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30 days till we set off on our adventure!


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Its been a while since Iv been able to post recently, Iv had a lots of bumps to encounter over the past few months.


However, I am trying to get back into Oz mode and the realisation is starting to hit that we set off in 30 days. We've been waiting for this for 7 1/2 years.


There have been moments this last few months where I have been close to changing my mind, but when all things have been considered practically Oz offers us the most as a family. We don't really have close family here in the Uk and our friends are spread so far and wide, its rare for us to get to see them. Financially Oz offers the best salaries and the best chance of getting back on the property market after losing all the value in my property when I sold in 2011.


It's amazing how our dreams have been so strong for 7 1/2 years but as we get closer, those dreams are turning into a whirlwind of emotions and practicalities. I kind of miss my care-free day dreaming days of 6 months ago.

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Enjoy your last month. It will fly !! Lots of luck with the move. This was us this time last year so know how you feel. We also waited years (from 2005) to get here. I will post my one year update next week - it will be glowing. Love love love it here and hope you do to. Obviously there's been highs and big scary lows but as a family we are all 100% happy with our decision to move here and love the lifestyle, Australia in general and the opportunities it has given us so far. Good luck and enjoy x

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It's amazing how our dreams have been so strong for 7 1/2 years but as we get closer, those dreams are turning into a whirlwind of emotions and practicalities. I kind of miss my care-free day dreaming days of 6 months ago.


Well look on the bright side........only 30 days of roller coaster emotions left!


Try and turn your thought patterns around. Start to think of it as a long holiday or big adventure. Start building up the excitement levels - maybe read some books or watch some films or documentaries relating to Australia. It is a stunningly beautiful country - so start acing like an excited tourist.


Maybe read something classical like We of the Never Never by Jeannie Gunn. Or the music and landscapes at the start of the film Crocodile Dundee, never fail to stir a longing for Australia in me. Even watch Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia. Get some travel guides from the travel agent, and realise the potential of what you can do when you actually get here. Anything like this really just to fire some enthusiasm and excitement into you.......and all this will hopefully help to take your mind off the mixed emotions you are experiencing now.


Although perhaps avoid reading Crocodile Attack by Hugh Edwards - as I read during my camping travels in Far North Queensland - not my best idea thus far! :laugh:


I see you are heading to Townsville. Lucky you - you will be near Magnetic Island for day trips and only 3 hours from the Whitsundays.


I lived in Townsville many years ago. Don't know what it is like now but I liked it back then.

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Best of luck to you! I totally get you - we've had a 6-year struggle to get back to Oz, and like yourself a career change to mh nursing. Just been granted our PR visas and it now feels like sh!t has hit the fan! Now I have no idea where to go and all I seem to hear is doom and gloom recession talk! But still feels great to be living it. Hope it all goes fab for you and good luck in your new post :)

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Its been a while since Iv been able to post recently, Iv had a lots of bumps to encounter over the past few months.


However, I am trying to get back into Oz mode and the realisation is starting to hit that we set off in 30 days. We've been waiting for this for 7 1/2 years.


There have been moments this last few months where I have been close to changing my mind, but when all things have been considered practically Oz offers us the most as a family. We don't really have close family here in the Uk and our friends are spread so far and wide, its rare for us to get to see them. Financially Oz offers the best salaries and the best chance of getting back on the property market after losing all the value in my property when I sold in 2011.


It's amazing how our dreams have been so strong for 7 1/2 years but as we get closer, those dreams are turning into a whirlwind of emotions and practicalities. I kind of miss my care-free day dreaming days of 6 months ago.


Jacqui I will be in Keyworth for 5 days from bank holiday Monday, if you would like to chat before you leave I will pm my mob. No.

I don't know Townsville all that well, but have lived in QLD for 12 years.

all the best for your move and new life, xM

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Thankyou everyone, for such kind words. Personally I am shocked that things have happened like they have but my relationship has recently been tested and some issues at work etc. All in all been one hell of a stressful month and my stomach has been on the floor for most of it.


I am starting to get my act together and pull my socks up. I had 6 days off this weekend and was supposed to be painting the house. Well that never happened!


Iv been watching youtube video's and that has helped.

@ramot thanks for the offer, that is so kind of you. I will PM you my number later on tonight.


A positive is I only have 5 shifts left at work woohoo!!!!

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Thankyou everyone, for such kind words. Personally I am shocked that things have happened like they have but my relationship has recently been tested and some issues at work etc. All in all been one hell of a stressful month and my stomach has been on the floor for most of it.


I am starting to get my act together and pull my socks up. I had 6 days off this weekend and was supposed to be painting the house. Well that never happened!


Iv been watching youtube video's and that has helped.

@ramot thanks for the offer, that is so kind of you. I will PM you my number later on tonight.


A positive is I only have 5 shifts left at work woohoo!!!!


We arrived 3 weeks ago (can it really be only 3 weeks?). I rocked up with food poisoning (from the airplane meal I am sure) and the past 10 days I have been more or less bed-bound with flu (which my OH now also has). Not the most auspicious start and we have been forced to postpone our road trip around QLD until we are well enough to travel. Best-laid plans and all that!!


Despite these couple of hiccoughs we are delighted to finally be here. Loving the space and the sunny, warm winter weather (though the nights and mornings are cold especially when unwell). We will certainly be passing through (and stopping at) Townsville sometime in September on our travels - our itinerary is completely vague at the moment.


We also found the time in between illnesses to buy ourselves a car and a house - which we move into on 2 October, just in time for our daughter to start school the following week. Good luck with all your final plans before arrival.

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Wow Gbye grey sky, I cant believe you arrived 3 weeks ago! How exciting for you?


Shame you landed with a pretty terrible start but I can imagine there are lots of adventures on the horizon. Send me a PM if you are passing through Townsville later in September and I will hopefully be able to put on a nice BBQ if I have adapted to the heat yet!


We are hoping to move into our rental around the same date as you! :-)

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.....Although perhaps avoid reading Crocodile Attack by Hugh Edwards - as I read during my camping travels in Far North Queensland - not my best idea thus far! :laugh:



Had to laugh at this. Reminds me of when I watched 'A Perfect Storm' onboard a ship on my first trip away to sea.

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Hi Jac,


I'm sure you'll be fine, just try to enjoy it. It is a scary feeling the closer the dream gets, but remember why youre doing it and that should make you better. I know I'll be the same when the time arrives. Infact i had those feelings a couple of months ago! but im back in to Aussie mode and hoping to stay like this. Please post and let us know how youre getting on. All the best. xx

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