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Australia isn't being swamped by Muslims

Guest The Pom Queen

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The US is awful for what it does. For the "Land of the Free", it has more people in prison per-capita than any other "Free" country. But it's not throwing gays off buildings, or beheading unbelievers.


Israel I'd not class as Western. It's in the middle east, with all the religious problems that brings. Only propped up because of the US. Really needs it's funding stopped, and to stand on it's own. Same with Saudi, another awful country that's too big for it's boots because of the US.


Australia, we don't have any concentration camps. We are not Nazi Germany. We are not gassing minorities.


And your idea of Christian values are a bit rose tinted. The Bible is full of awful things to justify what ever atrocities you want.


"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”

Errrrr, what would you call Nauru and Papua New Guinea, concentration camps means simply places where people are held without charge and because the State does not approve of them and the writ of Habeas corpus is not available to them.

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The US is awful for what it does. For the "Land of the Free", it has more people in prison per-capita than any other "Free" country. But it's not throwing gays off buildings, or beheading unbelievers.


Israel I'd not class as Western. It's in the middle east, with all the religious problems that brings. Only propped up because of the US. Really needs it's funding stopped, and to stand on it's own. Same with Saudi, another awful country that's too big for it's boots because of the US.


Australia, we don't have any concentration camps. We are not Nazi Germany. We are not gassing minorities.


And your idea of Christian values are a bit rose tinted. The Bible is full of awful things to justify what ever atrocities you want.


"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”

Yes but it is supposedly based on the ten commandments, one of which if my rusty bible classes reminds me is' Love thy neighbour as thy love thyself'.

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Putin is actually incredibly popular in Russia and wins easily.



It would be very foolish to believe that. Elections are routinely rigged and critics of Putin - including journalists who write articles which displease him - are routinely murdered. In such an environment it is impossible to know what people really think.

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Errrrr, what would you call Nauru and Papua New Guinea, concentration camps means simply places where people are held without charge and because the State does not approve of them and the writ of Habeas corpus is not available to them.

I never knew the definition of a concentration camp is so broad. Just conjures up the Nazis and their camps when people mention them. Not as bad as one might think then.

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The Saudi regime is one I have long rallied against. Learnt about its evils decades ago from dissents in London, along with the double standards of its ' royalty' in behaviour on the London scene. The death of a princess back in the eighties may stir the memories of some. Long before the Saudi's took an active interest in even more sinister developments of course.


I do hope you are right. And if the regime falls, the replacement is of the order the people deserve. Quite a few Saudi students coming to Australia these days. A few do stay on here also. Have come across two now that obtained PR personally.


Just emotive language used by the militant left.

I'm flattered that you think I'm militant left, I don't know where you would place the SWP and the whole variety of extreme hard left groups who seem to take nihilistic pleasure in tearing anything and everything down.

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I never knew the definition of a concentration camp is so broad. Just conjures up the Nazis and their camps when people mention them. Not as bad as one might think then.

Concentration camps originated in the Boer war when Britain detained Boers families in them to deprive the Boers of support and to destroy their farms, many died due to disease and poor conditions.

Nazi party started to use them to detain anyone the State disapproved of in early 1930's, originally communists, socialists, homosexuals, persistent criminals and those deemed enemies of the state and then quite late on of course Jews.

Of course Stalins Russia used them extensively under the name of the 'gulag' .

The Australian govt is indulging in my estimation in brutal, degrading, and barbaric treatment of people through psychological torture where you have no release date and no contact with the outside world, whose only crime was to seek a better life for themselves, they are the equivalent of medieval hostages held to ensure the good behaviour of their townsfolk, that is not the actions of a humane govt.

To pretend it is humane by using the argument that it prevents deaths at sea is simply seeking an excuse to cloak its indifference to the suffering of other human beings. Can you imagine the hysterical outrage from Turnbull and Shorten if Indonesia was doing this to Australians.

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So every refugee camp around the world is a concentration camp.


Really ?

Yes and no, many camps have fences and peoples freedom to leave and go elsewhere is limited but people can and do move elsewhere and in some circumstances make a choice to stay places where they are not wanted but in most circumstances they do have contact with the outside world and the press, the UN and legal advisers and against all odds they are seen as human beings and govts and international bodies try to act in a humanitarian fashion towards them, has Italy or Greece set up detention centers/concentration camps, even the Turks make some efforts to deal with them as human beings rather than as a nuisance/bargaining chip.

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So every refugee camp around the world is a concentration camp.


Really ?


I don't think anyone has ever stated as much on these posts, at any rate. Obviously what has been referred to is the goings on within Australian constructed detention centres in off shore locations.


No not all are but most would present a degree of difficulty. I know a South Sudanese here in Perth, whom spent time in a camp in Uganda, was free to obtain work and finally did find alternative accommodation outside the camp prior to coming to Australia. Hence though he had a marketable skill that he could use in Uganda, there was a laxity apparently shown to at least some in that particular camp at least in that they could come and go while seeking third country solutions.

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I don't believe anyone is actually 'locked up' on Nauru- they are free to wander around when and where they want. They cannot leave the country but they are certainly not locked up in cells- they have air conditioned houses and plenty of food to eat. A miserable existence no doubt but hardly Nazi Germany.

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I don't believe anyone is actually 'locked up' on Nauru- they are free to wander around when and where they want. They cannot leave the country but they are certainly not locked up in cells- they have air conditioned houses and plenty of food to eat. A miserable existence no doubt but hardly Nazi Germany.

As I said these are human beings, they are not free to wander around outside the camp because the press cannot access refugees and the UNHCR have to apply to visit, you are held with people you do not know, you do not trust and may not be from your country, you cannot plan a future for yourself, you do not prepare your own food you live communally and above all else you do not know when, or if, this situation will end, you see your life disappearing in front of you , your ambitions disappearing every day, every semblance of normal human functioning being denied you.

And why because you wanted a better life and were willing to take risks and now some politician who wants to keep his/her nose in the federal trough is willing to trade your life away for it and play the populist card because there will be no comeback on them, it would be a different story if there were bombs going off in Sydney and Canberra because of it or cattle and sheep exports were stopped.

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I don't believe anyone is actually 'locked up' on Nauru- they are free to wander around when and where they want. They cannot leave the country but they are certainly not locked up in cells- they have air conditioned houses and plenty of food to eat. A miserable existence no doubt but hardly Nazi Germany.


A fairly recent development and a bid to divert UN censure in the main. While residents are free to ' roam' the island now, it is unsafe to do so without going out in numbers. They are not 'welcomed' in any sense of the word. The so called government there does not have intention in granting permanent residence. They are only there due to bribes and at huge cost to the Australian tax payers.

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there have been 4 terror attacks so far in Australia and probably around 20 planned attacks disrupted by police.


And half a million Muslims. That being fact. Thank goodness the entire population of them in principle are not taking their perceived grievances into the wider community.A matter like many things of interpretation into what actually was a terrorist attack, or in fact a disgruntled individual with mental challenges, but then you know that and prefer the path leading to the greatest angst.

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Not always individuals.

Read up on the Holsworthy Barracks terror plot or Abdul Nacer Benbrika and his cohorts planning to bomb the Grand final, Grand prix and other events.


The fortunate thing is usually where there are more people plotting the Police have more chance of finding them out.

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Not always individuals.

Read up on the Holsworthy Barracks terror plot or Abdul Nacer Benbrika and his cohorts planning to bomb the Grand final, Grand prix and other events.


The fortunate thing is usually where there are more people plotting the Police have more chance of finding them out.


Anyway as I'll be reacquainting myself with Sydney in January, while en route to more far flung pastures, I do hope the status quo will hold firm.

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