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Daily nausea


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Since coming to oz i dont know why but i have been goin through nausea everyday,no vomiting,just feeling sick.im tired of this feeling,its taking over my life.i don't know if this could be the heat,maybe i'm heat sensitive or something.iv been to the docs,and everything came back clear.has anyone else suffered fron anything similar?i was fine for the first month i was here,but after that iv just been ill since,and i hate it.i'm even considering going back home :(

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Sounds to me like anxiety perhaps. You feel you are not settling in and are putting pressure on yourself. Your references to "home" are telling. Are you on a temporary visa or permanent. If it is permanent and you consider the UK as your home then this is part of the issue.

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Since coming to oz i dont know why but i have been goin through nausea everyday,no vomiting,just feeling sick.im tired of this feeling,its taking over my life.i don't know if this could be the heat,maybe i'm heat sensitive or something.iv been to the docs,and everything came back clear.has anyone else suffered fron anything similar?i was fine for the first month i was here,but after that iv just been ill since,and i hate it.i'm even considering going back home :(




Yes yes since I arrived in Australia ...I was nauseas after a month or so of being here I lost weight too ....I went for bloods everything was clear ....but I try stay away from dairy as much as can ...if I eat choc here which I do occasionally I can only eat a small amount carnt tolerate a full bar try cutting out dairy as much as u can ...I stay away from bread as much as I can aswell but that's just cus me belly bloats if I eat it ...supposed to be going for a colonoscopy and a endoscopy but I'm scared lol :)

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........the OP has been to seek medical advice.....!

.......and only by sharing their experience can they hope to find someone with similar.....

.......it helps to put things in perspective ime......

.......stops the mind galloping ahead into frightening thought.....

........its kind of people to try and see a reason......

........share their experience......

........and I sincerly hope OP......you find your solution soon......X

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We're on a temporary visa

Sounds to me like anxiety perhaps. You feel you are not settling in and are putting pressure on yourself. Your references to "home" are telling. Are you on a temporary visa or permanent. If it is permanent and you consider the UK as your home then this is part of the issue.
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So im not the only one!i did alot of research on the internet and alot of people said to cut out dairy and gluton,im going to try this too.iv just been trying to distract myself when the nausea creeps up,but it doesn't seem to be working.thanks for advise.i'll see if it works for me.fingers crossed.

Yes yes since I arrived in Australia ...I was nauseas after a month or so of being here I lost weight too ....I went for bloods everything was clear ....but I try stay away from dairy as much as can ...if I eat choc here which I do occasionally I can only eat a small amount carnt tolerate a full bar try cutting out dairy as much as u can ...I stay away from bread as much as I can aswell but that's just cus me belly bloats if I eat it ...supposed to be going for a colonoscopy and a endoscopy but I'm scared lol :)
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How long have you been here ? I was terribly nauseous for about 3 months after arriving. To the point of retching all the time. I put some of it down to jet lag as I've suffered awful sickness before after long haul flights, but I honestly think it was all anxiety, stress etc related. Even though I don't normally suffer from that sort of thing. If you're situation is anything like mine - left all family and friends behind, new country, totally new job, new everything etc etc, it's bound to take its toll in some way. I should've taken out shares in rescue remedy drops, the way I glugged them down lol !

Now settled and happy - no more nausea. But certainly check with a doc again.

Hope you feel better soon

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Hi shak,

I know this might sound a bit weird, but every time I visit my family in the Sydney area the tap water makes me feel ill! (I'm still in the UK at the moment, but have visited nearly every year for about the last 20!) They now get in those massive bottles of water for me to drink until I get 'acclimatised' and it really makes a difference. Don't know if this would be the same in your case, but its worth a try!

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It sounds very much like its stress related, if all your tests have come back normal. It's pretty common really - stress affects people differently (nausea, headaches, cramps, anxiousness), but if it doesn't settle down and you're still worried, then go back to the dr.

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Assuming you are definitely not pregnant (only thing that made me feel sick everyday) then it could be pretty much anything in your environment at the moment. I suggest keeping a diary of things you eat, drink and do and when you feel sick and see if there are any patterns. If you are going to try cutting things out then just cut out one thing at a time for a week or so to see if it makes a difference. Ideally you shouldn't do this without advice from a dietician to ensure you are still getting all your nutrition, but if it's just for short periods you should be okay.

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I always boil the water here and than filter it too,can't take any risks...plus i'v also tried bottled water,no change :(

Hi shak,

I know this might sound a bit weird, but every time I visit my family in the Sydney area the tap water makes me feel ill! (I'm still in the UK at the moment, but have visited nearly every year for about the last 20!) They now get in those massive bottles of water for me to drink until I get 'acclimatised' and it really makes a difference. Don't know if this would be the same in your case, but its worth a try!

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So im not the only one!i did alot of research on the internet and alot of people said to cut out dairy and gluton,im going to try this too.iv just been trying to distract myself when the nausea creeps up,but it doesn't seem to be working.thanks for advise.i'll see if it works for me.fingers crossed.


Avoiding gluten is a very fashionable thing, but gluten is NOT unhealthy. It's only a problem if you have a gluten intolerance and you don't suddenly develop a gluten intolerance just because you've moved countries. And you need to be careful, because many gluten-free products are absolutely laden with sugar and other unhealthy ingredients to try to improve the taste.


I get nauseous when it's very hot. If you're drinking a lot of water, you may be flushing out essential salts and minerals: eating bananas will boost your potassium. Don't be afraid to put salt on your food, you need a bit of extra salt if you're sweating a lot.


Dairy isn't unhealthy either - again, it's fashionable to avoid it but it's all bullsh!t unless you have a genuine intolerance, and it's unlikely you've suddenly become intolerant just because you've moved countries.

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That's a good idea,a diary.thanks :)

Docs already took pregnancy test,im defo not pregnant..but thanks for the diary tip,that's a good idea :)

Assuming you are definitely not pregnant (only thing that made me feel sick everyday) then it could be pretty much anything in your environment at the moment. I suggest keeping a diary of things you eat, drink and do and when you feel sick and see if there are any patterns. If you are going to try cutting things out then just cut out one thing at a time for a week or so to see if it makes a difference. Ideally you shouldn't do this without advice from a dietician to ensure you are still getting all your nutrition, but if it's just for short periods you should be okay.
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I was fine with the heat - even 40C didn't bother me untiil I was pregnant. I suffered all day long with "morning" sickness and developed a real aversion to heat. Since then, so for the last 30 years, I couldn't tolerate heat. Felt nauseous and got bad headaches.

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It is not bullshit that u av suddenly become in tolerant I know a few people who have suffered with food here , I'm not saying I'm intolerant I'm just saying I feel better when I avoid it and it's not a fashion thing I love my food , that's y they want me go for colonoscopy and endoscopy and people have suffered since being here I know a few that have in perth !

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And do ya know what y do I bother ,,, no harm in trying cut it out , for a period to see if they feel any better ya won't die ya might be surprised ! If not get the 2nd 3rd 4 the opinion they wil more than likely say the same as they did to me cut it out and see if u feel better ! Which I did !

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I was fine with the heat - even 40C didn't bother me untiil I was pregnant. I suffered all day long with "morning" sickness and developed a real aversion to heat. Since then, so for the last 30 years, I couldn't tolerate heat. Felt nauseous and got bad headaches.


Interesting to hear of other people whose tolerance for heat has changed due to hormones. I never liked the heat but until menopause, I was able to manage Sydney's summers. Since menopause I can't cope with humidity at all.

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It is not bullshit that u av suddenly become in tolerant I know a few people who have suffered with food here , I'm not saying I'm intolerant I'm just saying I feel better when I avoid it and it's not a fashion thing I love my food , that's y they want me go for colonoscopy and endoscopy and people have suffered since being here I know a few that have in perth !


I'm not saying you're imagining anything. You're born with lactose intolerance so that's not suddenly going to happen just because you moved to Australia. Gluten intolerance is actually quite rare, though it's fashionable right now for some weird reason. You obviously have a medical problem and I wish you well in working out what it is, but it's unlikely either of those things is the reason.


If you're having trouble with chocolate, chocolate is made differently here because if it wasn't, it would just melt on the supermarket shelves - Cadbury's has quite a lot of caffeine in it, and that used to make my oh sick. He could eat Lindt no problem. Have you tried avoiding coffee for a bit?

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