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Support for free movement between OZ, UK, NZ and Canada


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The survey was carried out by The Royal Commonwealth Society.

Seventy per cent of Australians were in favour Canadians (75 per cent), New Zealanders (82 per cent)

In the UK it was least popular with only 58 per cent thinking it was a good thing.

The proposal was that Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and Britons have the right to live and work in each other's nations without the need for a visa.

Sounds familiar - wasn't that what we had 40 years ago before Britain joined the European Community.

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I wouldn't support it because in practice they become very uneven.


What would happen is Australia would get swamped with people from the UK.

The same thing happened to us already with NZ.


Thousands of kiwis came here and were a burden on our welfare system compared to very few Aussies going to NZ.


Not sure whether many Canadians would bother but we would be inundated with poms.

And it is not as if we have zero unemployment.

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Just wondering how the other Commonwealth countries fit into this agreement, such as S Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc, or is it only for white people?


It certainly does seem to be a very restrictive list of predominantly White, English-speaking nations. I wonder how the rest of the Commonwealth might react to this if it was ever seriously proposed? Would be the end of the road for the Commonwealth surely? Unless that's what the RCS are envisaging?

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It certainly does seem to be a very restrictive list of predominantly White, English-speaking nations. I wonder how the rest of the Commonwealth might react to this if it was ever seriously proposed? Would be the end of the road for the Commonwealth surely? Unless that's what the RCS are envisaging?


I was reading some comments on FB today about this subject and the thing that struck me was that the majority of commentators were strongly against the idea.


NOT because it was innately inequitable to include only the white Anglo Saxon nations for this special arrangement, but because as Australians they assumed they'd be swamped in a wave of mass net migration to Nirvana, which would mean a) welfare bludgers (ie Kiwis) and b) Muslims (British Muslims and refugees from Canada).

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How many Australians do you think would go and work in Bangladesh, Pakistan etc and how many do you think would want to come here from those countries.


No government would be stupid enough to throw open the doors to millions of poor people in third world countries to come and live here visa free.

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How many Australians do you think would go and work in Bangladesh, Pakistan etc and how many do you think would want to come here from those countries.


No government would be stupid enough to throw open the doors to millions of poor people in third world countries to come and live here visa free.

So the borders are to be open for affluent white people only?

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Do you realise the population of Bangladesh alone is 168 million people. 20 million would come in the first year of a Harpo government.

The whole scheme is stupid.


So what you're saying is that we should assess each visa application on a case by case basis, rather than a blanket approach whereby anyone from an Anglo country comes in no questions asked and anyone from, say, Bangladesh is refused on the grounds of being poor and Muslim?

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I don't see it as an exclusive "British Club" and I don't see anything racist about it. It would be an agreement between four multi-racial countries who share the same values of democracy and human rights who just happen to have Queen Elizabeth as head of state.

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The survey was carried out by The Royal Commonwealth Society.

Seventy per cent of Australians were in favour Canadians (75 per cent), New Zealanders (82 per cent)

In the UK it was least popular with only 58 per cent thinking it was a good thing.

The proposal was that Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and Britons have the right to live and work in each other's nations without the need for a visa.

Sounds familiar - wasn't that what we had 40 years ago before Britain joined the European Community.


Trust me Lambeth ,you don't want it ......if Britain leaves the e.u yes ....otherwise australias borders will be like a sieve .

People will be pouring in with tenuous links to the u.k ...

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I don't see it as an exclusive "British Club" and I don't see anything racist about it. It would be an agreement between four multi-racial countries who share the same values of democracy and human rights who just happen to have Queen Elizabeth as head of state.


But aren't there other countries within the Commonwealth who wouldn't be invited into this exclusive club, but who share those same values - India for one?

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Yes EW. You are a genius.

India has a population over 1 Billion people, many living in poverty.


Let's let them all move over here.


Do you ever think about the consequences of those brain farts that you and Harpo have ?

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But aren't there other countries within the Commonwealth who wouldn't be invited into this exclusive club, but who share those same values - India for one?


Sorry mate, India has a bit of a dodgy human rights record and a lot of sectarian tensions......hang on a sec, it's perfect!

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Yes EW. You are a genius.

India has a population over 1 Billion people, many living in poverty.


Let's let them all move over here.


Do you ever think about the consequences of those brain farts that you and Harpo have ?


Well for a start, at least the computers would work! Plus they could relocate all the call centres from Mumbai to Colac

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Trust me Lambeth ,you don't want it ......if Britain leaves the e.u yes ....otherwise australias borders will be like a sieve .

People will be pouring in with tenuous links to the u.k ...

And you wonder why people think you're right wing.

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I don't see it as an exclusive "British Club" and I don't see anything racist about it. It would be an agreement between four multi-racial countries who share the same values of democracy and human rights who just happen to have Queen Elizabeth as head of state.


Well no not really. It would be the formation of the old White Commonwealth and as such will be highly unlikely to ever get off the ground. As such obviously would be looked upon on an old Britisher Club.

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Trust me Lambeth ,you don't want it ......if Britain leaves the e.u yes ....otherwise australias borders will be like a sieve .

People will be pouring in with tenuous links to the u.k ...


People would need to be British citizens. The problems being of course of the number of Brit's unable to feel comfortable living in the multi cultural former Britisher states mentioned.

As such probably better to add Canada to the Australia/New Zealand migration agreement and leave Britain to their own divides. Scotland could join on independence of course. Ireland could well be a consideration though.

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The survey was carried out by The Royal Commonwealth Society.

Seventy per cent of Australians were in favour Canadians (75 per cent), New Zealanders (82 per cent)

In the UK it was least popular with only 58 per cent thinking it was a good thing.

The proposal was that Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and Britons have the right to live and work in each other's nations without the need for a visa.

Sounds familiar - wasn't that what we had 40 years ago before Britain joined the European Community.


A bad idea on so many levels. I am amazed that so many Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders support it. Suggests they have no idea what they are letting themselves in for.


Ultimately it is the issue of free movement of people within the EU that is proving the undoing of the EU for the people of Britain. Governments struggle to govern effectively if they have little control over something as fundamental as their border.

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