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How many of us hide our true problems? If u not happy in country go for it!


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Hi all


I am seeing a specialist next week (one of many) to find out if I have ovarian cancer or not. Long story, but I have been in and out of hospital 5 times in the last 8 years. Plus buried my father in law on return from UK to NZ, then nursed my mother for two years through autoimmune liver failure, she survived, liver transplant, floods, lost Quarter million dollars in an investment when friend screwed us over! burglary more, but tired. But this is not a complaint, please don't think it is. I am very pleased with my live and myself.


All above makes me stronger. I have two fantastic daughters, and happy with hubby. Never give up on your dreams. We are all stronger than we realise. I am looking forward to coming back in a few weeks time and hearing about the stories of who are going to try and go for their dreams and always seek the life they want.


I have enjoyed hearing the comments on this forum, and I have learnt not to get so personal. We might all get emotional and have differing opinions. That's OK. Just always support each other. Sometimes its easier to vent or talk to ones we don't see, than feel we burden ones close to us. Life's short go for your dreams.


Back in a week or two, with good news, and fighting, and taking my two daughters back to UK!

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Cheers, do not wish to start an evening of gloom. Thank you. Just feeling nervous now the time is coming close to finding out.


But, it means I can still emphasize we all have our goals and reasons. I been through a lot, like so many, but I not here to complain. I am excited. Cause in 2 and half years we going back to England. And in the mean time life is OK here.!

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Thank you Ali and Que Sera, Sera. Appreciate it. Funny enough, I count soooo more positives than negatives in my life, even though I have had a lot of stressful times. But we must always think if we are alive and here today, we can change anything. Tommorrow is always a new day.


Can I ask what you have been through if OK? I have kept quiet up till now. But I am tired. But next week meet specialist (again) and get removed. Just want over. My cousin and best friend (god bless her died from breast cancer at age 36). I am possibly taking this off forum, so let's get it back on track.


I live in Australia, still appreciate what I have but not for me, in two and a half years we move back to England. That is what we aim for. All good. We can have health problems, but we can beat them. And prolonged stress does not help. Get an aim, goal, seek support and live in hope.


First forum I have ever enjoyed, and rather enjoying it. Cheers.!

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Thank you Ali and Que Sera, Sera. Appreciate it. Funny enough, I count soooo more positives than negatives in my life, even though I have had a lot of stressful times. But we must always think if we are alive and here today, we can change anything. Tommorrow is always a new day.


Can I ask what you have been through if OK? I have kept quiet up till now. But I am tired. But next week meet specialist (again) and get removed. Just want over. My cousin and best friend (god bless her died from breast cancer at age 36). I am possibly taking this off forum, so let's get it back on track.


I live in Australia, still appreciate what I have but not for me, in two and a half years we move back to England. That is what we aim for. All good. We can have health problems, but we can beat them. And prolonged stress does not help. Get an aim, goal, seek support and live in hope.


First forum I have ever enjoyed, and rather enjoying it. Cheers.!


Ive had 3 separate breast lumps removed, in the last 2 years, fortunately all found to all benign but I am prone to them and as my Sister got Breast cancer they err on the side of caution. I know how scary it can all be. The medical staff are great here and always investigate in my experience. Keep your chin up lovely I'm sure all will be well for you too :hug:

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I sent a reply but not sure went through, we are having internet probs. Cheers Que Sera, Sera. Hope you and sister OK. I have to say in the whole I have been looked after here. Just getting the wobblie cause getting close.


Had op last year at beginning, to end, but not the end. Oh well. I Angelina Jolie, but with boobs, and let's get rid of all bad. It's my ovaries. However, I believe in medical help and research, and natural health.


And I am going back to UK in two and half years with my family. Yeah



Can we all allow ourselves to be less than perfect for a brief period of time? I do tend to be hard on myself, high achiever, but at the mo I am not sleeping much, drinking wine, crying, and hugging everyone. But I have to give myself this brief break.


I know this is a forum about going back to UK, so don't give up on what you want. And don't give yourself a hard time if we be less than perfect for a little time.

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Sorry to hear that for you Ali. I think a whole thread could be filled with discussing cancer huh! I like your little bear with hugs.


I see I have been moved. I must one day sit down and take the time to read about this site. cheers. Have a great night all.

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Sorry to hear that for you Ali. I think a whole thread could be filled with discussing cancer huh! I like your little bear with hugs.


I see I have been moved. I must one day sit down and take the time to read about this site. cheers. Have a great night all.


The topic of the thread wasn't much to do with moving back to the UK after we started the conversation lol - so moved to news. When the site first allowed avatars, being technically challenged at the time (and still am to a large extent), my hubby picked the avatar so i've never changed it. A friend earlier in the year bought me a lovely pandora charm of 2 bears holding a heart because it reminded her of this.


I totally agree with you that we should try to go for what we want if it's at all possible, if changing a situation can make the difference in making people happier and more content then we have to give ourselves the opportunity.

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Hi KiwiinAus,


Just wanted to send hugs and fingers crossed for next week.


I was being tested earlier this year for uterian cancer, luckily the biopsy results came back clear.


I think the not knowing and waiting was the hardest part for me.





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Hi Karen. Thanks that is very kind of you. So glad you good. Did you have anything removed? Are you in the clear for ever more?


I am down to ovaries and only one fallopian tube as is. But knew they were damaged from total hysterectomy last year. Surgical menopause from that op as ovaries just not working. In reply to a comment on another forum "Go HRT patch"!


I have lots of fluid so just want over now. It's actually two weeks till specialist, then I'll go straight in. Want all gone then I can look forward, not back. Feeling really good though and not too concerned. I am just soooo bad at waiting for things.


How wonderful to live in Canada. It looks really beautiful there.:cute:

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Best wishes for next week. It's a helluva roller coaster of emotion as you probably know now.


I'm sitting in my hospital bed right now, having had a PEG feeding tube fitted into my stomach today, in advance of some major surgery next week to remove a SCC tumour from my jaw. Just over 3 years ago it was in my cheekbone. So this has come as a bit of a shock since I thought I was doing quite well! I only hope that my head goes back together better than it last time it was disassembled. :-)


Always look for positives. For me, my toothbrush will last twice as long, and I'll only spend half as much on toothpaste! :-)


Wishing you and your family lots of strength and a good outcome.




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Best wishes for next week. It's a helluva roller coaster of emotion as you probably know now.


I'm sitting in my hospital bed right now, having had a PEG feeding tube fitted into my stomach today, in advance of some major surgery next week to remove a SCC tumour from my jaw. Just over 3 years ago it was in my cheekbone. So this has come as a bit of a shock since I thought I was doing quite well! I only hope that my head goes back together better than it last time it was disassembled. :-)


Always look for positives. For me, my toothbrush will last twice as long, and I'll only spend half as much on toothpaste! :-)


Wishing you and your family lots of strength and a good outcome.




Oh Scott, I am so sorry to hear you've been going through this. I wish you well for your OP and your following recovery.:wubclub:

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My internet playing up so here go again! I send you lots of best wishes Scott. We are like a patchwork quilt with squares needing fixing up at times, but the quilt ain't going anywhere! You will come out better than before. I trust the medical system plus positive thoughts. I hope you are having a nice stay. Relax and let yourself be on the road to recovery! All the best.


Can someone tell me how to do the "likes".? I think I am getting it wrong. Have to admit I have not read the rules, would rather chat when have chance to come on.


Would like to give some likes back to all the nice posters who have given me likes. Isn't it nice we can be here for each other, in agreement or not, just to give each other a chat, or a focus, or support!

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Best wishes for next week. It's a helluva roller coaster of emotion as you probably know now.


I'm sitting in my hospital bed right now, having had a PEG feeding tube fitted into my stomach today, in advance of some major surgery next week to remove a SCC tumour from my jaw. Just over 3 years ago it was in my cheekbone. So this has come as a bit of a shock since I thought I was doing quite well! I only hope that my head goes back together better than it last time it was disassembled. :-)


Always look for positives. For me, my toothbrush will last twice as long, and I'll only spend half as much on toothpaste! :-)


Wishing you and your family lots of strength and a good outcome.





wanted to post and send you love, but IPad was playing up, so sent a like until I could post.

take care and hope all goes well. xM

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Nice. My internet playing up as well. Let's invite any "sufferer" not just cancer, just worried about medical to join forum. Information, support can be a god send. I hv studied exercise physiologogy, and nutritrion, now studying again. Used to work in "medical world" and nursed my fair and shair.


Not really point. If you have a medical need, or want support, please post. Let's help each other in a world that gives so much in some ways, but still takes down.!

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Can someone tell me how to do the "likes".? I think I am getting it wrong. Have to admit I have not read the rules, would rather chat when have chance to come on.


Would like to give some likes back to all the nice posters who have given me likes.


At the bottom of every post, except for your own, you will find the little red 'like' button.


Click on it, and, hey presto, there it is!



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