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I expect you are all packed then...........

Gbye grey sky

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One month today until we are on our way. For weeks now every person we speak to says this. To which our reply is a puzzled....no!


Are we missing a trick here because we still have to live normally, work etc. We have allowed ourselves 2 weeks to sort things out before we go including the obligatory cleaning. Obviously we have planned and organised a great deal but packing???

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One month today until we are on our way. For weeks now every person we speak to says this. To which our reply is a puzzled....no!


Are we missing a trick here because we still have to live normally, work etc. We have allowed ourselves 2 weeks to sort things out before we go including the obligatory cleaning. Obviously we have planned and organised a great deal but packing???

I think your attitude is the right one. Things are only as difficult as you make them. Doesn't take long once you get started. Good luck with it all. I thoroughly enjoyed the countdown , no stress just excitement. Enjoy.

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Sounds about right to me


When we came here

The day before we'd sold all our remaining furniture to a neighbour so he came and emptied the houseand that night we had matresses and sleeping bags which we were bringing with us


In the morning we threw the matresses onto the front garden as the council were booked to pick them up the following day


Jumped into a taxi-van


Didn't look back

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Sounds exciting, iam going through one room at a time and going to only have in there what we need, not buying anything else I know we have a yr to go but so much to do and re paint the house inside so all neutral colours , transport for stuff we are taking is sorted just need to wait now .

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What you're doing sounds perfectly normal to me! As long as you've done the prep, the packing can wait another couple of weeks. I had the opposite: after our belongings had been shipped, people were asking me if I'd started packing yet and looked surprised when I said yes!

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Our last night was horrendous - I was up all night with last minute CD uploading and clearing of stuff, didn't get to bed at all that night and spent our farewell evening meal with family in a restaurant wondering if I would end up catching the plane without getting everything done. That's me all over, I wouldn't recommend it :/


Yep, I was a bit like that too.

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It will take you longer than anticipated :confused:


but just do what you can while you can.


My OH left 6 weeks before me and daughters, leaving me to sort it all.


I Didnt tell anyone until four weeks before that we were going, can still remember those questions...


Answer ....err no, I hadnt packed a thing, including the bloody house:mad:


it will come together, even those things that don't get sorted because your so busy with everyone wanting to meet up with you to say goodbye.

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I remember that question!! Heheheheh. It's like packing for holiday - you wouldn't do that 4 weeks in advance!! Lol


not long now :-)


I know. For one thing arriving in Brisbane in July we probably need much the same clothes as we need to be wearing in England in June lol.


Excitement levels really building now and it seems an age since the recce.

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It might depend on how much stuff you have. As we have 3 kids and they just accumulate loads of 'stuff' we have been getting rid of things for about the last 4 months. (including 3 cats and 2 hamsters! :'( )


We have also been offloading stuff. Did a car boot, charity shops and a few boot loads to the tip. Packing though is another matter entirely.

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Are you bringing a container or part container GGS?


If so, when are the shippers picking it up?


Or are you travelling light, just luggage, and starting again?




If the first, id be sorting now, if the second, you have weeks...............

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Guest The Pom Queen

If it's just clothes then usually an hour before I set off. If it's a full house of things then I think 2 weeks would be cutting it fine. We had 10 days to pack up and move down here and never again. In the end we literally threw everything in boxes and said we would sort it at the other end. Furniture we didn't want we left to late to sell so had to give a lot away or again bring it with us.

Good luck with everything. Also remember although it's winter here for the locals coming from the UK you will still find it not until you acclimatise.

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Are you bringing a container or part container GGS?


If so, when are the shippers picking it up?


Or are you travelling light, just luggage, and starting again?




If the first, id be sorting now, if the second, you have weeks...............


We have a 20 ft container. Shippers coming on 8/9 July so our last few days here will be staying with brother-in-law. To be fair we have done a fair bit of sorting out over the past months. We know what furniture is being shipped and what is not so it is all the rest of the paraphanalia that we need to organise.


Have a fair bit going on too in next few weeks. Away one weekend at a family wedding and organising a leaving party at our house. But we finish work this Friday and our daughter is away next week on a school adventure trip at the coast so we will make a proper start while she is away.

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