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8 weeks to go and the bickering has started


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I miss the BBC. I can't really tell what a lot of the TV is like here because we live in a dip and the TV channels are all distorted, buy I used to come here before a lot and many of the channels here seem to be like a terrible version of channel 5 in the UK. Hopefully some of it is ok, but the ones I saw are all bad TV programs (like the worst of ITV and channel 5 - Australia's got talent. The farmer wants a wife. Today. - some real shi*ters there.


Give me bb4 and channel 4 any day!



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I miss the BBC. I can't really tell what a lot of the TV is like here because we live in a dip and the TV channels are all distorted, buy I used to come here before a lot and many of the channels here seem to be like a terrible version of channel 5 in the UK. Hopefully some of it is ok, but the ones I saw are all bad TV programs (like the worst of ITV and channel 5 - Australia's got talent. The farmer wants a wife. Today. - some real shi*ters there.


Give me bb4 and channel 4 any day!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Ha ha ha yes, terrible tv here. I actually watched farmer wants a wife for the first time ever and I get excited when Count Down or Letters and Numbers as it's known here, comes on. I never watched those programs in the UK but there is not a lot else to watch here.


oh and the advert breaks drive me mad, every 10 minutes. :rolleyes:

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Ha ha ha yes, terrible tv here. I actually watched farmer wants a wife for the first time ever and I get excited when Count Down or Letters and Numbers as it's known here, comes on. I never watched those programs in the UK but there is not a lot else to watch here.


oh and the advert breaks drive me mad, every 10 minutes. :rolleyes:



At this time of year, I rarely sit down to watch TV. The only things I'm watching are: Foyle's War, Judge John Deed and Vera. I listen to the news on the radio and that's about it. I've said before, if it wasn't for my OH, I'd get rid of the telly. He loves watching the sport. Not only are the adverts on every few minutes - they are dire and so repetitive.

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When we came over here, as the breadwinner I was super stressed about whether or not I'd done my research well enough in terms of cost of living, whether or not my job would work out, and as it was my job I felt responsible for my whole family's happiness, schools etc included. It was a lot to process and I'm sure the uncertainty made me grumpy


I think this is a good point to make and something that perhaps is not considered. I have seen examples where the husband has struggled to find work/or work at the same level/salary, but the wife starts to flourish and then the husband becomes resentful and creates a situation so they return to the UK.


We certainly didn't put pressure on ourselves, we saw emigrating as an adventure and were grateful to be given the opportunity to come to Australia. We left the UK and had a 31 day holiday on the way here because we figured once we settled in Adelaide we would be too busy getting stuck into creating a new life for ourselves to go on holiday or take time off work.

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6 weeks to go and getting bored. To early to pack / ditch things. I only work 1 day a week for my old business. Have to start sorting garage or pack something soon.:goofy:


With only 6 weeks to go, you should be well stuck into the decluttering already! That, and the packing always take a lot longer than you think.

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6 weeks to go and getting bored. To early to pack / ditch things. I only work 1 day a week for my old business. Have to start sorting garage or pack something soon.:goofy:

Seriously - get cracking! We probably started with about 4 weeks to go end of lease - admittedly we had a 5 bedroom house, and hubby is a bit of a hoarder but we have just finished and it was horrendous. If you intend to sell stuff via Gumtree etc then you need time to get a fair price or you'll end up giving stuff away. If you're shipping most of your stuff you still need to do a good cull. This last packing experience has taught me never to accumulate so much again. It has been an exhausting experience and whilst I appreciate you're not feeling that sense of urgency you'll probably be shocked and daunted at the task in hand once you start. I have lost count of how many runs to the tip we did and juggling Gumtree/Freecycle ads became a full time job!

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We've got 6 weeks to go too and bored isn't the word I'd use...stressed, manically separating and cleaning is part of our regular weekend routine with a few more to go! I would definitely start now if I were you. The biggest challenge is our packers have told us not to pack anything which for me is very hard.So instead we have piles of things in corners round the house. I'm also flapping about what clothes to pack to take in luggage as I know 30 kilos is going to get used to quickly, but have to have clothes for 4 weeks in the UK and 4-6 weeks once we get to Adelaide. I'll be sol relieved once the container has gone and we just have to make do.

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Pack your suitcase now and live out of it 3 of everything ,mix and match Comfy shoes you don't want to break in new ones The day the shippers come designate one room that's a no go area for them and leave your cases in that room with your clothes in Wear a jacket to travel in that you can use when you get to Adelaide Spare pair of shoes in your hand luggage don't forget you have a few kilos allowance there as well

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I cleared most crap when I decorated the whole house for a sale. I really want to 'help' the wife clear out her wardrobe and many drawers of clothes. Perhaps when she's out one day ?

We are ditching most furniture, as past its used by date (matress over 15 years old, argos bedroom furniture older still, dining table ruined by kids) but using it all until last minute. Medium movecube will be arriving on a Wednesday, we complete on house the Friday, then fly out on the Monday !

Garage is main area to sort out, lots of tools coming over. But don't want to pack things I may need for last minute repairs etc. Plus I'm having a hard timing letting go of things (boxes of fixings, plumbing fittings, etc) hate throwing things out I 'might need' one day !! Mental block there. (and garage is still to cold in Feb):cry:

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So 5 weeks t go, now thinking of the 'what have I missed, best done from the Uk'

Now scanning of my docs to load onto cloud storage, just to make sure I can access them at any time. As some will likely have to go in move cube.

Need to think will my life cover be valid in Au or if to cancel it anyway.

Trying to understand how to pay voluntary class 2 NIC to ensure full pension, have just had forecast to check.

Plan to just leave my current stake holder pension as it is, paying in small amount monthly. No point moving it to Au fund ?

Gumtree / ebay sell off has started. WARNING on gumtree. I have now only listed my email, not mobile. Lots of time wasters just harvesting your data. Calls from accident claim lines that scan these sites. I tested it my listing under another christian name, one day later call for 'Bob' about my car accident 2 years ago !!


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So 5 weeks t go, now thinking of the 'what have I missed, best done from the Uk'

Now scanning of my docs to load onto cloud storage, just to make sure I can access them at any time. As some will likely have to go in move cube.

Need to think will my life cover be valid in Au or if to cancel it anyway.

Trying to understand how to pay voluntary class 2 NIC to ensure full pension, have just had forecast to check.

Plan to just leave my current stake holder pension as it is, paying in small amount monthly. No point moving it to Au fund ?

Gumtree / ebay sell off has started. WARNING on gumtree. I have now only listed my email, not mobile. Lots of time wasters just harvesting your data. Calls from accident claim lines that scan these sites. I tested it my listing under another christian name, one day later call for 'Bob' about my car accident 2 years ago !!


Carry an external hard drive or usb stick with you I am a great one for Justin Case

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Check with your life insurance company as ours will cover us overseas providing we continue to make payments from the UK. We need to pack our bags at the end of next week to make sure we don't accidentally send anything with the removals that we may need.:wacko:. That's be just my luck...so hard thinking about what we need to keep back for last 4 weeks in UK and first 4-6 weeks in Oz plus a stopover in Singapore. Just hoping March warms up a little so I can pack jumpers etc away. I've even tried to start to cancel things like internet but they told me I was too early!! Good advice re: gumtree...yep. Some total time wasters.

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Check with your life insurance company as ours will cover us overseas providing we continue to make payments from the UK. We need to pack our bags at the end of next week to make sure we don't accidentally send anything with the removals that we may need.:wacko:. That's be just my luck...so hard thinking about what we need to keep back for last 4 weeks in UK and first 4-6 weeks in Oz plus a stopover in Singapore. Just hoping March warms up a little so I can pack jumpers etc away. I've even tried to start to cancel things like internet but they told me I was too early!! Good advice re: gumtree...yep. Some total time wasters.

Have a trial run with the cases you will take ie pack in them what you will take and on the day the removalists come in have one room out of bounds with the cases in it Depends on where your going to in Oz with me its Adelaide so looking at layers ie cardigan to go over tee shirts as it cools down over there Write some cancellation letters now and have them ready to post a week before you leave - have had problems previously with one power company who sent the debt collectors after me to Oz All got a flea in the ear because I had paid everything via direct debit plus sent letters following phone calls by recorded delivery ! I actually asked the debt collection agnecy how they knew where to write to in Oz that was because I gave them the utility company my forwarding address lol

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Doctors surgery are a nightmare. Always 2 weeks plus to get appointments. So was in there 2 weeks ago and asked at reception before I left for a 'summary' of our family NHS records. Ehhh? was answer, can you send us a letter asking for it ! 2 weeks later nothing....I hold out little hope.


Trying to decide if I need 'cash' for our 4 day stop over in Singapore ? and if so how much ? Do I need it for tipping or vending machines / lockers etc. We are staying on Sentosa, doing U-Studies and the zip wire etc on beach.

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Have found in uk medical records need to be applied for in writing - can you get them listed to a rellie in the uk to send on ?

Singapore a bit more expensive than other Asian countries ie Thailand or Malaysia last time we were there about 5 years now the Singapore dollar matched the Aussie dollar or there abouts Plenty of places to exchange money just be careful on fees

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