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scotland latest economic figures


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Let me first say ...i love Scotland ....love the people ...love the union .


But here's scotlands latest figures ,a whopping £14.8.BILLION DEFECIT .


Mainly due to falling oil revenues ....what would have happened if Scotland was independent ?....at least Westminster is picking up the bill.


Nicola sturgeon is actually trying to borrow her way out of trouble ,and the deficit has actually gone up half a billion


This is not an anti Scottish post ...far from it ...i wouldn't do that ....just putting out the facts

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:laugh: well if westminster pay the bill then they could have saved some money instead of feeding us bullshit info into staying. I know that oil is such a burden. we dont really have much else going for us. No whisky, no tourism. Not much at all. Thank god we stayed and got pushed out the eu too

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No issues with Scots or Scotland ,but just to correct you .

Scptlands oil and gas revenue for 2016 ...at best £2.8 billion ...


In terms of scotlands membership of the

E.u ...forget it


The Spanish have already said they will veto it .

Why ? ...because they are worried the catalans and basques will ask for independence.

Nicola sturgeon may end upn" all dressed up with nowhere to go ".

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Let me first say ...i love Scotland ....love the people ...love the union .


But here's scotlands latest figures ,a whopping £14.8.BILLION DEFECIT .


Mainly due to falling oil revenues ....what would have happened if Scotland was independent ?....at least Westminster is picking up the bill.


Nicola sturgeon is actually trying to borrow her way out of trouble ,and the deficit has actually gone up half a billion


This is not an anti Scottish post ...far from it ...i wouldn't do that ....just putting out the facts



And the UK debt is how much? If that is the true figure the SNP have put it to good use - not squandered it. Scotland provides Westminster with billions more each year than it receives back. Why do you think Cameron et al were up in Scotland promising the earth just before the 2014 referendum? If Scotland the basket case they make it out to be they would be happy to get rid of the country. The English government is not known for its philanthropy. Oil is not the be all and end all of the Scots economy, I believe the difference the drop in price made was -0.09%.

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The GERS report is flawed in many ways. It doesn't take into account the Scottish contributions to UK infrastructure which would otherwise be foregone in an independence situation. It doesn't take into account the vast sums of money spent by Westminster on behalf of Scotland which Scotland gets no say in (eg Trident). How big is the UK deficit by comparison, yet it isn't published across the biased press as a black hole? If these "black holes" are really as bad as they are made out to be, then it has happened on Westminsters watch. Scotland has been a part of the Union for just over 300 years, and has had its own parliament for around 5% of that time, with relatively little muscle to enforce changes which would benefit Scotland. It's the UK system which is broken. Independence gives Scotland a chance to change the way things are done. Fearmongering about the future based on the way things are done now is a flawed way of presenting an anti-independence argument.


Changes will happen eventually. It was the pensioners vote which swung the last independence referendum because of all the scare stories about their pensions. Those pensioners wont be around forever, and the large younger pro-independence vote will grow.


Scotlands Black hole? A viable country? Oil revenue has apparently fallen 97%. Yet Scotlands GDP has only fallen 0.45% as a result.


Every Country operates on a deficit basis (except for Norway I think; you know, North Sea oil rich, population around 5m). The ability to service the deficit is what matters.

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The GERS report is flawed in many ways. It doesn't take into account the Scottish contributions to UK infrastructure which would otherwise be foregone in an independence situation. It doesn't take into account the vast sums of money spent by Westminster on behalf of Scotland which Scotland gets no say in (eg Trident). How big is the UK deficit by comparison, yet it isn't published across the biased press as a black hole? If these "black holes" are really as bad as they are made out to be, then it has happened on Westminsters watch. Scotland has been a part of the Union for just over 300 years, and has had its own parliament for around 5% of that time, with relatively little muscle to enforce changes which would benefit Scotland. It's the UK system which is broken. Independence gives Scotland a chance to change the way things are done. Fearmongering about the future based on the way things are done now is a flawed way of presenting an anti-independence argument.


Changes will happen eventually. It was the pensioners vote which swung the last independence referendum because of all the scare stories about their pensions. Those pensioners wont be around forever, and the large younger pro-independence vote will grow.


Scotlands Black hole? A viable country? Oil revenue has apparently fallen 97%. Yet Scotlands GDP has only fallen 0.45% as a result.


Every Country operates on a deficit basis (except for Norway I think; you know, North Sea oil rich, population around 5m). The ability to service the deficit is what matters.



Scotlands oil revenue down 97% in 2016 ....just making a point .

Have you Venezuela now ? ...the moat oil rich country on the planet .

When things were going well they squandered the money ...now they are in deep **** ...


No problem with Scotland at all ,on any level ...just putting the figures out there .

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How much of this is to do with opec's fracking war with the states?


If that comes to a resolution, and it has to or the Saudi's will end up broke, Scotland will be looking much more profitable.


Plus, I expect they will become another tax haven.

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An independent Scotland would actually get very little from oil.


The majority of UK oil comes from either international waters which is landed in Hull or is drilled off Shetlnd. The problem with which is that Shetland have made it very clear that if Scotland became independent, it would immediatly look to become independent from Scotland. So, bye bye any oil revenue.

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Salmond lied to the People of Scotland and now Nicola Sturgeon is doing the same, they will do anything, and pay any price for their dream, but they wouldn't be the one's paying the price would they, they'd be able to strut around in an independent Scotland doing quite nicely thank you, while millions of ordinary Scot's would pay a very heavy price indeed.

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Sorry but thats really funny. After you got brexit 5 minutes later it came out that all the NHS funding that nigel farage said about was a load of bull :laugh:


I'd say theres some people in scotland who are doing pretty crap anyway and probably dont feel they have much to lose. I'd rather see scotland make its own decisions and that includes mistakes. Where are you guys going to put trident if we do ever leave?

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Salmond lied to the People of Scotland and now Nicola Sturgeon is doing the same, they will do anything, and pay any price for their dream, but they wouldn't be the one's paying the price would they, they'd be able to strut around in an independent Scotland doing quite nicely thank you, while millions of ordinary Scot's would pay a very heavy price indeed.


How can you argue for one but not the other? Talk about two faced.

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Sorry but thats really funny. After you got brexit 5 minutes later it came out that all the NHS funding that nigel farage said about was a load of bull :laugh:


I'd say theres some people in scotland who are doing pretty crap anyway and probably dont feel they have much to lose. I'd rather see scotland make its own decisions and that includes mistakes. Where are you guys going to put trident if we do ever leave?


I wouldn't like to see Scotland leave for any reason .....just been on holiday and met a family from Glasgow ,boy did they hate Nicola sturgeon .

It was this impression Tha she speaks for the whole of Scotland .

I personally admire her .

She was the only one who had any clarity in the days after brexit .

It was all going well until she turned up at the e.u pledging support ,and she got short shift ...especially from the Spanish.


Potential iabour party leader Owen Smith was doing very well with me as well.,until he said yesterday that we should have another vote on brexit ....What !!!!....we have just had one ,its called DEMOCRACY .


It showed how out of touch some members of the labour party are ...when he intimated Tha the e.u was better for working class people .....IT WAS THE WORKING CLASS PEOPLE OF THE MIDLANDS ,THE NORTH AND WALES ...that swung it for brexit .



Anyone reading this post ...go on youtube ,and watch the interviews with australias john pilger ...and one of the worlds top economists Bernard connelly ( I think ) ,and see what they Sa about the e.u .

They are far more informed and articulate than me .

Connelly was one of a handful of people who predicted the crash in 2008



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Frankly this result was inevitable regardless of the outcome of either referendum or who promised what. Scotland population is ageing, the public v private sector is heavily skewed towards public, making the state the single largest employer, and the country is dependent on too few amount of people who work in finance, whisky, tourism and oil for its tax revenues. Neither Westminster nor Scottish governments have done nearly enough to re balance this.


Whats done is done. It's time to look forward and eek out the opportunity. Perhaps with EU exit Scotland can set its immigration needs and proactively recruit young working immigrants to work in Scotland within the UK, much like the states with Australia do. Perhaps the Scottish government can leverage the political difference in voters preferences to secure from Westminster better corporate tax and investment opportunities for companies to come into Scotland from around the world. Perhaps the tourism industry can grow more due to the visitors currencies going further in a weak pound. Diversity and self sufficiency should be the aim.


As long as the Scottish government (of any political colour) employees most people in the country and adopts a negative destabilising attitude instead of a positive forward looking one, then the when the few who are relied apon to generate income for the state have a wobble the whole country will feel it.


Surely the deficit number can't be a surprise to anyone

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