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im not trying to be a smart arse, but what in the name of God are you doing in Heidelberg Heights?


If you are renting, (or even bought) the first thing to do is get the hell out of there. Have you always lived there whilst in Oz?


There are a million nicer areas than that and you could move without any upheaval to your family....you'd only have to go 10 miles and you'd find a totally different experience.

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I know exactly how you feel, the same age group, a bit older actually, had all the same feelings and conflicts, and my wife was dedicated to her job, came back to the uk 18 months ago and i would say the following.

Properties are expensive and the size is a lot smaller.

cost of living is slightly less than oz so difficult to downsize unless you compromise on area and property so that you have money left over, and fuel bills are high and it gets cold in the winter.

My wife is still dedicated to her job here but is slowly realising there are other things in life.

The country is overcrowded and has a lot of crass people in it.

On the plus side I feel like the food variety and price is better, the beer actually tastes of something, there are a lot of places to go to and europe is on your doorstep.

But i do miss the weather and the wildlife of all descriptions and miss the open space and the scenery especially the ocean.

But i do feel that i connect with the people better and make better sense of the world around me here in the uk.


Not being picky but properties are not more expensive in the UK - it is relative to where you live(d) in both countries - where I moved to/from in the UK the average house price is £126k, where I lived in Perth the median is $475k and we earnt less in Australia.


Agree with a lot of what you're saying overall though :)

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Not being picky but properties are not more expensive in the UK - it is relative to where you live(d) in both countries - where I moved to/from in the UK the average house price is £126k, where I lived in Perth the median is $475k and we earnt less in Australia.


Agree with a lot of what you're saying overall though :)


Not being picky but i didn't say they were more expensive just that they are expensive for the size of house.

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Hi All

A lot of sensible, well meaning and useful comments to my postings. Thanks to everybody.


Blobby, you got it right again. I don't want to live in a boring suburb! A couple of years ago I worked in Sydney in IT on contract (see posts in IT thread). Loved it and wanted OH to consider moving. She moved to HH to downsize from the rental we were in, which was a big house and garden. They wanted to put rent up and I suggested she downsize and move closer to work. Bu we have always lived in boring places and is one of the issues I face (as mentioned before).


Leading on from that, a few replies suggest I talk it through with OH. I have. Many times, but the conversation dies. She always says, yes we will move sometime. It has been ongoing for 3 years at least . I want a plan and some action. We have been forced to move rental again as landlord is selling. Going to sunny Greensborough!!! Son works in Bundoora and wife still Heidelberg. Another practical move with promises we will think again once that is complete. So another year stuck in limbo. Probably a catalyst for my posting. A suggestion I might 'resent' her success in the job in some way is totally not right (no offence taken). I wish she would climb the greasy pole, earn more money, but she is from a socialist family (South Wales steel workers) and pretends to resent earning good money! She commits a lot of time and effort and should get rewarded for it. And no - its not about the money.


Other comments suggest counseling. We get on, its just become too comfortable and a bit of a rut. I will always speak out if things aren't going well and have done so this time around. Like I say, always promises to do something, but nothing more. OH will not leave our son, I am pretty convinced of that. He has turned a corner, but she still worries he might 'fall' again.


As for volunteering, tried that. If I spoke to anybody and said I was looking for a job, the more interesting recruiters didn't want to know, especially if I had an interview lined up. They want 6 months commitment. And can you believe, I actually got a reject email applying for the salvo's doing basic shop work !! Strange but true. I started a casual job helping older people set up technology and use the internet. Paid for a police check. I got one assignment in a month. The next one a month later, they wanted me to go to Lalor with no expenses paid. I said it was a bit far and they suggested I quit!


As for sport, since being in Aus I have given up. Cannot stand the blatant bias towards Ozzie sport. Need to watch without sound of the commentary. The news will say 'Ricaarrdo(?) finishes 5th in Grand Prix' and won't mention anybody else. Never got into AFL. I do keep fit, jog, walk, weights bench. Got a fitbit (just for the steps) and watch my diet. Not been slimmer since my 20's, no belly and visible biceps! If anything I need to stop losing weight.


I'm not (really) a miserable person. I just want to look at the present / future and feel some contentment. No real ambition (which isn't a negative). I have traveled a lot of the world when younger and don't wish for that, more a yearning to settle down. Happy to do that with wife and son. Just not sure on the where, when and how. Life is what you make of it and I don't want it to be a daily, boring, grind. It doesn't need to be for us.


Anyway, this thread seems to be hijacked by me. I've said a lot in 'public' which is not really my nature (no, I don't bottle it up - but as mentioned no friends in Aus to moan to). I hovered over the send button and did pull the trigger. So probably no more long replies. Thanks to everybody for showing an interest, your suggestions and sharing.

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Love this thread! I am going to come back on later to have a wee say when time.


Just wanted to say whether we are for England or Australia (or maybe both) it is just nice to be able to have intelligent conversations with good opinions and diversity, that you can not always get outside of this forum.


I have learnt to keep quiet. It is nice to feel supported or just want to express on this forum and people respond and listen.


Oh and by the way, I don't think moving to Brisbane will make anything better.:wubclub:

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Hi blobby1000, first of all the basics, your children are happy. That is huge! Secondly you state you prefer England as a country, so again, more positive than negative. You say "was it really worth coming home for this"? Well your children are happy and you prefer, the country, so yes! Allow yourself to accept your new life and enjoy. Maybe you were seeking adventure in Australia for Mrs Blobby? Maybe she is not happy where ever she is???


I absolutely agree with Lady Raincorn. Seek new adventure in England. Make the best of what you have. Encourage Mrs Blobby to be happy, but at the end of the day, you are only responsible for yourself. Seek adventure in Europe, don't up heave your kids, and encourage Mrs Blobby. But at the end of the day, you can only do so much.

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It is interesting how the "mid life crisis" continues to come up. I am 44. I prefer to call it "mild life empowerment". It does not have to be a crisis, I think it is more than in your 40's and 50's you are older and wiser, you have the strength to say what you think, stick up for what you believe, and go for what you want.


davlap, it is hard for you to be objective and see the big picture, if you feel so down. Absolutely you should feel down. There is not a lot of culture here in Aus, working only 3 months in 18 is not good, you don't go out anymore, you've lost your interest in sport because of AFL (I soooooo agree, I am a former sports lover, and athlete) , no hobbies or interests.


You say you are not happy because of above, and because your OH won't speak to you, well, to feel down and think you have the right to complain or say not right, very sane.


All of the above is not good. Your OH owes you proper conversation. And my personal opinion is never settle in a country just for old age, or being scared to address things.


Moving to NSW or Brisbane is not going to change anything. Just make your loose money and be more unhappy. QLD is still Australia!


Speak to your OH, maybe see a counsellor to have an outsider see clarity, but don't ever settle.


Oh and by the way, the fact you want to give up booze, see culture, not into AFL, not want to watch crap TV, !!! you do not sound right for Australia. That is a good thing!


Look into it more, seek advice, and go for it! One life, don't settle!

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Last post I promise!


I have just read your posts to Gough and Marissa. You come across as not sounding happy or confident in your marriage. If you can make things right, and if that is what you want, while staying in Ausi, then find a counsellor and go

for it!


But if deep down you need to go back to England, and try a new life, and re connect with your family, then this is an option. Sometimes walking away from a marriage and saying I deserve more, is stronger, than staying.

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Blobby, you got it right again. I don't want to live in a boring suburb! A couple of years ago I worked in Sydney in IT on contract (see posts in IT thread). Loved it and wanted OH to consider moving. She moved to HH to downsize from the rental we were in, which was a big house and garden. They wanted to put rent up and I suggested she downsize and move closer to work.


Leading on from that, a few replies suggest I talk it through with OH. I have. Many times, but the conversation dies. She always says, yes we will move sometime. It has been ongoing for 3 years at least . I want a plan and some action. We have been forced to move rental again as landlord is selling. Going to sunny Greensborough!!! Son works in Bundoora and wife still Heidelberg. Another practical move with promises we will think again once that is complete.



Reading this post, you say your wife moved to Heidelberg, as if you had no say. You say you talk to her and you "want a plan" from her - if this matters so much to you, why aren't YOU formulating a plan and presenting it to her for negotiation? You had a golden opportunity when the landlord gave you notice, why didn't YOU go out and find a house in a suburb you'd be happier in?


It's good that you want to make your wife happy, but that doesn't mean you have to let her have her way in everything.

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Hello everybody!


We have now been back in the UK longer than we were in Australia and have returned (via a failured venture in Cornwall for 8 months) to the same house and town that we left in Gloucestershire . We have been back 31 months and were in Australia 26 months?


Its been an interesting time and generally quite unsettling for the adults! Our children have settled into a great school, our oldest has been well behind due to not starting in Australia (and attending a rubbish school in Corwnall) so effectively missing the first 2 years of education. But he is catching up and both our children are happy. Our trusty dog (now 10) is still alive and has been joined by a new puppy. I have a job that I enjoy and Mrs Blobby has a job that she doesn't (no change there)


I suppose the point of my post is to say that although we seem to be doing quite well (and are hopefully about to move house as well) we have found it difficult to get Australia out of our heads. It was a while ago, but you may recall that during the 26 months we spent in Australia, I spent most of my time on here moaning. Towards the end I saw the error of my ways, but Mrs Blobby grew to absolutely abhor Australia and all things Australian. It's fair to say I would have given Australia one more chance in terms of moving whilst we were there to try a third location...but coming home was my idea at first...and it was always going to end that way after we agreed we wanted to leave....having said that we NEVER expected to be back in the same town, the same house (and until recently, me doing the same job)....we had hit a wall in Australia and just couldn't see anything good about it......it was all to do with absolute total negative thinking (everyone on here told me that,,,but I didn't listen).


Anyway, now we are back there are some positives and negatives that I think would be interesting to mention. I genuinely find English people nicer than Aaustralians..friendlier, funnier, more intelligent....(I'm talking generally...as we all know there are plenty of ignorant, unamusing, unfriendly thick English!).... And I do prefer England as a country...the greenery, the seasons, Christmas, swimming without constant worry about being eaten or drowning, the humour, the pubs, the ale, the football (although I've gone off that)' National Hunt racing (flat racing sucks!), snooker (!!!), being able to drive my car without being tailgated, sworn at and driven off the road, not getting speeding fines every week, sensible weather (not 46 degrees!)




life just doesn't feel the same! I'm lucky...I have a lovely family...believe me I'm not saying life is dull...it is not. But our time in Australia, looking back, was so exciting! We had the whole country to go at...we didn't really know where we would be living from one year to the next...we could get in the car and go on road trips having no idea what we would find....we lived by the beach...the coffee was great...the scenery was incredible, we could spend our time looking for whales, trying not to get eaten by sharks, seeing Dolphins, watch our son dive into our own private pool in Bali and swim a width before breakfast, never knowing when it's going to rain and when it rained did it bloody rain,,,and the electrical storms....never seen anything like it. And you did get in a car wondering if you would die! It was really edge of the seat stuff at times! And we had money, and we didn't know what to expect from one day to the next (although at the time I kept saying I was bored)


it's funny but I have good family and friends and loads of stuff I like to do that I can only do in England. In a sense, when these things come around England feels special but it also gets me thinking 'was it REALLY worth coming home for this? Is Cheltenham Race Week really that important?!!!


i guess you can only make a decision based on how you feel at the time. And at the time I genuinely think we were both a bit depressed and actually quite paranoid. I look back now and really do think that.


im not saying we made the wrong choice but I miss the adventure. And funnily enough, Mrs Blobby would return to Australis tomorrow if I would agree! I wonder if that would work? (We are NOT coming back! Too risky. And too much upheaval for the kids!)


anyway just a few thoughts


In conclusion, I have to say... Life is never quite the same after you've emigrated!,,


Hi blobby1000, there are some interesting comments in your OP that struck me and I am wondering why no one else is highlighting this so I wonder if I am missing the point? You have listed several very positive things that you are currently experiencing in England yet you question whether it was really worth going back for after being very unhappy in Aus. Then you list several things you miss about Aus....yet these seem to be the things you disliked in the first place (for example you say one positive for England is swimming without the fear of being eaten, yet you miss 'trying not to get eaten by sharks'! Forgive me as I don't want to sound rude but this all sounds like you're moaning for the sake of moaning? You actually remind me of my husband; a very 'grass is greener' type, and it certainly is the curse of the expat and I've no doubt my husband will never completely be happy with the choices he/we make! It sounds like you have a very nice existence in England and chasing a dream of Aus when you didn't like it in the first place, it seems like you have a lot to risk, especially with children involved?!


I certainly do not want to be a hypocrite as I am a 'ping ponger' myself and am currently planning my 2nd return to UK, but honestly I wouldn't wish this on anyone and I would encourage you to think strongly about what you risk losing and gaining in moving again, and the justifications you have for doing so.


Having said that I would never discourage someone from pinging back as only you can make that decision and sometimes once you've got an idea in your head you have to follow it regardless of people pointing the obvious out to you! You may find if you don't give it another go you'll eventually grow to hate all the great things going on for you in UK!


For us, in hindsight I wish we had given ourselves longer to settle in the UK because one theory could suggest that we would be very happy now! On the flip side, if we had never come back to Aus we probably would have grown more and more unhappy and who knows what might have actually happened? Although I wish we'd stayed put, I do hypothesise that my husband would probably have grown to resent our children for holding him back and ultimately ending in our divorce!! The point is you can't predict the future!


Good luck with whichever decision you make!

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People will know what is best for them in the end . I wish u well the UK you can still have a fab life ! My house is 175/80 thousand pounds in UK !a small mortgage in comparison what we will have to take out here ! And whatever people decide I don't see how UK is any different if u have a nice home and good job and you can still get out and ya together ! Just think of Halloween I get excited lol just think of the smell of bonfire night going a function ! The build up to Christmas ! The smell of Christmas the doing the conga up the road on New Year's Eve ! Ya brother in law dropping the triffle on their way home at 5 in a morning ! I must say I love summer nights in UK to night it was dark by half 5 here in qld I thought someone had died in my house so quiet ! Having said that I've booked my self on a flight to Perth Thursday night I'm not sitting here waiting to die any longer lol :);)

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People will know what is best for them in the end . I wish u well the UK you can still have a fab life ! My house is 175/80 thousand pounds in UK !a small mortgage in comparison what we will have to take out here ! And whatever people decide I don't see how UK is any different if u have a nice home and good job and you can still get out and ya together ! Just think of Halloween I get excited lol just think of the smell of bonfire night going a function ! The build up to Christmas ! The smell of Christmas the doing the conga up the road on New Year's Eve ! Ya brother in law dropping the triffle on their way home at 5 in a morning ! I must say I love summer nights in UK to night it was dark by half 5 here in qld I thought someone had died in my house so quiet ! Having said that I've booked my self on a flight to Perth Thursday night I'm not sitting here waiting to die any longer lol :);)


I thought you were in the UK, is the holiday over? Are you thinking of moving to Perth, WA?????

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I thought you were in the UK, is the holiday over? Are you thinking of moving to Perth, WA?????



Hi LR , yea I am back been UK for six week got back other day ! My husband works in Perth , my son got finish school here in qld which is towards the end of November ! Then we should be moving back to Perth ! Probably after Xmas ! But I'm just wondering ! My minds ticking overtime ! Is this here really worth it because I really don't know ! My son who is at school in qld will move to Perth with us ! My son who works in qld and has a qld girlfriend isn't moving to Perth and neither will he move back UK ! Because of the girlfriend lol ! So if I'm in Perth I can get to him easy if he needs me ! If I'm in UK I gain a son and lose a son ! And the moving all over the shop has not been worth it to me yes experience and a adventure but the cost of it ! Is it worth it or has it been worth it not really ! I'm paying two rents aswell travelling just to see people so I don't get thinking and that's a cost so the good wages are not actually good wages lol . My youngest doesn't want go back UK he doesn't really want move from wild he has nice friends but if he has to choose he chooses Perth ! But if we decide to go back he will have no choice ! But I want make sure I do the right thing by all of them :):) my hubby just wants get Sam through school that's his goal and then re access where we are end of November x

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Hi LR , yea I am back been UK for six week got back other day ! My husband works in Perth , my son got finish school here in qld which is towards the end of November ! Then we should be moving back to Perth ! Probably after Xmas ! But I'm just wondering ! My minds ticking overtime ! Is this here really worth it because I really don't know ! My son who is at school in qld will move to Perth with us ! My son who works in qld and has a qld girlfriend isn't moving to Perth and neither will he move back UK ! Because of the girlfriend lol ! So if I'm in Perth I can get to him easy if he needs me ! If I'm in UK I gain a son and lose a son ! And the moving all over the shop has not been worth it to me yes experience and a adventure but the cost of it ! Is it worth it or has it been worth it not really ! I'm paying two rents aswell travelling just to see people so I don't get thinking and that's a cost so the good wages are not actually good wages lol . My youngest doesn't want go back UK he doesn't really want move from wild he has nice friends but if he has to choose he chooses Perth ! But if we decide to go back he will have no choice ! But I want make sure I do the right thing by all of them :):) my hubby just wants get Sam through school that's his goal and then re access where we are end of November x


If your hubby knows your so unhappy, why would he not move back to the UK ??


i too have just spent time in the UK, it was ace, got to catch up with old mates, loved the countryside.


All seemed good there.


felt a little bit unsettled upon my return, but soon got back into things. The UK is a different lifestyle, a lot of things better a lot of things worse.


but I do know if one of us become so unhappy here, then we would move.


marriage is being a team. I could never stay here if I knew OH was unhappy .

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If your hubby knows your so unhappy, why would he not move back to the UK ??


i too have just spent time in the UK, it was ace, got to catch up with old mates, loved the countryside.


All seemed good there.


felt a little bit unsettled upon my return, but soon got back into things. The UK is a different lifestyle, a lot of things better a lot of things worse.


but I do know if one of us become so unhappy here, then we would move.


marriage is being a team. I could never stay here if I knew OH was unhappy .



hi fifi69 , I know marriage is a team and do u know my husband is the most unselfish man on the planet ! He will move mountains for me ! He does feel the same his self not because of Australia a lot on the job front for him ! And I have only got say the word and he would do whatever I decide ! Infact now the kids r older he wouldn't rule out a stint in Dubai or Denmark ! Taking me with him of course lol ! It's not that easy Fifi whether I'm missing home or not ! It will be more for my lads ! If there was just me and my hubby to consider I would be off ! Let's just say things may have been different if the job situ was booming ! Who in the right mind would want emigrate at 40 which we did and a lot do ! To a place you thought would be home ! To have to move state because work dried up ! To do just over twelve month in another state for oil and gas prices fall to having no work on again and they wanted him hang on for the work ! Which people carny hang around for work ! And it's a good job he didn't because it got shelved ! And he's in a job now in Perth ! Lol and yes if I said right lets sod off he would ! My hubby does anything he can for me and the lads he's such a selfless person ! He just wishes the job market was better ! So me I think we'll it hasn't been worth it and now it's not about just me or whether I miss home it's about what my lads want too my hubbies the easy one believe u me ! :) yes I agree UK I love and to be honest I wish I'd stayed put ! But that's hindsight really ! No one can say my hubby hasn't tried no one person ! Because everyone I know says no way would they have tried they would have been off at the first hurdle ! Anyway he will leave it to me ! I am worried invade I go back and think have I done right lol i will just wait it out to see what happens ! :)

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Hi LR , yea I am back been UK for six week got back other day ! My husband works in Perth , my son got finish school here in qld which is towards the end of November ! Then we should be moving back to Perth ! Probably after Xmas ! But I'm just wondering ! My minds ticking overtime ! Is this here really worth it because I really don't know ! My son who is at school in qld will move to Perth with us ! My son who works in qld and has a qld girlfriend isn't moving to Perth and neither will he move back UK ! Because of the girlfriend lol ! So if I'm in Perth I can get to him easy if he needs me ! If I'm in UK I gain a son and lose a son ! And the moving all over the shop has not been worth it to me yes experience and a adventure but the cost of it ! Is it worth it or has it been worth it not really ! I'm paying two rents aswell travelling just to see people so I don't get thinking and that's a cost so the good wages are not actually good wages lol . My youngest doesn't want go back UK he doesn't really want move from wild he has nice friends but if he has to choose he chooses Perth ! But if we decide to go back he will have no choice ! But I want make sure I do the right thing by all of them :):) my hubby just wants get Sam through school that's his goal and then re access where we are end of November x


Oh Shelly I so sympathise, you are not alone.

My husband left UK to work in Brunei, through being made redundant by UK airline. So all 3 children in UK, youngest daughter 13, 2 older sons age 19 and 21. Daughter went to ballet boarding school, 2 older both at uni.

As I wrote before I tried to please everyone, wasn't possible. Kept UK house, and lived between 2 countries for years. Daughter very unhappy, boys seemed to cope. 2 youngest spent holidays in Brunei, but oldest started work. Daughter moved school for 5th form, my mother died, and I flew between both countries, spending important time with my husband often on trips with him, as he was often only in Brunei for 6 days a month, and being in UK for the children.

Fast forward 22 years, 10 years Brunei, 12 years in Oz. all 3 grown up reasonably well adjusted! oldest stayed in UK, married with 2 children, our only grandchildren. Middle son joined us in OZ where we retired to. Daughter very independent, has lived in Mexico, Kenya and now in Oz. Still with my husband, but boy did we both have to work hard to make sure we knew how important we were to each other.

So many of our expat friends will tell you a similar story, family all over the place. Somehow you cope, and hope you come out at the end with your marriage intact and your children living where they want to be, it's not easy. Keep strong.

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As Fifi if u want his number or connect with him on linked in you can ask him if we r a team for ya self lol he would give me the world if he could honestly ! And he knows how I feel too ! And I know he's fed up of the situation too lol :)


Im not on linked in, so no point in you giving me his contact details.


was just asking the question, you have never seemed happy here, you say OH can get the same money in the UK working.


i was just wonder why you both put yourself through it all.


Like us, you've kept Youve kept your UK house on. Easy enough to head back.

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Oh Shelly I so sympathise, you are not alone.

My husband left UK to work in Brunei, through being made redundant by UK airline. So all 3 children in UK, youngest daughter 13, 2 older sons age 19 and 21. Daughter went to ballet boarding school, 2 older both at uni.

As I wrote before I tried to please everyone, wasn't possible. Kept UK house, and lived between 2 countries for years. Daughter very unhappy, boys seemed to cope. 2 youngest spent holidays in Brunei, but oldest started work. Daughter moved school for 5th form, my mother died, and I flew between both countries, spending important time with my husband often on trips with him, as he was often only in Brunei for 6 days a month, and being in UK for the children.

Fast forward 22 years, 10 years Brunei, 12 years in Oz. all 3 grown up reasonably well adjusted! oldest stayed in UK, married with 2 children, our only grandchildren. Middle son joined us in OZ where we retired to. Daughter very independent, has lived in Mexico, Kenya and now in Oz. Still with my husband, but boy did we both have to work hard to make sure we knew how important we were to each other.

So many of our expat friends will tell you a similar story, family all over the place. Somehow you cope, and hope you come out at the end with your marriage intact and your children living where they want to be, it's not easy. Keep strong.


Hi ramot yes I bet it was hard ! I'm scared of getting old though lol I'm not joking I think what am I waiting for living like this !


Anyway I'm sure we will come to a decision soon !


And my marriage will stay in tact nothing on this planet is worth that ! Certainly not ! My kids r well adjusted kids !


And dont one worry about me I am of a sound mind ! I can get down today and completely snap out of it tomorrow !


I have kept my UK home just in case ! But my eldest son in UK now is on about applying for visas ! So let's hope so maybe I wouldn't have the pull then ! lol it's for me the lads the job situs the hassle ! But keep plodding on hey as ya do ! xxx

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Im not on linked in, so no point in you giving me his contact details.


was just asking the question, you have never seemed happy here, you say OH can get the same money in the UK working.


i was just wonder why you both put yourself through it all.


Like us, you've kept Youve kept your UK house on. Easy enough to head back.


hi Fifi yes it's easy enough head back and we not ruling that out ! But what about my boys ! And yea he can get the same money in UK ! Don't get me wrong Fifi I'm not in happy I'm in happy at the situation I'm unhappy how things have turned out here ! Australia is good but it hasn't been worth the hassle ! I'm happier in the UK probably because I have a grandson now and a son there and I have lovely friends there and I carny explain to u very well on text form but I did feel like I belonged in UK when I was back ! I love my friends ! ! i have friends here but we think totally different I just know we do lol :) my idea of a good time isn't so much theirs ! I don't think lol although they nice and they go bed early lol nothing wrong with that if that's what they like ! Carny explain really ! A couple have kids aswell lol not that I have anything against that of course I know what it's like their priorities r different than mine of course ! I've been there done that now I just want to have belly laughs sing and dance haha carny explain its so hard to explain without sounding wrong because that is not my intention to sound wrong ! Although I know I probably always do lol :)

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Must be hard having your family on different sides of the world.


i know of others that struggle, especially when it comes to grandchildren.


If we were to move away from here, seeing as our grown up daughters are now settled in Perth, we too would have that situation.


The price of emigrating eh?


If you've grown up in the UK, then moved at an older age it is hard to replicate what you've left.


I had brilliant nights out while in the UK, with friends I've had for years.


i felt comfortable, we had real belly laughs. That was gold.


On a day to day basis though, happiest when I'm with OH.


Ive only been a week without mine, while he is in Sydney, three more to go.


im not a fan of separation, i cope don't get me wrong.


but I will sleep alone when I'm dead for long enough, would rather not being doing it while I'm alive:mad:

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Must be hard having your family on different sides of the world.


i know of others that struggle, especially when it comes to grandchildren.


If we were to move away from here, seeing as our grown up daughters are now settled in Perth, we too would have that situation.


The price of emigrating eh?


If you've grown up in the UK, then moved at an older age it is hard to replicate what you've left.


I had brilliant nights out while in the UK, with friends I've had for years.


i felt comfortable, we had real belly laughs. That was gold.


On a day to day basis though, happiest when I'm with OH.


Ive only been a week without mine, while he is in Sydney, three more to go.


im not a fan of separation, i cope don't get me wrong.


but I will sleep alone when I'm dead for long enough, would rather not being doing it while I'm alive:mad:


yes it's hard and I do struggle and I know it's hard for others too ! Yes I am not a fan of separation not what we cMe for !


nobody would come for that I don't believe ! Anyway if I hadn't got my humour think I'd be on Valium now lol but I come on here for a chat at night and in day sometimes because I ring my hubby 3 times a day he's rang me 4 times today my mate Christine has just phoned me from UK see how I'm diddling lol we had lots of belly laughs in UK while we were there ! She went out last night and rang me to say she wishes I was there lol I said that's it you just kick off ya dance shoes while I was sat in the theatre room on my billy ! I did take the kids for a curry first at spice ave though first !


naz in the curry house told me try brick lane I think he said in Perth when I arrive ! Have u ever tried it ?

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yes it's hard and I do struggle and I know it's hard for others too ! Yes I am not a fan of separation not what we cMe for !


nobody would come for that I don't believe ! Anyway if I hadn't got my humour think I'd be on Valium now lol but I come on here for a chat at night and in day sometimes because I ring my hubby 3 times a day he's rang me 4 times today my mate Christine has just phoned me from UK see how I'm diddling lol we had lots of belly laughs in UK while we were there ! She went out last night and rang me to say she wishes I was there lol I said that's it you just kick off ya dance shoes while I was sat in the theatre room on my billy ! I did take the kids for a curry first at spice ave though first !


naz in the curry house told me try brick lane I think he said in Perth when I arrive ! Have u ever tried it ?


yes, in Leederville if I am thinking of the right place ....nice.


Also like a Chinese restaurant near there :cool:

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