian, Sudenese, Libyan, Iraqui plus others from Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, and other smaller African nations where do you suggest we locate these camps, many African countries dispise people from other parts of the continent, even from within their own borders, look at Rwanda, that is a problem in itself.


You then have the logistics, no country will give up valuable farm land to house 1000's of refugees so they will be plonked down in scrubland with little water, no electricity, no housing, no way of feeding themselves, no sanitation, no medical care, are we going to pay out in perpetuity to maintain them and protect them from eviction or are we just going to conveniently forget about them after 18 months and just let nature solve the problem for us.


An easily proposed solution which looks terribly caring until you start to think about the practicalities and examine the inadequacies of it.


Who said north Africa ? ...saudi Arabia could house everyone in comfort ...why haven't they ?

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Lets look at that idea of having giant refugee camps in North Africa

As many of these refugees are Syrian, Somalian, Malian, DRof Congo, Jordanian, Sudenese, Libyan, Iraqui plus others from Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, and other smaller African nations where do you suggest we locate these camps, many African countries dispise people from other parts of the continent, even from within their own borders, look at Rwanda, that is a problem in itself.


You then have the logistics, no country will give up valuable farm land to house 1000's of refugees so they will be plonked down in scrubland with little water, no electricity, no housing, no way of feeding themselves, no sanitation, no medical care, are we going to pay out in perpetuity to maintain them and protect them from eviction or are we just going to conveniently forget about them after 18 months and just let nature solve the problem for us.


An easily proposed solution which looks terribly caring until you start to think about the practicalities and examine the inadequacies of it.


So just let them keep coming to Europe .....is that indefinitely ?.....and how many ? ....where does the money come from for schooling ...healthcare and housing ?

Nice thought ...but long term it isn't working


Nice to live in la la land though

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I'd give it up. Have you not realised you are preaching to a bunch of sad old skin heads who no longer need to shave.


I tend to agree with you but they have managed to scare everybody with a liberal thought in their heads off this site with their constant stream of extremism and managed to get group think going.

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Oh, you are a larf, because Saudi is controlled by Wahhabi sect Muslims and most of Saudi Arabia is desert.


How do you think they house people for the haaj....they have 100,000 large empty tents with all the facilities.

Saudi Arabia is a super rich country with plenty of space and money to help their fellow Muslims ...i kid you not .

Then there is the u.a.e ...qatar .

How many refugees have they all taken ...these wealthy countries.

In Saudi Arabia's case ...NONE .

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I tend to agree with you but they have managed to scare everybody with a liberal thought in their heads off this site with their constant stream of extremism and managed to get group think going.


The problem with people like you ,you don't have an an ounce of realism .

Its all grandiose ideas ,with no substance .

As soon as someone questions your logic ,the insults start flying .


Its not FASCIST ...its REALIST .

You still haven't answered the question .

If the refugees keep coming to Europe ....where are the finances and space for schoolling ...healthcare and housing ?


Now don't reply with a post laden with insults ,lets have some straight answers

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The problem with the whole debate on both sides of this argument is that because there is no requirement to vote, half the population in America and UK and probably Europe do not bother to get out of bed and go and vote. I mean its a joke. They are going on and on about Trump and on and on about Brexit. so why the heck did a lot more people vote for what they believe in.


We are tribes and we try to change that with modern living but when it all comes down to it we are drawn to tribes and do not like other tribes. Monkeys and peanuts.


Democracy seems to be only working if on the winning side, the losing side then do not accept , so we do not have democracy unless we accept the verdict.

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The problem with the whole debate on both sides of this argument is that because there is no requirement to vote, half the population in America and UK and probably Europe do not bother to get out of bed and go and vote. I mean its a joke. They are going on and on about Trump and on and on about Brexit. so why the heck did a lot more people vote for what they believe in.


We are tribes and we try to change that with modern living but when it all comes down to it we are drawn to tribes and do not like other tribes. Monkeys and peanuts.


Democracy seems to be only working if on the winning side, the losing side then do not accept , so we do not have democracy unless we accept the verdict.



Spot on petals ....i would have accepted a " remain " verdict ...its a democracy .

Brexit will be bloody tough ...BUT IT HAS TO BE .


Its funny that the ones on here who bang on about democracy.....and the rights of all ....and peoples freedoms ( which is right ) are the ones that struggle to accept a democratic result .

Make sense of that

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The problem with the whole debate on both sides of this argument is that because there is no requirement to vote, half the population in America and UK and probably Europe do not bother to get out of bed and go and vote. I mean its a joke. They are going on and on about Trump and on and on about Brexit. so why the heck did a lot more people vote for what they believe in.


We are tribes and we try to change that with modern living but when it all comes down to it we are drawn to tribes and do not like other tribes. Monkeys and peanuts.


Democracy seems to be only working if on the winning side, the losing side then do not accept , so we do not have democracy unless we accept the verdict.


I hope and expect that the people who care do vote.


One of the problems is that so often the election winners do not even gain the majority of those who voted. Because of systems in place they do not even have to have the most number of votes in all cases. Yet they claim a 'mandate' to completely disregard the majority. The winners forget that though they are not voted in by all that they are supposed to represent all the people. The ability to moderate and compromise is being lost principally because the side in power are taking more extreme positions making compromise and moderation impossible.

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Spot on petals ....i would have accepted a " remain " verdict ...its a democracy .

Brexit will be bloody tough ...BUT IT HAS TO BE .


Its funny that the ones on here who bang on about democracy.....and the rights of all ....and peoples freedoms ( which is right ) are the ones that struggle to accept a democratic result .

Make sense of that


Personally I have no truck with callers for 2nd referendums. Obviously the majority who voted, voted to Leave. The margin was not overwhelming and the question itself perhaps should have been clearer or had multiple options.


I have never been in favour of referendums principally because I believe most people apply emotion to a decision rather than logic. For instance I have no doubt that a referendum on the death penalty would produce a result in favour. This has been left to our representatives (MPs), who have to consider the issue logically based on the facts so are overwhelmingly against. Referendums are poor because they are Yes/No questions and most things are more nuanced.

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