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Taken the plunge - newbie


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HI Everyone,


We have been lurking for a while and have finally taken the plunge in making the first steps.


Here is a brief history and any advice/constructive criticism welcome:wink:


I have always wanted to go to Oz and my friend emigrated 10 years ago to QLD, Brisbane. We visited in Dec 2013 and I knew it was for us except that we wouldn't want to be in Brisbane as it was so hot.


Hubby - skilled carpenter/joiner he actually fits the job description of Cabinet maker better. He has over 20yrs experience. He has an old boss who works in Melbourne who has said as soon as he is over and gets his ABN number, he will have work for him He also told us that due to Melbourne expanding so quickly, he would have no shortage of work and wouldn't be surprised if hubby is setting up on his own within 2 years. This is in the kitchen/home improvement sector.


I am Level 3 NVQ in BSL translation which is similar to Auslan but I have no recent experience. I am currently a family support worker trained in Triple P, which is an Australian parenting programme. I also have experience of working in a school as Teaching Assistant / learning mentor.


We have 3 children 17,13 & 12 who are from my first marriage.

We have a baby of our own.


We have spoken to Go Matilda who have suggested the skilled visa application. We discussed state nominated but they didn't seem to think that this would be feasible as hubby has no 'degree' in cabinet making. Go Matilda have agreed to take us on which I'm hoping is a good sign.


We have a property here that we are not sure what to do with. Rent out and take less money or sell up and take the lot.




* using Go Matilda - worth it? It does seem expensive but we have 4 children and an ex husband (I am going to try and get a formal letter of consent done- he has little input into the children's lives and we have been separated 13 years)


* whats the best thing to do with our property here? Sell and go for it, take some equity and rent it out?


* Melbourne - we would need to be near Montrose but is that too far out?


* Anxiety & prenatal depression - can that affect medical? Off tablets now and all fine since little one arrived.


We have 2 dogs who we will be taking and I'm so happy now that they won't have to spend 6 months in quarantine.


I am so scared and will be so sad to leave my family, however after experiencing a brief insight into the way of life over there, I know we would be really happy.



Thank you all in advance

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My first thought reading this was that you visited Brisbane on holiday and, based on that, concluded that Melbourne was right for you.


In your position and based on everything you have said in your post I would recommend renting your UK home and not burning too many bridges when making the move. Then you can more easily return if it is not as you expect. I would be worried anout the effects on the teenagers education I must admit.

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Melbourne is a great city. Montrose would be a lovely spot too at the foot of the Dandenongs almost.

The Eastern suburbs are the best in my opinion but I'm biased as I live there.


It is a fair way from the CBD but the train line is excellent. Probably 45 minutes on the train to the city.

If you can work in the east then even better.

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Thank you for your replies.


We visited Brisbane and loved it there but the job offer is in Melbourne and due to the weather being so hot, we think it would suit us better in Melbourne as it is slightly cooler. I have 2 gingers too which even Zinc does not stop the sun burning!!!


I guess Montrose is far out but its where we have the job offer so we will look there to start until we find our feet. I like the look of Mooroolbark too :-)

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We visited Brisbane and loved it there but the job offer is in Melbourne and due to the weather being so hot, we think it would suit us better in Melbourne as it is slightly cooler.


The point I was trying to make is that it's not just the weather that's different, lots of other things are too. It's like an Australian saying they loved York when they visited but it was too cold, so they're moving to London. Much bigger, more crowded, far more expensive, much less laidback. So long as you're prepared for that, I'm sure you'll be fine - just don't expect it to be like Brisbane!


Check out house and rental prices on domain.com.au and realestate.com.au to get an idea of costs.

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HI Everyone,


We have been lurking for a while and have finally taken the plunge in making the first steps.


Here is a brief history and any advice/constructive criticism welcome:wink:


I have always wanted to go to Oz and my friend emigrated 10 years ago to QLD, Brisbane. We visited in Dec 2013 and I knew it was for us except that we wouldn't want to be in Brisbane as it was so hot.


Hubby - skilled carpenter/joiner he actually fits the job description of Cabinet maker better. He has over 20yrs experience. He has an old boss who works in Melbourne who has said as soon as he is over and gets his ABN number, he will have work for him He also told us that due to Melbourne expanding so quickly, he would have no shortage of work and wouldn't be surprised if hubby is setting up on his own within 2 years. This is in the kitchen/home improvement sector.


I am Level 3 NVQ in BSL translation which is similar to Auslan but I have no recent experience. I am currently a family support worker trained in Triple P, which is an Australian parenting programme. I also have experience of working in a school as Teaching Assistant / learning mentor.


We have 3 children 17,13 & 12 who are from my first marriage.

We have a baby of our own.


We have spoken to Go Matilda who have suggested the skilled visa application. We discussed state nominated but they didn't seem to think that this would be feasible as hubby has no 'degree' in cabinet making. Go Matilda have agreed to take us on which I'm hoping is a good sign.


We have a property here that we are not sure what to do with. Rent out and take less money or sell up and take the lot.




* using Go Matilda - worth it? It does seem expensive but we have 4 children and an ex husband (I am going to try and get a formal letter of consent done- he has little input into the children's lives and we have been separated 13 years)


* whats the best thing to do with our property here? Sell and go for it, take some equity and rent it out?


* Melbourne - we would need to be near Montrose but is that too far out?


* Anxiety & prenatal depression - can that affect medical? Off tablets now and all fine since little one arrived.


We have 2 dogs who we will be taking and I'm so happy now that they won't have to spend 6 months in quarantine.


I am so scared and will be so sad to leave my family, however after experiencing a brief insight into the way of life over there, I know we would be really happy.



Thank you all in advance


Good advice from others, I will just add that you will need to get permission from the Father of the children before you move them to Australia. If permission is not available then you will have a lengthy process to follow which may, or may not, be successful.

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Welcome. Good luck with the plans!

If you have any questions regarding the Sign Language side of things then send me a PM (as I don't get on here so often anymore) as I also made the transition. x

Thank you..I've nt actively been signing for 2 years so I know Iwould need to brush up & study Auslan.


I am going to approach the ex with a hypothetical question and see what his thoughts are. I doubt he would win as he only sees them 26 nights a year and has no input inyo their daily life (his choice).

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Keep in mind the dependancy for your oldest on the application. I am not sure what the cut off age wise is for a child to go on a visa application as a dependant but if there is one still and they are not fully dependant on you (ie living at home, in full time education) it could present a problem. Its been a while since I did any reading on this aspect and things could have changed but its worth just checking so you know what is what and how to avoid stuffing up before you lodge IYKWIM.


If your child is over 16 consent from the father may not be needed still. I'm not sure if its 16 or 18. The other two being older, if it does come to a legal process because he won't sign to let them go, there is a good chance a judge will listen to the kids wishes and take them into consideration (this is from what I have read on here, not my own personal experience). Hopefully it won't come to that, just get that leave to remove paperwork signed before you lodge your application.


Your medical concerns should not have any impact. Discuss with your agent if you are really concerned but I can't see any reason to worry. I declared PND at mine and it was fine.

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Thank you for your replies.


We visited Brisbane and loved it there but the job offer is in Melbourne and due to the weather being so hot, we think it would suit us better in Melbourne as it is slightly cooler. I have 2 gingers too which even Zinc does not stop the sun burning!!!


I guess Montrose is far out but its where we have the job offer so we will look there to start until we find our feet. I like the look of Mooroolbark too :-)


We have been working for quite a few years in Vic, both Melbourne, outer suburbs, and up near the NSW/VIC boarder. Have returned to Qld because I could not handle the Vic summer heat which can get to over 40c and although it is a dry heat where as Qld is humid it is still very very hot.

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Thank you Snifter, I am not too concerned about my PND but its always a worry for a worrier ha ha.


Tina2 thats interesting to hear that the heat moved you away, we think we have been spoilt in seeing QLD but I'm sure VIC is just as nice.


We currently live in a small village 26 miles out of BIrmingham so the commute for shops would be about the same.


Looking in MOntrose though, it does look very secluded.

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Missmoffitt Montrose is 40 mins from the city, so if you are happy with that distance you might like to have a look around Gisbourne and Woodend. An hour from Melbourne on a good train line. Very pretty, and not so hot . Good medical, shops, restuarants, and schools. You might find this link a help http://www.whereis.com you can click on Directions and then ad your start and end destination and it gives you route and time to travel. Or you click Search and key in one town and it not only gives you a map of that town but on the left there is a list of all manner of things like shops, schools, medical, click on any one and it will show up on your selected map.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Thank you for your replies.


We visited Brisbane and loved it there but the job offer is in Melbourne and due to the weather being so hot, we think it would suit us better in Melbourne as it is slightly cooler. I have 2 gingers too which even Zinc does not stop the sun burning!!!


I guess Montrose is far out but its where we have the job offer so we will look there to start until we find our feet. I like the look of Mooroolbark too :-)

Welcome to the forum.

You keep saying Montrose is too far out, but for what? If hubby has a job there it's a great place to live. Great schools and lovely housing. You are close to Knox and Fountain Gate.

Melbourne isn't like Brisbane, in fact I would compare Melbourne to the UK more than Brisbane, but if you have a job then go for it. Although on the job front it's ok being told to get your own ABN but if you are contracting you aren't guaranteed of work, I have been away from Melbourne a while now and I know when I lived their cabinet makers were in demand, but up in Queensland now people are only getting the odd jobs for a few weeks at a time and then nothing for months. Why not ask for the friend to offer a full time job.

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Just re the kids and their Dad. Maybe offer to fly them back once per year (at your expense - you are the 1 moving) to spend time with him. Also a regular skype calls etc.



I will offer as much contact as he would like - which I always have done- but to say he is a knob head is an understatement. (he turned up to court for finances but not contact hearing). I'm sure he will put up a fight though so I will offer loads and he can choose what he wants.


I have looked at Montrose and it's lovely. I like the look of Croydon as it seems a bit busier for the teens. My daughter is an actress so she needs a theater group and my other daughter is an athlete so she needs a good group to join.


Hubby has been told he will be suc contracted but after 2 years most kitchen fitters and carpenters have set up (apparently)


I am looking at now possibly releasing some equity and going down the buy to let route so at least we have our house here should it all go wrong.


Can't be any worse than where I live at the moment.....dull and no aspirations.

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Don't be so harsh on where you live right now Missmoffitt!Dare I say it,but a few aussies I know would say the same about where they live too!Leave the UK with love in your heart and move forward.No point in picking it to pieces to justify your move.


very wise words. The grass isn't always greener x

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