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Abott: LMAO


Who will be PM by the end of this month?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be PM by the end of this month?

    • Abott
    • Turnbull
    • Bishop
    • Morrison
    • who cares? They're all the bloody same

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I think that that's pretty much what this government and their many supporters on these forums want. Of course, they don't like Australia being compared to countries like those you've mentioned, in the same way that people who espouse racist views don't like being called racist. They think it's unfair to be bracketed in with the 'baddies' of the international community, but if you treat arrivals by boat in the way that this country currently does, then that's what's going to happen.




I wonder whether 'the Australian public' have the same appetite for the abuse of vulnerable, traumatised children, as do the cabinet and certain posters on here.


If they do (and I'm not convinced the majority do, especially if they knew what was going on in Nauru), then Australia can kiss goodbye its reputation as an egalitarian, 'fair go' society and admit that it is just a xenophobic backwater.


On the other hand, the Abbott government might get its sorry arse kicked to kingdom come next year.


The ALP has a dilemma on its hands, it needs the racist vote, but traditionally the Labor movement values human rights. They MUST come up with a humane alternative to what is currently on offer.


By the way the boats never stopped. They just got diverted elsewhere. People suffer just as much, if not more, than before 'Operation Sovereign Borders'. But at least the racist bigots are happy, eh?

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I must admit I'm enjoying watching the chaos unfold in the Liberal party right now.


Who knew that their extreme right wing policies would be so unpopular with 'ordinary Australians'?


Who knew that the Captain of 'Team Australia' would prove to be so out of touch as to award a knighthood to an unpopular 93 year old British monarch....on AUSTRALIA DAY of all days!


Will it be Malcolm Turnbull?


He's popular with the electorate, but hated by many in his own party for being too moderate and believing in climate change.


Will it be Julie Bishop?


She's a woman, and we know how well it went for the last woman PM after ousting the sitting PM.


Will it be Morrison?


Hated by the electorate, who knows what by his own party.


Or will it still be Abott?


After surviving a spill and hanging on by the skin of his teeth. His stocks depleted, reputation in tatters.






Mmmm, delicious.


Putting your politics to one side for a moment, why would you want the chaos of the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd years, visited on yet another Australian government (and the Australian people?) Why would you want to see yet another elected Prime Minister ousted by his own Party?


But if Abbott has to go, and he does keep making gaffes, then I hope he is replaced by Scott Morrison, hated not by the electorate, by the way, except of course those members of the electorate who work for Fairfax and the ABC. Morrison is rare for a politician, from either party. He does what he promises. Unless you are going to tell me that he told us that he would NOT stop the boats!?

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What do you naive people really think is going to happen ?

Do you think Labor will make the same mistakes again that they made last time ?

Do you think they will loosen the border controls again and introduce onshore processing and releasing all asylum seekers into the community ?


Of course not. No one wants the floodgates opening again.

Both sides of politics support these policies as they know they work, as do the Australian public.



Sadly, I fear you're right, and that a Labor Govt. in 2016 will continue the present government's policy.


I know Harpo believes that the majority of Australians would be horrified and ashamed if their government's contribution to the plight of those in the camps was ever formally acknowledged. Personally, I'm not so sure. I remember reading in the SMH last year that something like 70% of Australians supported even harsher treatment of arrivals by boat. I'm not sure what even harsher treatment would look like, but it doesn't sound encouraging.

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Sadly, I fear you're right, and that a Labor Govt. in 2016 will continue the present government's policy.


I know Harpo believes that the majority of Australians would be horrified and ashamed if their government's contribution to the plight of those in the camps was ever formally acknowledged. Personally, I'm not so sure. I remember reading in the SMH last year that something like 70% of Australians supported even harsher treatment of arrivals by boat. I'm not sure what even harsher treatment would look like, but it doesn't sound encouraging.


What I don't understand is why people think it should be one or the other - arrivals by boat or mistreatment offshore. Why can't we stop the boats arriving in Australia but then treat people humanely while they are waiting to be processed in the detention camps? Why do the camps have to be such desolate and miserable places?

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Sadly, I fear you're right, and that a Labor Govt. in 2016 will continue the present government's policy.


I know Harpo believes that the majority of Australians would be horrified and ashamed if their government's contribution to the plight of those in the camps was ever formally acknowledged. Personally, I'm not so sure. I remember reading in the SMH last year that something like 70% of Australians supported even harsher treatment of arrivals by boat. I'm not sure what even harsher treatment would look like, but it doesn't sound encouraging.

Yeah I do believe that the majority of Australians are decent people and not screaming racists, bigots or xenophobes. Otherwise I'd be living somewhere else!


I have successfully enlightened my mother in law (a lifelong LNP voter) that her views align with the Greens more than either the LNP or ALP. She didn't actually know it but being a nice caring christian, she cares about human rights, social justice AND the environment that her grandkids will inherit! My father in law is a tougher nut to crack, but I'm working on him. Not bad for a non citizen, eh?


That SMH poll I think has been overplayed. I'd say the majority of SMH/Age readers would be left leaning aka nice, caring, well educated people with a social conscience and therefore that 70% sounds like a bit of an LNP stitch up job: that's what they have social media people for!

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What I don't understand is why people think it should be one or the other - arrivals by boat or mistreatment offshore. Why can't we stop the boats arriving in Australia but then treat people humanely while they are waiting to be processed in the detention camps? Why do the camps have to be such desolate and miserable places?

The reason I presume is that there is no punishment involved.


For whatever reason, both ALP and LNP believe voters want asylum seekers punished and shown a bloody good lesson.

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Yeah I do believe that the majority of Australians are decent people and not screaming racists, bigots or xenophobes. Otherwise I'd be living somewhere else!



Yes, I would tend to agree - though a tourist acquaintance was boarding a long-distance bus in Alice Springs last month and was slightly perturbed when the driver informed the waiting passengers that 'the whites' should get on first...

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Yes, I would tend to agree - though a tourist acquaintance was boarding a long-distance bus in Alice Springs last month and was slightly perturbed when the driver informed the waiting passengers that 'the whites' should get on first...



What the ****!!!

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Sadly, I fear you're right, and that a Labor Govt. in 2016 will continue the present government's policy.


I know Harpo believes that the majority of Australians would be horrified and ashamed if their government's contribution to the plight of those in the camps was ever formally acknowledged. Personally, I'm not so sure. I remember reading in the SMH last year that something like 70% of Australians supported even harsher treatment of arrivals by boat. I'm not sure what even harsher treatment would look like, but it doesn't sound encouraging.


Which period would you choose then as featuring the most humane policy towards refugees and illegal immigrants? The Howard era? The Rudd/Gillard/Rudd era? The Tony Abbott era?

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Yes, I would tend to agree - though a tourist acquaintance was boarding a long-distance bus in Alice Springs last month and was slightly perturbed when the driver informed the waiting passengers that 'the whites' should get on first...


Slip of the tongue. He meant 'English get on first'. (Would that still be racist?)


Then again, what if the whites were allocated the worst seats on the bus?

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He's in the onion again.

how can a satirical publication rip into our tony, figurehead of the good ship Australia, when he actually does all the things they want to joke about?

he's a menace to everyone, no job is safe!


kudos to Diane btw, who shared this first. I just wanted to share it again, someone has to :)

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You don't strike me as the sympathetic sort though.

All you have ever done is abuse him.


A fine way to treat the mentally ill.


Diane strikes me as being a lot more sympathetic than you. I don't recall her ever wishing the Australian Navy would torpedo 'the boats' as you once did, or desperately defending this government's record on well, everything, as though the very suggestion of them engaging in any form of wrong-doing was somehow beneath them.


Let's face it Parley, you don't give a sh*t about the mentally ill, just as you don't give a sh*t about vulnerable foreigners seeking asylum in your beautiful (adopted) country.

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Diane strikes me as being a lot more sympathetic than you. I don't recall her ever wishing the Australian Navy would torpedo 'the boats' as you once did, or desperately defending this government's record on well, everything, as though the very suggestion of them engaging in any form of wrong-doing was somehow beneath them.


Let's face it Parley, you don't give a sh*t about the mentally ill, just as you don't give a sh*t about vulnerable foreigners seeking asylum in your beautiful (adopted) country.


Actually, I have followed "parley" since I first came to PIO. Despite his views expressed of late, (and I know that in his earlier PIO life he wasn't as forthcoming) and irrespective of my contrary views/opinions to his, I do feel that at the very least, he is at least honest in his views, despite me thinking some of those views are perhaps misguided and "un PC"..................generational?..............who knows? but at the very least, he provokes dialogue

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Those who attack Abbott & Morrison's policy towards illegal immigrants have no viable alternative because you cannot pin them down to say how many we would allow into Australia.


Either we decide who comes into Australia, or we open our borders and let everyone in. There is no in between policy.


Do they want every person who makes it to our shores and declares themselves to be a refugee to be accepted with no checks?


Do they accept there is a finite number that we can accept (like a bus which is allowed a certain no of passengers but no more?)


Who decides how many we can take in?

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