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Australia living in the dark ages


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I'm not sure that's a great example of equality tbh. Males and females are treated differently as a direct result of the titles some societies impose.


While Mr confirms you as male and nothing more, there is no direct equivalent for females. Not even ‘Ms’ fits the bill because of its perceived links to feminists and the conscious or unconscious bias that provokes. Society like to know whether women are married, single, or consider themselves emancipated, and official titles go a long way towards telling complete strangers more than they need to know. I guess women could lie, but that's not a dilemma any Mr would have to consider. T x


Well I would never have said it distinguishes the lesser or the inferior, but if so then surely we would then have to start looking at names because John and Joanne would surely indicate those of a different sex..................gee you have even frightened me of from using man/woman, male/female!

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I wonder how many Ms's think of it like that? seems strange how one would battle for one cause but call someone else's silly!


I support the feminist movement but it's not my fault if they go off on a pointless tangent. I mean seriously, what does ms get them? And how are you meant to address a woman you don't know? Not all feminists have it tattooed on their forehead. It's just an invention to confuse. As would be another term for gay marriage. You meet a work colleague. You chat. You find out about each other. You ask if they are married. No, they say, I'm garried, or larried. Great. Didn't know you were gay. Now I do. Why is there this compulsion to know if people are gay? I don't meet someone and say hi, I'm jez and I'm hetro. just in case you were wondering.

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Man was created first in God's image.

He was perfect but to give man a companion God fashioned something out of man's rib and called it woman.


Not quite, he offered Adam something that would wash and clean for him, cook for him, look after whatever his needs, for this to happen Adam would have to give an arm, 1 foot, 1 eye and two ribs, Adam said what do I get for a rib?:laugh:.........................................................................................................................a Ms?

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Man was created first in God's image.

He was perfect but to give man a companion God fashioned something out of man's rib and called it woman.


If you believe in mythology then yes that is a pretty picture to paint Apparently if you are naughty you go to this place called hell, but if you are good you get to shag 72 virgins.......obviously depends on which myth you follow :dull:

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If you believe in mythology then yes that is a pretty picture to paint Apparently if you are naughty you go to this place called hell, but if you are good you get to shag 72 virgins.......obviously depends on which myth you follow :dull:

I've heard it maintained that virgins are not always that much fun, depends on what you're looking for as always.

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Man was created first in God's image.

He was perfect but to give man a companion God fashioned something out of man's rib and called it woman.


Yes, that's why men have one less rib than women. Should have called it ribman I guess. Only goes to prove that the Bible was written by a man.

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Well I would never have said it distinguishes the lesser or the inferior, but if so then surely we would then have to start looking at names because John and Joanne would surely indicate those of a different sex..................gee you have even frightened me of from using man/woman, male/female!



Some websites use Mx which is a non gender specific title.

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Well I would never have said it distinguishes the lesser or the inferior, but if so then surely we would then have to start looking at names because John and Joanne would surely indicate those of a different sex..................gee you have even frightened me of from using man/woman, male/female!


Acknowledging differences is not the same as discriminating. It’s when differences are used as an excuse to treat people less favourably that it becomes an issue. If J Smith and J Jones apply for a job, their future employer is presumably looking for the most suitable applicant so it shouldn’t matter who is John and who is Jane, should it? And if two loving adults decide to commit publicly and legally to each other in marriage, why is their gender relevant to anyone other than the couple concerned? T x

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Unfortunately,it has taken a pom (or a godless Brit as he describes himself) to come out and state the obvious. A belief held by mankind for thousands of years that marraige is between a man and a woman has all of a sudden become unacceptable. What's happened to freedom of speech?




How the hell is a woman marrying another woman affecting your freedom of speech? That's ridiculous.


For thousands of years man thought the world was flat. Just because something has been thought of for thousands of years doesn't make it right. How long was slavery acceptable?

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I am pointing out the logical failings in his opinion. I'm not saying at all that he can't express them. Just because you are free to express an opinion doesn't mean you are immune from criticism.


An opinion is neither right nor wrong, so why should it be criticised by you ?

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For me, this isn't really about gay and lesbian or the Bible or right and wrong.


I code computer programs. I code them from requirements given by a user/business analyst.


These requirements don't read right. It's an unnecessary complication which will create a support headache for years to come with no benefit. I've thrown the requirements back at the user and asked them to justify the complication, as I can see no gain for the cost and it looks like an error in the design.


I have yet to see any real justification.


The arguments just don't make sense to me logically. It's an emotional response. This is not inherently wrong, but I can see no justification.

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