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First holiday back to UK since moving here 3 years ago.


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You're doing the right thing going back in their summer. We went back in winter and anything more than getting out of bed was a complete chore.

Really.....I love the winters in the UK. They have been very mild and dry for the last few years which is a disappointment, I much prefer the snow and sunny frosty mornings..:cute:

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Really.....I love the winters in the UK. They have been very mild and dry for the last few years which is a disappointment, I much prefer the snow and sunny frosty mornings..:cute:


Odd that. I was in the UK last Xmas for 6 weeks and it rained every day. And there were massive floods on the news every day. And the weather was shite and horrible every day. Must have been a different UK.

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Odd that. I was in the UK last Xmas for 6 weeks and it rained every day. And there were massive floods on the news every day. And the weather was shite and horrible every day. Must have been a different UK.

rained every day for six weeks...hmmmm, really....lol, if you look at the bbc weather last xmas was one of the driest and mildest on record, sure it was the uk you were at?

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I guess he missed the constant rain, floods, water levels halfway up people's windows etc.

We were there for 6 weeks, I think there were 2 days it didn't rain and I saw the sky once. It was winter though so...


Yes but PB lives in some sort of utopian part of the UK where the sun shines constantly no matter how rotten the weather is in other parts of the country. Lucky chap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went back after the first lonely, lonely Xmas here. It was fantastic to fly into the UK. Everything was so green and beautiful, even the weather was kind to us. Coming back here was hell. I was even more homesick after that visit.

The second visit was 2 years ago in July and yet again the weather was kind. My father was very ill and it was the last time I would see him. Even so I had a wonderful time but the guilt of leaving my family was dreadful. My son who at that stage was 12 was like another posters son, devastated about coming back. He cried like a baby and my heart broke for him. He has never yet settled and says once he is 18 he will return. I have no doubt he means this. Australia does not mean home to me or the children.

The third visit last January 2015 was for my fathers funeral. Obviously it was a traumatic time but yet again I felt I was home and had no urge to return here other than my husband and children. My husband is the only reason we are here. Hopefully we can go back home before this place destroys us.

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I went back after the first lonely, lonely Xmas here. It was fantastic to fly into the UK. Everything was so green and beautiful, even the weather was kind to us. Coming back here was hell. I was even more homesick after that visit.

The second visit was 2 years ago in July and yet again the weather was kind. My father was very ill and it was the last time I would see him. Even so I had a wonderful time but the guilt of leaving my family was dreadful. My son who at that stage was 12 was like another posters son, devastated about coming back. He cried like a baby and my heart broke for him. He has never yet settled and says once he is 18 he will return. I have no doubt he means this. Australia does not mean home to me or the children.

The third visit last January 2015 was for my fathers funeral. Obviously it was a traumatic time but yet again I felt I was home and had no urge to return here other than my husband and children. My husband is the only reason we are here. Hopefully we can go back home before this place destroys us.


So sorry to hear that, assume your DH is one of the ones who just will not leave despite the devastation on the mental health of you and your kids? Maybe he will change his mind (mine did, and is like a pig in muck here at the mo but probably because he knows it isn't a life sentence!) Good luck!

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I haven't been on PIO for a while and stumbled on this thread today and I think it is such an emotive subject for every migrant, whatever country they move to, or from.


Our first family trip back to UK from WA was 9 years after we emigrated and we went back for the "new millenium" and stayed for 8 weeks over December and January. My family all live in WA so it wasn't a visit about them at all. However my ex-husband had relocated to London and wanted our children to spend time with him in UK instead of him coming back to WA annually, and I totally understood that, so off we went. We all had a wonderful holiday... Christmas, New Year etc.... and shortly after the festivities the offspring (at this time teenagers of 15 and 17) asked if we were all in UK to see if we would be moving back there. "No" was my reply, "just coming back so you could spend time with Daddy"...... "Phew thank God - we thought you wanted to bring us back here - nice holiday Mum.... don't ever want to live here again" they said. Since that time I have been back 4 times on my own, my offspring have been back on their own 3 times each individually. We have each enjoyed our holidays and keep dual nationality/passports etc, but we all agree that West Australia is home.


I can't actually say why Australia is home for me though, but I just know that when I land at Perth Airport, wherever I have been, I have an incredible deep inner feeling of being "home". Can't describe it and don't understand why... I just know that this is where I should be. And I also totally understand that so many others do not have this feeling and are here in Australia for various reasons, or under sufferance.


I have lived and worked around the world in many different countries, so I guess I could be termed an "ex-pat", but I have never lived in the ex-pat enclaves as I always wanted to experience life in the countries I worked in. And maybe this has shaped my views on life. People are all very different and we all have so many different wants and likes and views.... and this is what makes life so wonderful! How boring would it be if we were all alike.... but if you are living somewhere you are not happy with and do not feel connected with, then yes I totally get how you feel, and maybe you need to change things.

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I went back after the first lonely, lonely Xmas here. It was fantastic to fly into the UK. Everything was so green and beautiful, even the weather was kind to us. Coming back here was hell. I was even more homesick after that visit.

The second visit was 2 years ago in July and yet again the weather was kind. My father was very ill and it was the last time I would see him. Even so I had a wonderful time but the guilt of leaving my family was dreadful. My son who at that stage was 12 was like another posters son, devastated about coming back. He cried like a baby and my heart broke for him. He has never yet settled and says once he is 18 he will return. I have no doubt he means this. Australia does not mean home to me or the children.

The third visit last January 2015 was for my fathers funeral. Obviously it was a traumatic time but yet again I felt I was home and had no urge to return here other than my husband and children. My husband is the only reason we are here. Hopefully we can go back home before this place destroys us.


Your son will base his reaction on you.

If you hate Australia and vocally express it all the time of course it will rub off.


Similar with Rossmoyne who loves Australia and consequently so do her children.


I always take the view that it is a personal choice whether you decide you will be happy or not.

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Guest Marybeth52

Hi Warren & Liz


I really feel for you- I too went home after 5 years and it was great- I really did not want to come back.

As I said at the time- I did not feel like a stranger in a strange land.

I have no doubt that some of the Forum posters on here will give you grief and negative feedback but nobody has the right to criticise until you have walked

in that person's shoes. I think one of things I have noticed over here is that in UK we are not afraid to complain about many things but if you read some of the messages on here- it is positively UnAustralian to complain about anything.

What ever you decide to do- it will be for the best for you and your family. Good Luck.

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Yes but PB lives in some sort of utopian part of the UK where the sun shines constantly no matter how rotten the weather is in other parts of the country. Lucky chap.

Well it is this morning in my garden, runner beans coming on nice, gave up my allotment.



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Your son will base his reaction on you.

If you hate Australia and vocally express it all the time of course it will rub off.


Similar with Rossmoyne who loves Australia and consequently so do her children.


I always take the view that it is a personal choice whether you decide you will be happy or not.


Not sure that I agree with you there Parlycross.... My family and I have lived in many places around the world, not just UK and Australia. My marriage ended in UK and I came to WA to join the remainder of my family who had migrated here... my children, who are now in their 30's and have experienced other lifestyles/countries, feel happier and settled in West Australia, so it is their choice where they live, not mine. Both my offspring have spent time back living and working in UK, but they have both come back to Australia as they felt it was where their heart was. No pressure from me... their choice....

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I went back after the first lonely, lonely Xmas here. It was fantastic to fly into the UK. Everything was so green and beautiful, even the weather was kind to us. Coming back here was hell. I was even more homesick after that visit.

The second visit was 2 years ago in July and yet again the weather was kind. My father was very ill and it was the last time I would see him. Even so I had a wonderful time but the guilt of leaving my family was dreadful. My son who at that stage was 12 was like another posters son, devastated about coming back. He cried like a baby and my heart broke for him. He has never yet settled and says once he is 18 he will return. I have no doubt he means this. Australia does not mean home to me or the children.

The third visit last January 2015 was for my fathers funeral. Obviously it was a traumatic time but yet again I felt I was home and had no urge to return here other than my husband and children. My husband is the only reason we are here. Hopefully we can go back home before this place destroys us.


What a horrid situation for you (and your son). It must be like living half a life. I hope you manage to get back to the UK to live one day.

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Your son will base his reaction on you.

If you hate Australia and vocally express it all the time of course it will rub off.


Similar with Rossmoyne who loves Australia and consequently so do her children.


I always take the view that it is a personal choice whether you decide you will be happy or not.


Not necessary at all. Plenty of ' kids' have felt a sense of belonging' , returning to the homelands of their youth or even parents, that I have crossed paths with. It works vice versa as well. Kids preferring adopted land and parents (or one of) the land of birth. There are no rules, no matter how much one side vocally expresses like. Which in itself can change over time.

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I went back after the first lonely, lonely Xmas here. It was fantastic to fly into the UK. Everything was so green and beautiful, even the weather was kind to us. Coming back here was hell. I was even more homesick after that visit.

The second visit was 2 years ago in July and yet again the weather was kind. My father was very ill and it was the last time I would see him. Even so I had a wonderful time but the guilt of leaving my family was dreadful. My son who at that stage was 12 was like another posters son, devastated about coming back. He cried like a baby and my heart broke for him. He has never yet settled and says once he is 18 he will return. I have no doubt he means this. Australia does not mean home to me or the children.

The third visit last January 2015 was for my fathers funeral. Obviously it was a traumatic time but yet again I felt I was home and had no urge to return here other than my husband and children. My husband is the only reason we are here. Hopefully we can go back home before this place destroys us.


It can be a very lonely and difficult to make emotional connection type of place. I hope your able to return to a place more comfortable. Don't allow it to destroy you. Accept the deficiency of the place and make the best of the situation that you can, while working on an exit strategy.

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