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Here is a classic bush recipe I have made a number of times when out in the middle of nowhere.


Beer can chicken:

You need a heavy metal casserole type pot.


Put some rocks - about half a dozen each the size of a small bag of sugar.

Get a fire going on top of the rocks and enjoy some beers for an hour or so - longer the better.


Dig a hole and put the rocks in and put half an inch of dirt over


Take a raw chicken and put a can of beer in the cavity and put it in the pot with about half an inch of water, some onion and garlic if you have it.

Put the pot in the hole and put a very heavy rock on the lid.


Enjoy some more beers.


When the beer can explodes, chuck in some carrots or what ever other veg you have and season.


Put back on the rocks for half an hour or so and grab a shower.


Dinner is served

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No its not a proper campervan. It's a van and people convert it so you build the frame for the bed but underneath it is a gap where your bags etc go. Then you build shelves in the boot bit for your food and equipment. He's done this before so he's got one of those cooker things but we would mostly be staying in campsites so we had showers and a kitchen. I wish it was a proper campervan though, they look really good but they are always really old and backpackers always rip each other off unfortunately. This was a van from a business company that has a lot less km's and he got his mechanic mate to check it out.


I'm worried about the time of year though. I'm going to melt

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Extraordinary?Are you serious Flag?lol Nothing special happening that way in my neck of the woods hon.I know two people in Oz,with partners,one 12 yrs younger,the other 8!(The rest are in the UK)You need to get with the times!:laugh:Whats the difference anyway of say an older guy going for a younger woman?


or a younger man with an older women

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I'm feeling a lot more settled now. Got a bunch of Irish guys that I get on quite well with and also some locals. Even got on well tonight with the old grumpy guy. Well kinda - he made a comment about me having a bit of a belly and I just gave him cheek back. Said he needed to come to the gym with me tonget rid of his. He seemed to like that I was being cheeky haha. Fingers crossed I have more ups than downs now. Although I've going out tonight my aunt isn't well but wont go to the doctor, im feeling really worried about her. Im as close to her as my mum. She's so smart but when it comes to looking after herself she's not the smartest at times

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We're all trying to convince her although I asked her daughter and she seems to think she's fine unless she's just not telling me. But even I noticed a difference on the video chat before my mum told me. She's went down to a size 8 now and looks really tired :( my mum told me my uncle that had cancer isn't doing that great either

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Sorry to hear about your uncle Stacey.and I hope your Auntie finds the courage to visit her doctor.I had a health scare a couple of years ago,(and I am as stubborn as a mule when it comes to doc visits)but I figured it was better to go and put my mind at rest.Turned out it was nothing major.

Have you been in a supermarket yet hon?How are you finding the prices?

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There's a big sports pitch field that they go to. I went there but nothing so maybe have to get up at 5. There's a golf course too but that's further away


I see a lot of wallabies when I'm out walking and also many of these little things - the long nosed potoroo. They're about the size of a rabbit - very cute.




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There's a big sports pitch field that they go to. I went there but nothing so maybe have to get up at 5. There's a golf course too but that's further away


Dusk is when I used to always see them in the national parks in WA

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I went looking for kangaroos tonight but they were all hiding from me.. Not fair


If you are not slaving away over a hot bar tonight and you have access to a TV, the ABC has a program at 8 pm just for you: Kangaroo Dundee, a documentary about a man near Alice Springs who rescues and raises orphan joeys.



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