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Demerit points for speeding


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Nope, they are not logged on your UK licence. They can't - the DVLA is not connected to anything over here. My husband got a speeding ticket when we were first here (a few km over on a road we weren't sure the speed of, we we'd only been here a month). He had to pay the fine, but nothing else. When he changed to his QLD licence once we were required to no points carried over. So he has now had a clean licence for over 3.5. years, and no points recorded on his record.

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But they can log them against your UK license and transfer them when you apply for a WA license, I think this has been a fairly recent change, this is from VicRoads (implemented 1/7/15)so can can and is done. It won't affect your UK license in the UK though.

"Unlicensed or overseas drivers


Unlicensed drivers and overseas licence holders who incur or have incurred demerit points above the permitted limit will be disqualified from driving in Victoria and from obtaining a Victorian driver licence or learner permit for a period of time. These drivers will be issued with a disqualification notice and will not be able to elect a 12 month extended demerit point period.

The disqualification period is determined by the number of demerit points incurred and the permitted limit based on the age of the driver. The specific number of demerit points and period of disqualification applicable are detailed in the table below."



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Nope, they are not logged on your UK licence. They can't - the DVLA is not connected to anything over here. My husband got a speeding ticket when we were first here (a few km over on a road we weren't sure the speed of, we we'd only been here a month). He had to pay the fine, but nothing else. When he changed to his QLD licence once we were required to no points carried over. So he has now had a clean licence for over 3.5. years, and no points recorded on his record.


You don't have to explain why you got a speeding ticket.

We all get them from time to time.

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Hmmm, interesting. So unless you get an aussie license you can keep racking up the points and just keep paying the fines :)(not that you would want to keep paying fines and getting speeding tickets)



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I believe so. As long as you are on a temp visa there is no requirement to get a local licence.

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Hmmm, interesting. So unless you get an aussie license you can keep racking up the points and just keep paying the fines :)(not that you would want to keep paying fines and getting speeding tickets)



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Or you can just stop speeding!
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But, if you later become pr, you will have to change your license. At which point you could find you are not eligible.


I'm currently on 5 points so haven't reached the 12 point limit yet (and don't intend to), I was just curious as to how the points relate to holding a UK license without owning an Aussie one.



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I got a speeding ticket on my UK license. When I applied for my NSW license 1 year later, the points were transferred over to it :( This was in 2013.


I don't have any points on my UK licence, the points I have currently accumulated have only been in Perth via the traffic infringement notice. But I wonder what would happen for example if I move state, lets say Victoria and I apply for an Aussie license there, would the points show up or is this just relative to state?



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I don't have any points on my UK licence, the points I have currently accumulated have only been in Perth via the traffic infringement notice. But I wonder what would happen for example if I move state, lets say Victoria and I apply for an Aussie license there, would the points show up or is this just relative to state?



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I expect you would get away with it, as driver records will be held by the relevant state organisation


I know exactly how it works in NSW through (slightly) bitter experience: If you have a driver record with RMS and you get demerit points, they will go on your driver record and when you get a NSW licence, they will add them to your licence. You may have a driver record with RMS if you have either a car registered in your name, and/or an e-tag for toll roads


I know this because when we were here on temporary visas, my wife got a speeding ticket and a right turn violation ticket. I couldn't be bothered sending a stat dec in for the speeding fine to change it to her name because it was only a 1 point offence and the fines come from the same place whoever's name they are in. I did send one in for the no right turn violation as I didn't want that on my record.


2 years later when we get NSW licences, I find I have inherited a demerit point (from "her" speeding offence) and she has a clean licence. Because she never had a driver record with RMS (e-tags and regos were all in my name as just easier that way when we first came over) so they had nowhere to assign the points


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I got mine while in Australia on my UK license. I had a car registered in my name and my UK license was linked to the registration. Speed camera fine = points in my name. Would not show up on the UK license but certainly do in Australia when applying for an Aussie license.

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