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The new tory leader ?


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A bit of a climb down there, are you coming around to a belief that things may not turn out as bad as you have been predicting?


Yes. Leave are toning down the rhetoric. The decision on the future relationship with Europe is now out of people's hands so pragmatism will likely win out.


Still a bad result for the UK but not a disastrous one.


The big problem will be appeasing and managing the expectations of those that voted Leave but this is going to play out over a long time.


Strong emotions have been stirred up about foreigners coming in to the UK and I do fear that there may yet be a price to pay for that. That said Europeans are probably already considering that the UK population may be hostile to them so that in itself may reduce net migration numbers significantly over the next few years making the problem go away to some extent.



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Firstly can we please have some adult debate and repllies


It probably has to be a brexiteer ( although they may go for Theresa may )


In my humble opinion ,it wont be Boris or Michael gove ..


Here's a couple


Liam fox and my tip ,someone who could really steady the ship .

For those that don't know her she comes across as a calming influence .

She was brilliant in the in /out debates and that is ANGELA LEADSOM .

It will probably take a head mistress type to sort the mess out


No ,she's nothing like Maggie


It wont be Boris ...its looking like Theresa may ,but Michael gove has now thrown is hat in the ring .....if I had to wage a fiver ...theresa may

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Yes. Leave are toning down the rhetoric. The decision on the future relationship with Europe is now out of people's hands so pragmatism will likely win out.


Still a bad result for the UK but not a disastrous one.


The big problem will be appeasing and managing the expectations of those that voted Leave but this is going to play out over a long time.


Strong emotions have been stirred up about foreigners coming in to the UK and I do fear that there may yet be a price to pay for that. That said Europeans are probably already considering that the UK population may be hostile to them so that in itself may reduce net migration numbers significantly over the next few years making the problem go away to some extent.



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London stock exchange the only one in the green overnight ...i watched a youtube video from a Norwegian mp who said the exact same scare tactics were used on them in 1994 ,when they decided against further integration ...armegeddon ....no one will want to trade with you ...its all bollox .

When the dust settles ,I expect all sides to sit around a table ,the u.s at our side ( sounds familiar ) and a deal will be done .

People think the u.k is struggling ,take a look at the e.u and the euro ...its not all one way .

The e.u is seen as a bad risk ,and there is a worry of contagion .

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London stock exchange the only one in the green overnight ...i watched a youtube video from a Norwegian mp who said the exact same scare tactics were used on them in 1994 ,when they decided against further integration ...armegeddon ....no one will want to trade with you ...its all bollox .

When the dust settles ,I expect all sides to sit around a table ,the u.s at our side ( sounds familiar ) and a deal will be done .

People think the u.k is struggling ,take a look at the e.u and the euro ...its not all one way .

The e.u is seen as a bad risk ,and there is a worry of contagion .


One of the sad things was that actually the UK was doing relatively well. It is just that people did not realise it.


The Euro has not been affected adversely so far. I wondered if it would be hit like the Pound was but surprisingly it has not.




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sure, option 4 looks good, but all these will call for extensive contract and legalise re-drafts, and of course a willing and co-operative partner, where I work (in the city at a law firm) there is concern that the EU will not be helpful, quite the opposite infact to discourage other member states from similar actions.


I can't help agree with Nick Cleggs piece in the ES today which basically said the Breexiters had just simply not thought it through to the extent that they have planned the next 18-24 months - a critical piece of time, and that includes Boris.


The rhetoric coming out of the EU countries including France is now much more conciliatory. Not surprising as most have elections not a million miles away and punishing the UK will have a major negative on their own economies.


As for planning. I very much disagree. The Brexit campaign are not a government or even a government in waiting. It is, as a result, not their position to plan. It is the governments of the day.

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Boris has just announced he will not be standing for PM


Hhhmm,so what are they saying now ,about bo Jo only going for brexit because he wanted to be prime minister ?


And :Randy-git: the financial armageddon for the u.k ,and the emergency budget ,as everyone runs to the hills ?


I hope its a woman to lead ..theresa may or Andrea ledsom will do

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Hhhmm,so what are they saying now ,about bo Jo only going for brexit because he wanted to be prime minister ?


And :Randy-git: the financial armageddon for the u.k ,and the emergency budget ,as everyone runs to the hills ?


I hope its a woman to lead ..theresa may or Andrea ledsom will do

All the talk of doom and gloom has not happened, there will be no emergency budget, the footsie 100 is higher than it was before the vote...the USA have said we are not at the back of the quee but at the front. The scaremongers should feel ashamed.

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All the talk of doom and gloom has not happened, there will be no emergency budget, the footsie 100 is higher than it was before the vote...the USA have said we are not at the back of the quee but at the front. The scaremongers should feel ashamed.


Agreed pb ,disgraceful ...obama aside the u.s will have our back .

That Norwegian mp said exactly the same about Norway in 94 ....

Lets get some stability now ..a deal with the e.u ...and long term some proper jobs in proper industries for our young people .


All the e.u has done is decimate proper jobs ,and the free movement of people is actually free movement of cheap labour by the elites...the bankers..the bureaucrats ...its a ****ing disgrace .


Look what's happened to the unions since there was further integration .

They are virtually non existent .


Iam not happy about brexit ,because there will be pain ,but it had to be done .

Our last chance to be a free sovereign nation again

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Firstly can we please have some adult debate and repllies


It probably has to be a brexiteer ( although they may go for Theresa may )


In my humble opinion ,it wont be Boris or Michael gove ..


Here's a couple


Liam fox and my tip ,someone who could really steady the ship .

For those that don't know her she comes across as a calming influence .

She was brilliant in the in /out debates and that is ANGELA LEADSOM .

It will probably take a head mistress type to sort the mess out


No ,she's nothing like Maggie



I actually quite like the look of leadsom. Wouldn't mind Liam fox, but isn't he a Scot?

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Agreed pb ,disgraceful ...obama aside the u.s will have our back .

That Norwegian mp said exactly the same about Norway in 94 ....

Lets get some stability now ..a deal with the e.u ...and long term some proper jobs in proper industries for our young people .


All the e.u has done is decimate proper jobs ,and the free movement of people is actually free movement of cheap labour by the elites...the bankers..the bureaucrats ...its a ****ing disgrace .


Look what's happened to the unions since there was further integration .

They are virtually non existent .


Iam not happy about brexit ,because there will be pain ,but it had to be done .

Our last chance to be a free sovereign nation again



It's all over then? Must have missed that bit.

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I can't help agree with Nick Cleggs piece in the ES today which basically said the Breexiters had just simply not thought it through to the extent that they have planned the next 18-24 months - a critical piece of time, and that includes Boris.

Of course they hadn't thought it through. If they had, they would never have supported such a mad idea.

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Of course they hadn't thought it through. If they had, they would never have supported such a mad idea.


Move on you ****ing child ,the referendum was last week ...you don't live here anyway ...we will soldier on .

You can sit in the corner and suck your thumb

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Move on you ****ing child ,the referendum was last week ...you don't live here anyway ...we will soldier on .

You can sit in the corner and suck your thumb

Jesus, chill....you asked for adult debate and look at your post.

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...you don't live here anyway ...

And remind me again why you are a member of a forum for people who are going to migrate to Australia or who have already done so... It seems to me that you just come on here to try to recruit members for the BNP.

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And remind me again why you are a member of a forum for people who are going to migrate to Australia or who have already done so... It seems to me that you just come on here to try to recruit members for the BNP.


That's twice now .

I warned you last time about intimating about my political allegiances.

You called me a fasciat the other week ,and now a member of the BNP ..wrong on both counts .

There was a referendum last week ,remain lost .

Its your inference that people who voted out ,52% of the population ,are not only wrong but stupid .

Lets see where Britain stands in 10 years shall we ?

We may be poorer ,but I don't think so .

If you want to reference unelected organisations ,try the e.u .

5 unelected presidents with full control of Europe ...hitler in a suit and tie .

The e.u is a mess ,its undemocratic ,and it is failing

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I warned you last time ...

We can all see what you are.


My question to you is why you would come onto a migrant website when you have no interest in migration, post nothing but (race hate) material relating to British politics and then object that people who disagree with you are emigres?

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That's twice now .

I warned you last time about intimating about my political allegiances.

You called me a fasciat the other week ,and now a member of the BNP ..wrong on both counts .

There was a referendum last week ,remain lost .

Its your inference that people who voted out ,52% of the population ,are not only wrong but stupid .

Lets see where Britain stands in 10 years shall we ?

We may be poorer ,but I don't think so .

If you want to reference unelected organisations ,try the e.u .

5 unelected presidents with full control of Europe ...hitler in a suit and tie .

The e.u is a mess ,its undemocratic ,and it is failing


So you are defending the BNP against the EU ?


Glad Gove is on the way out at least. He's a total nut job. It's a pretty dire state of affairs.

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It's not that simple. Not least because both major parties are in upheaval and internally divided. On what platform would either of them go to the country for a fresh mandate?


Because no country (other than Greenland) has ever left the EU, legal opinion in the UK is divided. This is what the House of Lords library has to say:


Invoking Article 50—The Prime Minister has said it would be for his successor and his or her Cabinet to decide whether the House of Commons should have a vote on the decision to trigger Article 50, the formal process set out in the Treaty on European Union for member states to follow should they decide to leave the EU. Some legal commentators agree that prerogative powers would enable a Prime Minister to take this decision; some have suggested that Parliament could have a role, and others have gone further, arguing that prior parliamentary approval would be required before Article 50 could be invoked.


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It's not that simple. Not least because both major parties are in upheaval and internally divided. On what platform would either of them go to the country for a fresh mandate?


Because no country (other than Greenland) has ever left the EU, legal opinion in the UK is divided. This is what the House of Lords library has to say:


Invoking Article 50—The Prime Minister has said it would be for his successor and his or her Cabinet to decide whether the House of Commons should have a vote on the decision to trigger Article 50, the formal process set out in the Treaty on European Union for member states to follow should they decide to leave the EU. Some legal commentators agree that prerogative powers would enable a Prime Minister to take this decision; some have suggested that Parliament could have a role, and others have gone further, arguing that prior parliamentary approval would be required before Article 50 could be invoked.


it might have been close but the leave vote won. Theresa May would is almost certainly the next tory leader says the leave process must be started.

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