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My travel thread


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I actually really want to do a Europe trip. So many places in the world I want to go and such little money haha


Move to Europe somewhere for a while. Then go see other parts of it from wherever it is you've based yourself.


Living in the Netherlands for many years I used to travel all over (often via car or train) for weekends away with such ease. Belgium, France, Switzerland, Germany... When living in Germany we would head to Denmark for weekends too.


I think living in another country properly for a while gives you a greater appreciation of it that just passing through it continuously or taking a casual live in job for a few weeks somewhere. You are not a tourist anymore either but a resident and can put down some roots and build a bit of a life for yourself. Its an amazing experience. Plus you get the added bonus of often being able to learn a new language.

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I'm not sure how the language part would work, people even in the UK have a hard enough problem understanding me at times haha. And also work, not sure how easy it is to pick up as a non local. Germany would be cool though, I want to learn German. The guys I travelled with were teaching me Dutch too but it's not the sort of thing I could say in public haha.


My mum has the same idea as parley - that I should settle down now etc

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I suppose its easier for a woman if she assumes she can just marry a bloke sometime and be a housewife.


A man has to plan for his future. Career, house etc.


We are in 2016 Parley. Most of us moved with the times.

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Probably welcomed the distraction from daily life. Life of the idle or retired. I've taken any number of foreign visitors to Pinnacles and further afield. I guess that makes me a super nice guy by such a measurement? I wouldn't have thought much of it to be honest.


Ah, but I have more information that you do - I know Rossy has been very supportive of Stacey who equally has appreciated it

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I'm not sure how the language part would work, people even in the UK have a hard enough problem understanding me at times haha. And also work, not sure how easy it is to pick up as a non local. Germany would be cool though, I want to learn German. The guys I travelled with were teaching me Dutch too but it's not the sort of thing I could say in public haha.


My mum has the same idea as parley - that I should settle down now etc


Stop coming up with reasons why you shouldn't before you even start :)


I moved to 3 different countries on my own, found work and places to live in all 3. Learnt new languages in two of them. It can be done, you just have to want to and to be prepared to jump in and embrace it fully, not remain on the outside looking in as a tourist or passing through.

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Thank you for that comment Ali. But apart from enjoying Stacey's company, I am just paying back what others have done for my offspring when they have been travelling. After all that is what makes the world go round don't you think?


Paying it forward is a great thing.

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so don't you think Stacey needs to plan a proper future ?


That isn't the point of this thread Parley. Its a travel thread. About seeing some of the world while you can. Go pick your argument with someone else because I really don't want to play.

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I suppose its easier for a woman if she assumes she can just marry a bloke sometime and be a housewife.


A man has to plan for his future. Career, house etc.


Tad sexist there Parly..... many of us women have careers too you know and still manage to travel and marry and have children.

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Oh for goodness sake Flag - what really is the point of that post you made. If you've nothing nice to say .................................... well, I'm sure you know the rest. You are a proper Eeyore. I'm also one of the idle/retired. So what! Bet you wish you were too.


Exactly my sentiment. So what indeed. I hadn't thought the comment ill founded nor not nice. I actually enjoy idleness and getting out and about with visitors or not. Actually the next arrives next Wednesday. Three in total. Nothing extraordinary.

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The point is, your advice just to flit around endlessly travelling and taking casual jobs is not realistic.


The career should be planned for.


Work out what you want to do with your life first. Think about college.


Holidays should fit around that.

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Tad sexist there Parly..... many of us women have careers too you know and still manage to travel and marry and have children.


Of course it is sexist. Intentionally so.

You might have had a career and that is what I hope for any young woman or man too.

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I suppose its easier for a woman if she assumes she can just marry a bloke sometime and be a housewife.


A man has to plan for his future. Career, house etc.


He has to do no such thing providing he wed's well. Women being increasingly better educated than men are often ahead of the pack when it comes to position and pay. Well positioned women often find it hard to find a partner, but you would need to offer other attributes if not the provider.

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The point is, your advice just to flit around endlessly travelling and taking casual jobs is not realistic.


The career should be planned for.


Work out what you want to do with your life first. Think about college.


Holidays should fit around that.


Of course it is. It was in my time and at that age still an option. There is little substitution to travel. Providing one does it well and learns and take advantage of opportunities. Life is short. Grab it and live it how you wish.

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I'm not sure how the language part would work, people even in the UK have a hard enough problem understanding me at times haha


Even tho I knew you were Scotch, I've read all your posts over the years in a neutral accent -- not so now I've read that. Och...

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Even tho I knew you were Scotch, I've read all your posts over the years in a neutral accent -- not so now I've read that. Och...


Usually it's when I'm deliberately trying to sound as clear as possible that I have problems lol. I'm quite paranoid about it now. Recently it's always been "are you Irish"? But one German guy thought I was German too. God knows why

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Usually it's when I'm deliberately trying to sound as clear as possible that I have problems lol. I'm quite paranoid about it now. Recently it's always been "are you Irish"? But one German guy thought I was German too. God knows why


A lot of folk have asked if I'm Irish too. Never German though. :cute:

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You can't spend your whole life travelling Stacey.

Although it does sound nice I suppose.



..........you can spend your whole life travelling.....

..........though it is advisable to take a few years out to train as something you can work at anywhere.....

...........a career to fall back on .....

...........but with a few other qualifications that help you through.....some hospitality experience....

...........you can....!

...........it all depends what you want out of life.....

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Thank you for that comment Ali. But apart from enjoying Stacey's company, I am just paying back what others have done for my offspring when they have been travelling. After all that is what makes the world go round don't you think?


I expect my son will travel back to Australia in his late teens/early 20's and I'm really hoping that he'll have a whole network of people he can turn to to get him on his feet & turn to if things get wobbly. Of course I am also looking forward to having their offspring pass through our house on their European travels! I'm talking about real life friends here, not PIO ones but who knows by then Stacey might be settled in Perth :):)

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