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What's my chances/options?


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that's crazy! what's the point in them offering a visa option which is basically unobtainable! just out of interest where is the info on the waiting time for this visa?


There are various threads in this and other forums about the length of time - when you submit an application it indicates what your waiting time will be. The reason is for all intensive purposes this visa is no longer being processed. For a period in 2014 the visa was completely removed - then there was a challenge and it was brought back but then the government reduced the number of visas of this class that are to be given per year which is soo low it is going to take more than 10 years (for some subclasses it is 56 years) to get through those applications already submitted.

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This visa has more than a 10 year waiting period during which time he cannot have a partner who does not also fit the criteria (ie must either be Australian or have no relatives living outside Australia).....realistically he must remain single unti his mid 40s...not really a realistic option



It it is a 56 year wait for this one!



that's crazy! what's the point in them offering a visa option which is basically unobtainable! just out of interest where is the info on the waiting time for this visa?


The government doesn't wan to offer this visa, they want to withdraw it but that is legally technically difficult. What they can easily do though is implement a cap, so they have done this so low it makes for a long wait and thus deters applicants.

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My mum lives in Australia but my dad lives in the UK, they separated a long time ago. So that visa wouldn't work and I'm not waiting that many years.


Well I think you should explore those options with your mums contacts and discuss with a migration agent whether the 457 visa would be possible.

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There is no requirement for labour market testing for a 457 temporary employer sponsored visa.


There is a requirement for labour market testing for a 457 visa unless the position is exempt, and Motorcycle Mechanic is not exempt.


OP - I'd suggest you speak with a migration agent (there are several who post regularly on this forum). Perhaps a WHV is a good doorway that could lead to a 457 (if the employer was willing and able). There are times work experience can off-set formal qualifications, but I don't know if your situation is one of them. A migration agent could review your situation and let you know your best options.

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Currently waiting to hear from my mum's lawyer to see if there is a chance I could get a 457 without the qualifications. But we will see, all help much appreciated so far keep it coming.


An to be honest I've had enough of the UK, for my own reasons that I wont go into. But I personally think its time for a new life away from everything.

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Bluerob I'd be the first person who'd say 'go for it, life's too short' but I honestly can't stress enough that the only person who can tell you about migration and tell you the ins and outs, every loophole, every opportunity..... Is, in my opinion and from hearing awful stories on here about plans scuppered through misinformation, wrong application etc.......is a registered migration agent.

It honestly is worth every penny... They will give you a strategy for a very reasonable cost, sometimes won't even be a cost just to assess the situation..... If you're really set on Oz honestly.... It's worth its weight in gold.

All the best I hope there's a pathway for you x

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Currently waiting to hear from my mum's lawyer to see if there is a chance I could get a 457 without the qualifications. But we will see, all help much appreciated so far keep it coming.


An to be honest I've had enough of the UK, for my own reasons that I wont go into. But I personally think its time for a new life away from everything.


If he's a lawyer, not a registered MARA migration agent, then I wouldn't be inclined to trust his advice. Migration is a specialist business - I've had my fingers burned by lawyers too many times because they are generalists, not specialists.


If you feel you need "a new life away from everything", that's your choice. Just bear in mind that maybe you don't need to go to the other end of the earth to achieve it.

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