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my return to England

Diane Watson

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Just another tip today lol try to get everything in writing

we only just realised having returned in late 2013 that the DWP has got us living seperately We rented when we first came back then bought quite quickly I rang and wrote to the DWP and changed address to our owned property or so I thought I am nominee for my hubby and recently asked for an updated copy of the letter only to notice my address is right his is the rented property from two years ago

Yet I phoned and informed them in writing !

i am also nominee because in one phone call to the DWP they asked my hubby his previous address and he gave the suburb not the street and the lass just said NO you got that wrong and don't pass the security test She just wouldn't let him tell her the street address because his first answer had been the suburb Jobsworth

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Just going back to Aus after 6 months in the UK waiting to sell the house and don't regret it for a minute. Being here over winter isn't the best time but I've just be struck by how dirty and decrepit everything is.


All the roads just look grey and every bush or tree seems to have streams of plastic sheeting blowing from it. Does everyone now just empty their bins out of their car windows? It certainly looks that way as the sides of many roads seem to just be knee deep in rubbish for mile after mile and clearly no-one gives a damn.


Everyone seems to have just retreated into their little bubbles to hide away from all the issues facing the country but the problem is that those bubbles are getting smaller and smaller...

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Just wanted to let everyone known that I sold the house today so it looks like I will be headed back the end of April. I contacted the British Immigration Department and according to them as long as you enter on a British passport you have all the rights of abode and residency. I don't think I should have a problem as I can't foresee needing any benefits but you never know so I'd like to cover all my bases. I will also have enough money to last me 2 years and hope that I can pay annually for as many services as possible to establish some credit rating. I am also setting up an international bank account with HSBC as soon as I get my passport so that I have a current UK bank account before I arrive.

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Just going back to Aus after 6 months in the UK waiting to sell the house and don't regret it for a minute. Being here over winter isn't the best time but I've just be struck by how dirty and decrepit everything is.


All the roads just look grey and every bush or tree seems to have streams of plastic sheeting blowing from it. Does everyone now just empty their bins out of their car windows? It certainly looks that way as the sides of many roads seem to just be knee deep in rubbish for mile after mile and clearly no-one gives a damn.


Everyone seems to have just retreated into their little bubbles to hide away from all the issues facing the country but the problem is that those bubbles are getting smaller and smaller...


Which part of England were you living in?

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Just wanted to let everyone known that I sold the house today so it looks like I will be headed back the end of April. I contacted the British Immigration Department and according to them as long as you enter on a British passport you have all the rights of abode and residency. I don't think I should have a problem as I can't foresee needing any benefits but you never know so I'd like to cover all my bases. I will also have enough money to last me 2 years and hope that I can pay annually for as many services as possible to establish some credit rating. I am also setting up an international bank account with HSBC as soon as I get my passport so that I have a current UK bank account before I arrive.

Dianne you have the right of abode ,the habitual residents test is another matter as I explained on a previous note

It would be only if you were to claim benefits that you would need to pass the habitual residency test , mind that also includes something as simple as claiming for a rates rebate which led us to having to try to get through the residency requirements

Did you contact the British department by phone or letter I would say always get information on paper as it can differ depending on who you speak to

Try where you can to pay for your services via direct debit on a month to month basis , get onto the UK electoral roll as soon as you can and seemingly something as simple as just having a home phone number rather than a mobile will help

Congratualtions on the house sale too wish ours in sunny Sunderland would sell but no joy as yet

I have just read your blog and think your sense of humour will see you through

I saw what you said about you bringing doctors notes we did the same but found our GP here would not accept what I gave them !! I gave written reports about cervical smear test ,colonoscopy mammograms etc but they put me through it all over again never mind better to be safe than sorry I suppose

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Just going back to Aus after 6 months in the UK waiting to sell the house and don't regret it for a minute. Being here over winter isn't the best time but I've just be struck by how dirty and decrepit everything is.


All the roads just look grey and every bush or tree seems to have streams of plastic sheeting blowing from it. Does everyone now just empty their bins out of their car windows? It certainly looks that way as the sides of many roads seem to just be knee deep in rubbish for mile after mile and clearly no-one gives a damn.


Everyone seems to have just retreated into their little bubbles to hide away from all the issues facing the country but the problem is that those bubbles are getting smaller and smaller...


Wow, I have no idea where you were living but it most definitely doesn't describe where we live or indeed where any of our friends live.

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Just wanted to let everyone known that I sold the house today so it looks like I will be headed back the end of April. I contacted the British Immigration Department and according to them as long as you enter on a British passport you have all the rights of abode and residency. I don't think I should have a problem as I can't foresee needing any benefits but you never know so I'd like to cover all my bases. I will also have enough money to last me 2 years and hope that I can pay annually for as many services as possible to establish some credit rating. I am also setting up an international bank account with HSBC as soon as I get my passport so that I have a current UK bank account before I arrive.


Fabulous news Diane. I have just read your blog and will be following your progress. I love your sense of humour and attitude to life, and how prepared you are with your lists of what to do etc, and I have to admit to being the same. However, can I give you some advice from an old chook that I learnt along my way through life..... being organised and prepared is the best way to be, but do also stop to "smell the roses" and if something you want doesn't eventuate... just go with it as it just wasn't for you, so be receptive to things that might initially seem a bit "out there" but that pop up in your path. Some of the best times/jobs/friends/pets in my life have happened because my super planned things didn't go to plan!


Regarding your parents' ashes.... I went back to UK a few years ago with the ashes of a very close friend. I had to carry them as hand luggage and also needed the certificate from the Crematorium/Funeral Director. No problems at check-in but had to declare them. Had to declare them again at Heathrow so I went through the red channel, and once the certificate had been sighted, all was well.


I hope your upgrade to Business Class works..... and I hope Jaydee travels well too. And along those lines, can you share with us who you use to transport your best mate and how you have found their services, as I am sure there are people on this forum who would like to hear some genuine feedback on whichever pet transport company you choose.


Best wishes on your new journey in life.... love the part of UK you are moving to as we used to spend holidays there in the 1970 - 1990's before we emigrated to WA. One of my greatest memories of all time was walking along part of Hadrian's Wall and camping at a farm just outside Barnard Castle.


Looking forward to reading your blog as your journey continues...... oh and please do that creative writing course.... I expect to see you as a published author in the future!

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Which part of England were you living in?

Mordor by the sound of it! :frown:


I know that we've suffered cutbacks to local council services, but 'knee-deep in rubbish for mile after mile?' Seriously?

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I remember the rubbish in certain areas in the UK- thought it might have improved by now. When we first came to Melbourne we were struck by how lacking in street rubbish the place was but things are not that good now. Suburbs are fine but you get a lot of graffiti and cans round the railway stations and the little creeks seem to breed shopping trolleys. Pity.

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I remember the rubbish in certain areas in the UK- thought it might have improved by now. When we first came to Melbourne we were struck by how lacking in street rubbish the place was but things are not that good now. Suburbs are fine but you get a lot of graffiti and cans round the railway stations and the little creeks seem to breed shopping trolleys. Pity.


I live in Point Cook and people are always dumping their rubbish . Doesn't help that there is still a lot of building work going on, and the builders just dump their rubbish on the site they are working on and then the wind picks up and blows it every where.


You must live in a nicer suburb than me

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Diane, Just a quick comment, you seem to be planning to fly out the day after you settle your house, unless I've misunderstood. Have you considered that it will take a couple of days for the house sale funds to clear and then you have to transfer the money over. Sure you can do this with HSBC but I think you'd get a better rate from Moneycorp or similar. I certainly wouldn't be leaving without getting this sorted. My parents moved back to the UK after 20+ years here just prior to Christmas and they rented a holiday house for over a week while they tied up loose ends.

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As a history nut I hope to spend time visiting different parts of the UK when I can so I will take you up on your offer when I'm in that area and we can compare stories. I know that there will be days where I miss Australia. I often tell people here that when you have lived in 2 countries you always miss the country you're not in, so it would be good to chat with another ex-Aussie.


The weather may be changeable ( but getting better ) ,but as you get older ,if you can put up with the pitfalls ,there is so much more to do ...so much more choice

Cheap travel .....so many more places to see and visit

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I remember the rubbish in certain areas in the UK- thought it might have improved by now. When we first came to Melbourne we were struck by how lacking in street rubbish the place was but things are not that good now. Suburbs are fine but you get a lot of graffiti and cans round the railway stations and the little creeks seem to breed shopping trolleys. Pity.


Tbh after 6 years in w.a ,Melbourne shocked me ,that's what put me off ....i turned to my wife and said " its like being in brum ".....

Not much graffitti in brum now ...city centre is very good ...its just the inner city is well ...dangerous ..no other word to describe I

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We live in Sunderland once a thriving shipbuilding and mining all gone now but Nissan in the area has meant a lot of work came this way

Parts of Sunderland are lovely ,parts are pure grotty and I think this can be true of so many major cities in the UK

Fly tippings a problem why I do not know as the local dump is free where as in Adelaide you need a mortgage for the dump

Some areas are less than neat and tidy to say the least others all well looked after and cared for

We do have " rides out " as we are retired and in a pleasant day there is no where better than the coast or the country

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Most towns round our way have proper local authority waste centres with skips for everything, nobody should ever need to go fly tipping. Even the small villages including ours all have smaller versions of these with massive bins marked up for various materials. We get weekly collections for our food waste bins and it alternates between the recycle bin and general waste every other week. Pretty well organised.

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Most towns round our way have proper local authority waste centres with skips for everything, nobody should ever need to go fly tipping. Even the small villages including ours all have smaller versions of these with massive bins marked up for various materials. We get weekly collections for our food waste bins and it alternates between the recycle bin and general waste every other week. Pretty well organised.

Our city has the same the dump is free but people still fly til it annoys me so much Local council has decided to charge 25 quid a year for the garden waste bin but that's not bad I suppose There agin some won't pay and tip the stuff grr

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