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Marriage over Visa cancelled .. my options now ?


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I have friends doing business study or personal training courses simply to buy time and theyre cheap as chips !!!



Your idea of cheap as chips is WAY different to mine (I came on a student visa). Remember you can't work more than 40 hours each fortnight on that visa too.

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Well if 2.5 g for 6 month semester isnt pricey ? And yer 20 hours is sufficient


Two thousand for a semester of full time study would be cheap, many units cost $1000 alone, however those kind of fees are for domestic students.


For a full time international student the fees will be much bigger.

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I would imagine that there is hostility because "courses" like this have nothing to do with study and everything to do with exploiting a visa loophole. That forces Immi to tweak regulations to close the loopholes which in turn makes it harder for genuine students to get a visa. And all because someone is basically pulling a fast one.


I totally get what you are trying to do and I don't have a problem with people ducking and diving and cutting a few corners. But it does come across as a little shady and the Authorities have seen all the tricks before. At the end of the day it's down to what you can prove versus the worst that they suspect and I would imagine that they are perfectly happy to err on the side of caution and refuse entry to anyone they think is a little dodgy.

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I dont allow these venues to trade ..

I dont make the rules ..

Im just playing the hand i was dealt as best i can , they're legit licensed schools you know what i mean !


Yes they are legit, but there's still a risk that they'll look at your overall history and decide your intentions are not to genuinely study, even if you're enrolled in a genuine course - especially if it's part time and you're not allowed to work enough hours to support yourself.


Like I said, I can understand the idea of ducking and diving, just so long as you're ready for the risk that you could get banned from re-entering Australia in the future, if you're turned back. Seems a shame to jeopardise your long-term future for a short-term win.


By far your safest bet would be to head to NZ with your partner and stay there until you can get a proper visa for Oz sorted out.

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Be aware that to get a student visa immigration must count the course as full time. I'm not sure what the cut off for that is as mine was 3 days and counted as full time.

Also, they ask people to prove they are a genuine student now. There have been a few people on here refused as they had been over here on other visas first.

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I would imagine that there is hostility because "courses" like this have nothing to do with study and everything to do with exploiting a visa loophole. That forces Immi to tweak regulations to close the loopholes which in turn makes it harder for genuine students to get a visa. And all because someone is basically pulling a fast one.


I totally get what you are trying to do and I don't have a problem with people ducking and diving and cutting a few corners. But it does come across as a little shady and the Authorities have seen all the tricks before. At the end of the day it's down to what you can prove versus the worst that they suspect and I would imagine that they are perfectly happy to err on the side of caution and refuse entry to anyone they think is a little dodgy.


We're aware that immigration also read our boards which I'm guessing helps them to identify the loop holes that are being exploited and tightened up..

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No, but if you then apply for a 461 they will do a police check and if they see from that that you would have lied to get the Bridging Visa E, you would be in strife. Honesty may have inconvenienced you in the short term, but it might still help you in the long term.

Was it ever declared on his original visa I wonder?

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Yeah. He said it was an Aussie conviction so couldn't have been.

Did i miss something but a student visa usually requires a police check whether the offence was in OZ or anywhere else in the world. Even entering as a tourist certain convictions can make someone inadmissable. Likely has to be something significant to warrant further investigation not just a speeding offence

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Did i miss something but a student visa usually requires a police check whether the offence was in OZ or anywhere else in the world. Even entering as a tourist certain convictions can make someone inadmissable. Likely has to be something significant to warrant further investigation not just a speeding offence

Yes but he hasn't applied for a student visa yet so hasn't had to declare it. I was responding so someone asking if it had been declared on the original visa. As it hadn't happened then it couldn't have been declared. All he has to do is declare it when he does apply for a new visa and it shouldn't be an issue.

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Have to agree with a few others on here. It will sound a bit dodgy. Not saying it is but it sounds it. Within a matter of weeks of visa cancellation, you are head over heels in love. Also, what to me sounds even worse is again within weeks of moving in with someone you are now already on the lease and have joint bank accounts. I cannot see why anyone would rush out and sort all that out within a few weeks of knowing each other unless it was to make a point. I am no migrate agent but I would think this all looks 'desperate'. I totally understand your desperate need to stay though as it sounds like it has become home to you and wish you luck.

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End of day i guess people come on a forum for informal advice some might not be what they want to hear and some they might, and should be accepted as such. If someone has convinced themselves they have a plan even if to some people sounds like something immigration have seen before, and am sure they have seen plenty, they will likely just stick to their plan. A start point of a cancelled 457, a defacto NZ citizen who is not PR in OZ, a tourist visa immediately after a cancelled 457 and then a possible student visa. At least no option considered seen elsewhere where someone changed their name by deedpoll to get a new passport and attempt a visa that route, but thats extreme. As others have said here good luck with whatever route taken

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My ex wife is now with an ozzy fella .. whome she met nearly as soon as we broke up. I think that shows that we were both hanging on for a fair while. And we are trying to build up evidence of our relationship as advised by people who went through same thing. We were in sydney for Christmas to meet my best mate and his mrs .. we have already booked to attend one of her family members wedding in march where ill meet all her family .. how we met and the circumstances may seem odd to some people but there's nothing to fabricate about our relationship.

Ill keep the feed updated when i re renter from bali because i thought this forum would be more about trying to help eachother rather than point fingers and judge

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My ex wife is now with an ozzy fella .. whome she met nearly as soon as we broke up. I think that shows that we were both hanging on for a fair while. And we are trying to build up evidence of our relationship as advised by people who went through same thing. We were in sydney for Christmas to meet my best mate and his mrs .. we have already booked to attend one of her family members wedding in march where ill meet all her family .. how we met and the circumstances may seem odd to some people but there's nothing to fabricate about our relationship.

Ill keep the feed updated when i re renter from bali because i thought this forum would be more about trying to help eachother rather than point fingers and judge


I understand exactly what you mean, Kev. I met my current partner only three months after my last relationship split up. I'd been in that relationship for 10 years but I'd been unhappy for over five of those - I stuck it out because he had major health problems and I felt I had to support him. So by the time I was able to leave, I was more than ready to start afresh.


So, I am NOT saying you're fabricating your relationship and nor are most of the people who are replying. What we ARE doing is imagining ourselves in the immigration officer's shoes and thinking, what will THEY think when they look at your case? They're paid to be suspicious, and they are actively looking for signs that something isn't right, and that's why we're urging you to be very cautious about trying to work around the restrictions.


Not that your relationship is relevant anyway - I hope you now understand that being de facto or married to a NZ citizen won't get you into Australia. You could get a spouse visa for New Zealand (not Australia) based on that relationship. Then once you've lived in NZ long enough you could get your NZ citizenship, and then you could both return to Oz, but that's a long term plan.


So I think you need to sit down and have a good talk with your partner. Would she be willing to return to NZ for your sake, and work towards getting you your citizenship so you can both return together in the future? It would be by far the safest and surest pathway.

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I appreciate what your saying , and i will keep it in mind when speaking to immigration when i fly back.

But there is a 461 nz partner/family visa which id be able to apply for in 4 month on the back of my gfs 444 .. and from there im sure we will figure out something. . But ultimately we will be able to spend the time together here in what we are calling home

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