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Coming on my own

Alix Fisher

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Hi. I was due to be coming with my boyfriend (now ex) of 3 years to oz in September... We have split up and I'm coming on my own and he isn't going at all. I'm TERRIFIED about it, but I've got myself into a hostel in Sydney for 8 nights. Anyone got any tips? Not a fan of having to fly on my own either :(

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Aw Alix im sorry to hear about that :( Honestly you will be fine! As soon as you get to the hostel you will meet people. Which one are you staying in? Seriously I wish I was going alone now, im starting to feel a bit smothered with the idea of being in this same group for a whole week and then staying with most of the same people the second week too. You'll be fine once you get there!

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Hey Alix, I am so sorry to hear that. It may not seem like it now, but it will probably be the best thing you ever do, going on yout own. A few people have offered to come along with me but I just imagine the freedom and possibilities of going on my own :-).

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Hi. I was due to be coming with my boyfriend (now ex) of 3 years to oz in September... We have split up and I'm coming on my own and he isn't going at all. I'm TERRIFIED about it, but I've got myself into a hostel in Sydney for 8 nights. Anyone got any tips? Not a fan of having to fly on my own either :(


Which hostel have you booked into Alix? I might have a walk by and check it out. Most of them are OK. I stayed in the YHA Central hostel which is almost next door to 'Wake Up'. I looked into 'Wake Up' yesterday because Stacey has booked into this one. It looked nice too. Whilst I was waiting at reception to ask them about the airport shuttle bus ($15 one way) I heard one of the receptionists telling a lady booking in about a free BBQ that night. Check with your hostel to see if they operate a shuttle service? I need to know the name of the hostel before I can tell you how easy it is to get there on public transport. If it is one near Central then they are all easy walking distance from the station. The Kings Cross hostels are all reasonable close to the station there. I have not paced out the YHA one in The Rocks from Circular Quay station but I imagine that is a reasonable walk (depending on how heavy your bags are.)


I came to Australia on my own in 1978 at 24, and I was scared too, but I doubt if you will have any problems in Sydney. What sort of visa do you have? I don't know what I will be doing in September, probably nothing given that has been my life since November last year, though I am studying with the Open University now. I might be able to take you to one of the pubs I frequent here in Surry Hills. I was talking to an English girl at the bar in the Trinity last night. She's been here for eight years and seemed to be settled in well. She recommended the Nelson hotel in Paddington/Woolahra to me, one that, amazingly, I have not been to before.

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Hey everyone, thanks for all your kind words and reassurance it's made me feel so much better. I'm staying in Jackaroo.. I needed somewhere I could pay when I get there and that was the best one available. I'm sharing in a 4 bed dorm so I'm sure I'll meet people. I arrive on the 11th late at night.. If anyone is around over the weekend and wants to meet up just send me a message on here. Not sure were I'm heading after there- need to find a job lol. I think you are all right I'd have a much better time going on my own.. no one to please but myself and I can do what I want. Thank you everyone xxxxx

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You will honestly have a better time! I know one couple from my town went over and they split up within a month, maybe it's just a coincidence but i was reading through some of the backpacker posts on here and there's a old one of a girl who went with her bf and they struggled for work (tbh she was being quite picky about the type if I remember correctly) but then she had the option of doing a certain job but her boyfriend wanted to leave so she left and then regretted it. She said if she was alone then it might have been better, I don't think they split up or anything though.


You might even end up meeting someone out there but if not then definitely loads of friends!

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Alix i will be around so i will message you when i arrive. Im staying at Wake up hostel from the 15th for two weeks or until i can find a flat and a job. Have you got things organised? x


Hi. Please do!! I'm literally landing and getting my TFN, verifying my bank account, medicare, and getting an oz sim card on the Saturday and then have a look around. I'm only in Sydney until the 19th then I need to have found a job preferably farm work with accommodation on site. I want to tour Sydney abit though so my 7 days will be spent doing that with a day poss at Bondi Beach! X

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I was in my courtyard and heard these two guys'' Pommie accents tho I did not hear "Hampshire " in them. And I said ' where are you from? ' 'Soton. "I'm from there too. Marchwood, my village is about four miles from their village Totton.


They both did call centre work which involves cold calling but they did not mind. They also told me about a site to find flat shares called "Flat Mate's." there were six of them living in two bedroom flat in my block. $800 a week rent is a lot more bearable with six of you!? (illegal possibly?)

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I Googled "Jackaroo" too, next to Kings Cross station. I've not been to the Cross on the train for a while but used to do it five days a week to work. Good location one stop from Martin Place in CBD (I walked from my flat in Surry Hills to Circular Quay today visa Town Hall and Martin Place.

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Hey Alix,


My friend was meant to be coming with me to Sydney in September and she recently pulled out. It is so much scarier going on your own but also way more exciting! So many people go on their own so it cant be that hard right?!

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