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Extreamly worried about shipping my Chihuahua to Oz


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I need your help and advice please


We have two dogs Poppy, a Springer and a two year old Chihuahua (Lola) who is really nervous / anxious. I Know she would love it in Australia as she loves he long walks chasing Poppy round the hills. I'm really scared she wont cope with the massive ordeal of being shipped to Oz but we cannot leave her but most of all, cant put her through it if something may happen to her as we would never forgive ourselves.


What I'm asking is, has anybody been in a similar situation with there dog and what did they do?

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First, don't worry. They cope far better than you think they will. We also have a chi - see my avatar. While he didn't fly from the UK he did fly from Sydney to Perth (about 4 hours) then spent two weeks in kennels while we found a place to live. He was fine and is also an anxious dog (neurotic lol). My guess is they just sleep the journey.


However, she won't be running through the hills like the UK. First, most country areas with green hills here is private and you are not allowed access. Second, a lot of country areas are national parks and dogs are banned from national parks. Then of course in summer, you have to be careful in country areas of snakes - humans as well don't go tramping through long grass and things in summers. Then, many areas are also baited with poison meat to kill foxes, so you can't take dogs. We generally take ours to the beach, which he loves. He doesn't like going in the water, but loves running on the beach.


Oz is different for dogs in my view. They are not as big a part of the family - many people just leave them in the back yard 24/7. Also, you can't take them in things like pubs.


The other thing with chihuahuas, as you know, they are not good at regulating body heat, so, in summer they do need a bit of extra care. What that means in our experience is we walk him very early (about 6:30 am) and late in the evening (7pm). We also wet him down or I even just take him in the shower with me for a cold shower - I have to get a few a day to keep cool. Also, an ice cube in his water. Though he has become an expert at finding little parts of the house with a bit of breeze lol.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I would highly recommend @BobPetairUK he is not only the number one pet shipper in the UK but the three people who run the company are vets and have been for many years. They have never had any problems in all their years shipping animals. There may be cheaper companies out there but for me money isn't an issue when shipping a part of our family.

Like Verystormy says they cope better than us, I remember sending one of my breeding lines to America, I was a wreck, I didn't need to be at all. If we didn't love them then we wouldn't care.

Have a look at Bobs forum and I'm sure he will put your mind to rest http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/shipping-pets-ask-pet-air/

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Thank you on your info....


It would of never even crossed my mind to even think about baited poison and things like that. its vile in my opinion! we take her up to the beach near Blackpool and she loves it although she wont go near the water, she hates it.


the info on the body heat will be very helpful to us


thank you so much

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It would of never even crossed my mind to even think about baited poison and things like that. its vile in my opinion! we take her up to the beach near Blackpool and she loves it although she wont go near the water, she hates it.



Many of VeryStormy's comments are spot-on. I'm sure your chihuahua will be happy in Australia because he's with you, but he will not love Australia - he won't be able to run free nearly as much, he'll be miserable in the heat for long stretches of the day during summer - and it's a much more dangerous environment: it's not just baits and snakes you have to worry about, it's paralysis ticks as well. I've had two friends who have lost dogs to paralysis ticks.


I was amazed to see dogs on the beach at Bournemouth - they're not allowed on the beach in many parts of Australia except in a few dog-friendly sections on a few beaches - so check out the area where you're headed for, and see what dog-friendly spaces are available.


As for dogs being in the yard - in Sydney, I had many friends that are very fond of their dogs, but because of the mild weather they don't see anything strange about the dog sleeping in a kennel or garage rather than in the house (apart from anything else, it means they don't get woken at 6 in the morning by a dog scratching to get out!). It would never occur to them that there's any risk of having the dog stolen from the garden, I'd never even heard the suggestion until someone on these forums said they were worried about it.

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yeah we have. My partner has her god parents in Caloundra on the sunshine coast, they take their dogs to a beach there which is where we will be heading. As for sleeping in the yard that certainly wont be happening.


I suppose its swings and roundabouts isn't it....


I know they will be very happy in Australia as so will we having them there, its just the flight and the quarantine I'm concerned about really.

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I suppose its swings and roundabouts isn't it....



Not really. Swings and roundabouts would mean there are some benefits for the dogs to counteract the negatives. Personally I don't see what those are. But let's face it, the important thing is whether the move to Oz will benefit you - and if that's the case, which I'm sure it is, then the dogs will adapt.

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Not really. Swings and roundabouts would mean there are some benefits for the dogs to counteract the negatives. Personally I don't see what those are. But let's face it, the important thing is whether the move to Oz will benefit you - and if that's the case, which I'm sure it is, then the dogs will adapt.


Well the fairly obvious benefit to the dog is being with the family they have bonded to. Some toy dogs especially bond very strongly with 1 person in particular.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I worked in the largest veterinary hospital in the Southern Hemisphere (Melbourne) and I can assure you that your dog will have a wonderful life here. I've only treated one animal for the paralysis tick and that was a wombat. Plenty of other ticks and fleas though.

Out of around 70 ticks we have in Australia it's only the paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus that will cause issues and like everything else health wise you just need to keep on top of it, ie regular checks, prevention use something like Bravecto. Have a read here http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/160321/paralysis-ticks.pdf

Same with snake bikes, I wouldn't worry too much, I'm not going to say it won't happen but again he chances are slim, unless you had a terrier and lived on the edge of the rainforest I wouldn't be too concerned.

There are off leash parks available in every state, although to be honest I'm not a fan of them as most people can't control their dogs.

So back to your original question if you haven't been scared off, they will be fine on the journey unless they have severe health issues or very bad separation anxiety.

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Thank you Pom Queen that's what I wanted to hear. I no they will be very happy there, no doubt about that. They are very happy here so why wouldn't they be. It was just the flight I was concerned about but you have reassured me with that so thank you.


I guess some people are just not dog lovers hey! :wink:

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Hi, I shipped my 2 small dogs Jack Russell and Yorkie x over 1 year ago. I was very anxious about the process and how they would cope.I fattened them up as I knew they would lose weight through a bit of stress . They were absolutely fine when I collected them, the shippers kept me updated as did the quarantine kennels, they had lost the weight they put on but were in good overall condition. When I got them home they both made a mad dash to jump in the pool. I think we stress far more than the dogs do. We have found plenty of places to take them for walks, so long as your sensible and aware of potential risks I cant see any negatives at all about shipping them over, infact I wouldn't have made the move without them

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A friend of mine shipped their very anxious mini poodle over with Golden Arrow. ( other pet shippers are available!) Dog was absolutely fine. I don't imagine they enjoy the experience but all is forgotten soon enough once back with their family. Certainly quicker than settling some dogs into a new home with strangers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These dogs dont love the flight or process, but it is short term pain for the long term gain of getting to stay with families they love and who love them. They cope with it no matter how worried they are!

Things to bear in mind is to make sure you start the rabies work nice and early as we see this time and time again and the dogs have to wait in UK before they can fly as it is started too late. You need to start the rabies work at least 7 months before the flight!


With regards to choosing pet shippers, if you have a nervous dog then using a shipper closer to the airport to help shorten your dogs' total journey time is a good idea and maybe a shipper who will meet you on the day of check in rather than asking your dog to be boarded for the days before the flight would help just keep stress to a minimum.

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Have always had dogs in Australia, they love it there, all that open space and off leash areas. I was lucky enough to live near a reserve where the big dogs and little dogs were separated according to their size. I know in Melbourne dogs have to be walked on their leads at all times, not sure about other States, but always walk my dog on a lead in any event.


My little lad is returning to Australia this year with Petair UK, I would never leave him behind. He coped very well with the journey over from Australia to. UK last year, just a couple of days of doggie jet lag and he was fine. Just have to be aware of regular flea/tic treatments as already mentioned.

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