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Perth Boom Fades, Not High Prices

flag of convenience

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I used to find it this way in the boom, not now though. Thankfully the places seems to be upping their game.


Now I have too much choice on where to go for a decent cheap meal, don't really do the Asian places.


Up and down the coast, so much on offer. OH n I hardly eat in these days.


Maybe it's a bit different further south? I can't think of many cheap places further north of Leederville. Maybe not looking hard enough. Lunch out about once a week


Have never found a main for $10 anywhere in Perth tbh

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I got a good deal last week, $30 for any main plus a glass of house wine or a beer at Pete Evans new restaurant, Heirloom on Adelaide Terrace. Early bird dinner, went after work with colleagues. The mains were ordinarily $38-45 and the house white $9 so a good deal. Food was beautiful but lots lacking in overall experience

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Maybe it's a bit different further south? I can't think of many cheap places further north of Leederville. Maybe not looking hard enough. Lunch out about once a week


Have never found a main for $10 anywhere in Perth tbh


In answer to this and your other question on eating in the south lol, could give you lots of recommends.


For a $10 mains deal please look on FB @ steel tree on the foreshore.


for Australia Day lunch what area SOR ??


Rydges in Freo are doing all you can eat buffet for $30 during Jan.


OBG in Mandurah do a lot of specials, can recommend their steak night.


Lucky shag too do specials every day...


Have you looked at any of the "last drops" probably the closest to a chain pub like we know in the UK .


For a UK feel, but with a difference, "the Vernon Arms" in Baldivis , sit out on the balcony looking out onto the salt lakes.


Without really knowing what your after, I can't really say

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Well drinks are the same or cheaper than Sydney. When I go out a wine will cost around $6 - 8. I originally moaned that travel was expensive but it's actually not. Some of my journeys have been really cheap compared to back home. I can't get 10 or 15 minutes away from home for much less than a fiver. Can't speak about the serious stuff like house prices. Eating out - still haven't decided on that one but definitely not more expensive than Sydney. Or at least the places that I've went. And when I convert in my head (I know I shouldn't!) it's never usually that much more expensive than back home. Although some things are dear like breakfasts

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For Aussie Day looking for somewhere Central but not in CBD (too busy)

Thanks for tips Fi


Central but not CBD you say...


then I think I would head to either Freo, but it does get busy later on.


or head down somewhere near between Point Walter and Applecross , pull out a chair and watch the fireworks from the other side of the Swan in relative quiet.


Before that though, head to the courtyard at cafe 58 , Carrington St, palmyra. Basic looking cafe from the outside, but five star food and service. Aus day, though you might want to book ahead, its a little known gem with the locals. Just make sure you let them know you want a table in the courtyard.

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I have a v different view on Perth to Flag.


I have no problem finding lovely places to eat for a v decent price. I can go to numerous restaurants/pubs anywhere in Perth, sit in and dine with a lovely sea/river view without breaking the bank.


I buy a glass of wine for $6. A main course for $10. I can get afternoon tea, ie two scones, jam and cream plus tea/coffe for $5 all with a lovely view that some people would sell their soul for.


We have the weather, the beaches, the hills, so much to do for free.


You can do so much, with v little in Australia and most people do, those with an open mind anyway


Obviously a very different view but then my view comes from a long time experience of the realities of Perth and the changing nature of the place. A number of changes, which for the record are not bad.


Unfortunately cost is not one of them. This is an expensive city on a world scale. I am well aware certain sectors of the community feel they have never had it so good, perhaps true in their individual circumstances, but hardly a cross the board reality.


No idea where a $10 main course worth its name can be had. I have seen $17 lunch specials beer included. Then I don't tend to eat in out skirt locations. Just a breakfast (English)tends to start from $19 + and usually far more.


A Devonshire Tea for $5 is remarkably cheap. Pre boom prices which I would not know where to find these days, close to that, though don't recall what I really paid, when had that in The Hills, sometime ago.


Still as in a number of cities there are no doubt places tucked away charging a correct price. This is not the norm in Perth and wrong for anyone to suggest it is.


Eating out is not as a rule a favourable experience in Perth. Most places remain over priced. During the week many places appear close to empty. How they survive is a mystery. Yet they appear reluctant to lower prices.

One would suppose being such a major occupation in Perth standards would be better but if people don't complain little will change.


There is an online blog pointing towards eating establishments doing the right thing and adjusting prices accordingly.


Then of course eating out is only one avenue of rip off in Perth. Supermarkets and cost of general produce remains higher than most other states. NT was more.


Everywhere has much for free. Perth outside of beaches probably less than many.

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Well drinks are the same or cheaper than Sydney. When I go out a wine will cost around $6 - 8. I originally moaned that travel was expensive but it's actually not. Some of my journeys have been really cheap compared to back home. I can't get 10 or 15 minutes away from home for much less than a fiver. Can't speak about the serious stuff like house prices. Eating out - still haven't decided on that one but definitely not more expensive than Sydney. Or at least the places that I've went. And when I convert in my head (I know I shouldn't!) it's never usually that much more expensive than back home. Although some things are dear like breakfasts


Was that you in Leederville last night? Three other girls end table? Looked like you. Sure sounded like I imagine you sound.

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I always find Sydney prices pretty reasonable for eating/drinking. Was under the impression Perth is more expensive.


To my mind it certainly is. Although not been for a few years. Not forgetting Sydney being on a different tier completely to Perth, in being Australia's world city, even less excuse for Perth prices being what they are.

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I always find Sydney prices pretty reasonable for eating/drinking. Was under the impression Perth is more expensive.


I found Newtown, Leichhardt and small surrounding suburbs very good value and good quality food whenever I ate out there. Sydney city (except for the Chinatown area) is more expensive and not value for money spent I thought.

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I always find Sydney prices pretty reasonable for eating/drinking. Was under the impression Perth is more expensive.


A little bit, but it's still easily affordable.


The way FOC talks you think it's people starving in the streets, and a few cashed up bogans are paying thousands for chicken in a basket.

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A little bit, but it's still easily affordable.


The way FOC talks you think it's people starving in the streets, and a few cashed up bogans are paying thousands for chicken in a basket.


Well debatable just how affordable it all is. Although I don't think I suggested people collapsing in the streets due to hunger. You do jest.

No denying though many are living between pay cheques, a lot due to mortgage payments on inflated property and maxed out cards.


I wonder if the recent reduction in meal entertainment cards and accommodation will impact on spending further?

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They are going to have to - either that or go bust.


Well there is a critical mass that can sustain certain economic activity, but you are right things will need to change. WA cannot be charging top world city prices. Once more tradies get clobbered I suspect further questioning. While they are still making hay with renovations and the like and charge inflated prices the rot will continue.


Meanwhile the rest of us are lumbered with it, but can at least decide on value and how we want to spend our money. Perth, though expensive, doesn't have a great deal to spend money on at the end of the day.

Everybody needs to eat though. Supermarket prices are too high.

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Perth is overpriced.. No getting away from that fact! The boom created a money hungry greed culture which businesses are reluctant to let go.


Yes they will not return to saner prices willingly. A lot of talking up the market especially real estate/ media/ banking spruikers. This state already has the highest mortgage delinquency.

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Well after all this talk I decided to use one of those apps that tells you deals for that day. I've just ordered steak, chips and salad for $12. I've yet to taste it though..


Places like Brass Monkey have such deals in the City on a particular day. A few pubs do lunch specials. Back packer specials around town at various pubs during the evening can help keep costs down.

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