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Hansen warns of terror on the streets swamped by Asians


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And the peace process is Ulster had nothing to do with Blair? TBH, I think that most anti Blair crap is based/biased on anti war, and if it hadn't have been Blair, it would have been whoever was Pm at the time. I don't/didn't like "New Labour" but I think Blair did the best with what was thrown at him at that time. We're all armchair critics, especially in retrospect, but he didn't get to be a peace envoy for nothing........................are we more enlightened and he a servant of the Illuminiti?


Hindsight is wonderful, dontcha think for armchair heroes?

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I supported Remain before the vote.

But now Leave has won I said I can see their point of view too.


I am supporting them now because they won the referendum fair and square.

I don't go along with all the people whinging and saying Parliament should ignore the wishes of the people.



I didn't realise democracy was a point in time.

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Meh, that's no better than saying all old people are stupid old bigots, essentially saying instead that all young people are over entitled little shits. Doesn't address the issue.



Its also a little untrue. Lots of guns have been put in lot's of hands. Not to mention patronising. Every generation takes what the previous one offered, and every generation gives to the next.


If this referendum proved anything, it proves your vote counts, and if you don't get off your arse and vote, you have no right to complain.

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Most of the true bigots I have come across describe themselves as left wing. They have no tolerance for any opinions except their own and they are prepared to be violently militant to support their own views too. Freedom of speech is a concept entirely unknown to them. I find this increasingly large group frightening. Shades of the old Russian and East German communists.



Watched a show on Ricky Tomlinson the other day. He went from extreme right wing to extreme left wing.


I know many smokers who defend smokers rights until they give up and then launch on anti smoking crusades.


My father and mother support factions of the extreme right and the extreme left at the same time.


I think some people are just extreme.

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And the peace process is Ulster had nothing to do with Blair? TBH, I think that most anti Blair crap is based/biased on anti war, and if it hadn't have been Blair, it would have been whoever was Pm at the time. I don't/didn't like "New Labour" but I think Blair did the best with what was thrown at him at that time. We're all armchair critics, especially in retrospect, but he didn't get to be a peace envoy for nothing........................are we more enlightened and he a servant of the Illuminiti?


Hindsight is wonderful, dontcha think for armchair heroes?


Well another Labour leader refused a request by an American President to involve British troops in war. I refer of course to the Johnson request of British presence in the Vietnam war. Hence not necessary by a long talk to follow the American command.

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Not at all!


I am all for migration to another country, where ever it is, so long as it happens legally. I live in a suburb that is very multicultural.... in my street alone, of 36 houses, we have 10 different nationalities... we get on.... we socialise... we respect each other. Apart from 3 Australian born families, we all came here through legal channels and we all agree that those who use the illegal route, should not be allowed into the country. There are legal routes for genuine refugees, and one of the families in our street are such and they are very included in our support and social scene.


If you actually look at Pauline Hanson's policies you will see that what you perceive as her racist views are a small part of her standing. She is supporting general Australians with her stance for farmers suffering through drought; seniors who have their pension rights reduced; people who want the right for medicinal canabis; people who want the right of voluntary euthanasia if they are terminally ill.... and many other policies. Just because people voted for Pauline Hansen it does not mean they are racist - yes they might be concerned about the influx of islam into Australia - but they does not make them racist as islam is not a race.


However I do believe that the far left of politics have taken over the whole political scene whereby anyone with opposing views to their feel good, "lets give everyone a visa to a western country so they can live on our social security for ever" and "anyone who opposes this is a racist, xenophobe or islamaphobe", needs to be countered. What is it with all those muslim hate preachers in mosques around Australia who call for "death for the infidels" Why can't these people just be grateful that they now live in a safe country and get on and enjoy life. I just want everyone to live in the middle road and respect each other.


Too much hate everywhere..... and the fact that people like Pauline Hansen and other small political parties bring this out into the open, is just part of the honest discussion that we all have to have so that the far left and far right of politics do not take over the world. In my view, this was the basis of the Brexit Leave Vote winning the referendum in UK. But what would I know, just being a 60 plus year old who has lived around the world all my life and experienced many different cultures and political systems....


We differ in too many areas to arrive at any sense of an understanding.


I am not in agreement with legal immigration in the way it is conducted in Australia. I have little belief in the job shortage openings to migrate as being kosher for one minute. Nor the abuse of 457's or allowing easy access for foreign students to remain, nor the ease of home ownership to retain the Ponzi scheme that does little for Australians, especially the young.


I deplore the stereotyping of refugees and the inhuman facilities they are detained it. I equally deplore the smokescreen dehumanising such people while conducting a questionable migration program. It is not illegal to claim refugee status in Australia. Just as it is not illegal to be sent back if found no relevant/valid claim. That is simply the agreement Australia signed up to.


Pauline Hanson's [policy is indeed racist and always has been. Her race politics is what bought her notoriety and resulted in her expulsion from the Conservative, ill named Liberal Party. That is simply fact.


Not everyone may prove racist, but a fair guess the majority that support rejects like Reclaim Australia, as well as more extreme thought are laboured by differing degrees of race fear/hatred.


How nice it would be to have a PM like Canada, that comes out and wishes the nation's Muslim population a Happy Eid. How sad this nation has still too overcome such bigoted and non inclusive thought as considering Muslims the enemy. Very similar to Hanson's barely literate pronouncements back in 96, with regards to the Asian takeover of Australia.


These days of course governments of all sides happily sell of property to all overseas based newcomers and the present government is about to make it even easier. I suppose many could care less as long as their house prices continue to rise.


I never realised you'd been overseas besides emigrating from UK. /

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I supported Remain before the vote.

But now Leave has won I said I can see their point of view too.


I am supporting them now because they won the referendum fair and square.

I don't go along with all the people whinging and saying Parliament should ignore the wishes of the people.



Damn someone that understands a democratic process!

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If you actually look at Pauline Hanson's policies you will see that what you perceive as her racist views are a small part of her standing. She is supporting general Australians with her stance for farmers suffering through drought; seniors who have their pension rights reduced; people who want the right for medicinal canabis; people who want the right of voluntary euthanasia if they are terminally ill.... and many other policies. Just because people voted for Pauline Hansen it does not mean they are racist - yes they might be concerned about the influx of islam into Australia - but they does not make them racist as islam is not a race.


However I do believe that the far left of politics have taken over the whole political scene whereby anyone with opposing views to their feel good, "lets give everyone a visa to a western country so they can live on our social security for ever" and "anyone who opposes this is a racist, xenophobe or islamaphobe", needs to be countered. What is it with all those muslim hate preachers in mosques around Australia who call for "death for the infidels" Why can't these people just be grateful that they now live in a safe country and get on and enjoy life. I just want everyone to live in the middle road and respect each other.


here are a few article that account what was it like when pauline was in the parliament 20 years ago. i thought it's a good read, pardon me as i say this but i felt in someway it reminded me the aftereffects of brexit's anti-migrant sentiment.








ps: personally, having lived in malaysia (a muslim country) for 20 years, i have never felt religiously oppressed or life threatened because of different faith... surely we cant generalise entire muslim because of a minor group rebelling.

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here are a few article that account what was it like when pauline was in the parliament 20 years ago. i thought it's a good read, pardon me as i say this but i felt in someway it reminded me the aftereffects of brexit's anti-migrant sentiment.








ps: personally, having lived in malaysia (a muslim country) for 20 years, i have never felt religiously oppressed or life threatened because of different faith... surely we cant generalise entire muslim because of a minor group rebelling.


Indeed Sawyer. The ignorance around matters Muslim are appalling. I too lived in the country mentioned but not close to twenty years sadly, great people there no matter their racial or religious background. I had friends from all three main racial and religious groups and they by and large were very welcoming. I'd probably go as far as to say close to, if not the most friendliest country I've been to.


Those that hark on about such matters really should get out and talk to people of diversity more. I do find it hard to believe that they have travelled widely, certainly out of their cultural safety zone.

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The Australian people have expressed their wishes at the ballot box and now the major parties need to listen to the people.






"Former prime minister John Howard says Turnbull would do well to deal with Hanson "issue by issue" and respect the fact that Queensland voters have seen fit to elect her."

which in my view is good advice for Mr Turnbull.

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I think there is general consensus about that now. There is a satirist who used to mimic her, calling her "Pauline Pantsdown". I hope he doesn't come back, because it will only entrench the view of her followers that she is a "little Aussie battler" under attack from city elites etc. Not sure what her beef is with the Family Court. Possibly fathers who are dissatisfied with divorce, child custody arrangements. She has latched on to the anti-vaccination crowd. Wouldn't be surprised if she is also against flouride in the water supply. People need to remember that Queensland is a very rural state, with population heavily clustered in the South East. Plus a string of reasonably small towns up the coast. Many of these have been very badly hit by the end of the mining boom. Many of those men supporting Hanson are very likely to have lost very well paid jobs (e.g. Fly in Fly out workers), may well have bought houses now worth little in the mining towns, and have few prospects now of finding work. The Labor State Premier, Anastacia Palaszczuk (pronounced Pal-ah-shay) will seek to remind Hanson's followers how much the Queensland economy has changed in the last 20 years - how many jobs in these very areas now depend on trade with Asia. Won't be easy. By the way, it was Howard who let Hanson "out of the box" in the late 1990s, by preferencing her when advised to do otherwise. I presume he thinks people have short memories.

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We differ in too many areas to arrive at any sense of an understanding.


I am not in agreement with legal immigration in the way it is conducted in Australia. I have little belief in the job shortage openings to migrate as being kosher for one minute. Nor the abuse of 457's or allowing easy access for foreign students to remain, nor the ease of home ownership to retain the Ponzi scheme that does little for Australians, especially the young.


I deplore the stereotyping of refugees and the inhuman facilities they are detained it. I equally deplore the smokescreen dehumanising such people while conducting a questionable migration program. It is not illegal to claim refugee status in Australia. Just as it is not illegal to be sent back if found no relevant/valid claim. That is simply the agreement Australia signed up to.


Pauline Hanson's [policy is indeed racist and always has been. Her race politics is what bought her notoriety and resulted in her expulsion from the Conservative, ill named Liberal Party. That is simply fact.


Not everyone may prove racist, but a fair guess the majority that support rejects like Reclaim Australia, as well as more extreme thought are laboured by differing degrees of race fear/hatred.


How nice it would be to have a PM like Canada, that comes out and wishes the nation's Muslim population a Happy Eid. How sad this nation has still too overcome such bigoted and non inclusive thought as considering Muslims the enemy. Very similar to Hanson's barely literate pronouncements back in 96, with regards to the Asian takeover of Australia.


These days of course governments of all sides happily sell of property to all overseas based newcomers and the present government is about to make it even easier. I suppose many could care less as long as their house prices continue to rise.


I never realised you'd been overseas besides emigrating from UK. /


You and I Flag will never agree on anything as we are poles apart in every respect, but reading your comments constantly keeps me amused.


And yes I have lived and worked in many countries in Europe and Africa and even worked for the UN for a while in Papua New Guinea.


My views on life have been garnered from my first hand experiences... are yours?

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You and I Flag will never agree on anything as we are poles apart in every respect, but reading your comments constantly keeps me amused.


And yes I have lived and worked in many countries in Europe and Africa and even worked for the UN for a while in Papua New Guinea.


My views on life have been garnered from my first hand experiences... are yours?


Amuse you and educate equally I expect. Hence you can't complain the full deal for nothing. I do find it odd anyone that been outside their ' comfort' zone though and not living in an ex pat or aid worker type ' bubble' would express such darn right unworldly views on issues, especially siding with extreme right wing philosophy and I suspect consider their stance to be equally broadminded as well. Life is a strange beast.


Actually living in these different countries and cultures, acquiring languages along the way, has resulted in a very different conclusion to life and world view than garnered by yourself.

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You and I Flag will never agree on anything as we are poles apart in every respect, but reading your comments constantly keeps me amused.


And yes I have lived and worked in many countries in Europe and Africa and even worked for the UN for a while in Papua New Guinea.


My views on life have been garnered from my first hand experiences... are yours?


I do trust that ' your Africa' experience extends beyond white South African enclaves and/or perhaps a spell of living in white Rhodesia or the Highlands and White Mischief in Kenya? Mine certainly was. I trust you are reasonably fluent in a least one of the languages of the countries in Europe you say you lived in?

I take it your PNG experience was not behind locked gates and tea and scones with the other ex pats? UN like many aid workers lived a life rather divorced from the realities of day to day living in developing world countries in my experience. But if not, even an image from a window is preferable to no insight at all? Or is it?

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Actually, Malcolm Turnbull went to a very well publicised Eid dinner. He got quite a bit of flak from it from the Abbott Right, albeit a bit sotto voce. Yes, Turnbull has miscalculated re the quota for a Double Dissolution- with only 7.7% of the vote required for a quota. He should have known that was more than enough to get Hanson a Senate seat. Probably a result of too much focus on the Sydney-Canberra-Melbourne axis. Despite the fact that Queensland has a long history of voting for populists- Hanson and Katter being the obvious main examples now. Plus the effects of the end of the mining boom throughout much of Queensland. We still don't know the final outcome in the Senate, and therefore how much leverage Hanson will have.

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Actually, Malcolm Turnbull went to a very well publicised Eid dinner. He got quite a bit of flak from it from the Abbott Right, albeit a bit sotto voce. Yes, Turnbull has miscalculated re the quota for a Double Dissolution- with only 7.7% of the vote required for a quota. He should have known that was more than enough to get Hanson a Senate seat. Probably a result of too much focus on the Sydney-Canberra-Melbourne axis. Despite the fact that Queensland has a long history of voting for populists- Hanson and Katter being the obvious main examples now. Plus the effects of the end of the mining boom throughout much of Queensland. We still don't know the final outcome in the Senate, and therefore how much leverage Hanson will have.


Yes I am aware of the meal. Still would have been nice if he was statesman enough to wish all the half million Muslims that live in this country a Happy Eid.


QLD certainly does attract a populist right wing politician over the historical context. One reason I've never probably felt entirely comfortable living in that state. Even mainstream B Peterson days suggests a lot.

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