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Dilemma. . What would you do?


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Hi all, I'm looking to get other peoples opinions/perspective on our situation.

We lived in Perth for around 4 years, been back in the uk 5 years.

Work has been a bit of a struggle for my hubby but now has a steady (ish) job.

He's a plasterer.

We've been contemplating going back to Oz for about 3 years but he is worried about being able to do it again because of his age, 52, even though he's a fit 52.

Our kids are all nearly grew up, youngest nearly 15 who's still at school, 17 yr old who's training as a brickie and a 26 yr old who's also a plasterer. They all would like to go back too.

We wouldn't have the capital we had when we first went (maybe a few grand)

We own our house and could rent it out, not selling it this time.

I have family in Oz that would help us out no problem and I would also be able to work full time.


Would you do it? Or do you think we're mad even considering it? I am demented living in limbo and need to make a decision soon one way or the other.


Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it makes sense!

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You've been considering this move for 3 yrs?Your youngest is 15,so how are they going to fair starting a new school?Hopefully someone who has done this can offer some advice?Have you considered in the future,your pensions? Its probably not impossible to do,but maybe as you've spent 3 yrs already considering everything,maybe that's your answer?Someone once told me if you can't make a decision on something,then don't!:cute:I hope you gain some clarity of thought soon.Its not easy living in Limboland.Best wishes xx

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All depends on money and how long he can carry on in his trade. Look I am a chippy here 2 yrs shy of forty and I am feeling it. The building industry is hard on your body.look me personally I would cherish what I have where you are at. But saying that follow your dreams. Can he not get into some management role . Like you say though you are as fit as you feel.

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We have the RRV'S and due to just keeping a roof over our head we never had the funds to go back. Now we're getting back on our feet it's now become an option.

I panicked about my kids coming back into school here and really shouldn't have stressed about it because they all easily slotted back in.The youngest has another 2 yrs of school ahead of him and wants to go down the military route.

I know the building trade is hard going especially out there with the heat too. I think he's hoping to take more of a back role and letting the eldest son lead.

We don't expect to have the fancy house/cars etc again but just want a nice simple lifestyle.

We're not selling the house as our daughter is staying, we could sell it later on if we wanted too.

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I don't think you're mad at all but if you've been away from Australia for 5 years, the only way you will be able to return is if you have Resident return visas. Do you have current RRVs? If not, the first thing you'll need to do is see if you are able to get RRVs and take it from there. Could be a good idea to consult a good RMA - you will need to make a good case for why you should get them.

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We have the RRV'S and due to just keeping a roof over our head we never had the funds to go back. Now we're getting back on our feet it's now become an option.

I panicked about my kids coming back into school here and really shouldn't have stressed about it because they all easily slotted back in.The youngest has another 2 yrs of school ahead of him and wants to go down the military route.

I know the building trade is hard going especially out there with the heat too. I think he's hoping to take more of a back role and letting the eldest son lead.

We don't expect to have the fancy house/cars etc again but just want a nice simple lifestyle.

We're not selling the house as our daughter is staying, we could sell it later on if we wanted too.

Sounds like you have your head screwed on and your older kids are happy. Go for it . What made you leave aus in the first place if you don't mind because them same reasons will still be there.

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Honestly - and I know people would diss this because I'm someone who prefers UK but, no, I wouldn't do it. Australia is not kind to older people seeking employment for starters and at 52 he really won't have much in his superannuation pot for a comfortable retirement - even if his body can keep on going until he's 75. You'd have to make the decision to go before your youngest hits 16 as that is the start of the final two years of school in Aus. Your kids could probably go - the 26 yr old would likely be ok - the 17 yr old would want to get all his quals first I should think. But, honestly, I do think 52 is too old unless you've got pots of money for your old age stashed away somewhere in which case the world is your oyster.

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Reasons we came back..well there was a few, my hubby's mum passed away which hit the family pretty hard and I think things just started going downhill after that. We decided to go home, take stock and take it from there but we returned to the recession (great timing eh).

My OH is pretty organised were pensions etc are concerned and we've a pretty small mortgage here. I'm still in my early 40's so theres still alot of life in me yet lol.

Sometimes I just feel that if we let this pass we'll regret it later. Plus, and this is a big Plus, my mum lives in Oz and my sisters and I think we could all do with a little family around us as we dont have that here....

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The thing with asking opinions on a forum like this is that they'll be opposing and leave you just as confused as when you started lol. I think if the thought hasn't gone away for 3 years it may be something you need to do even temporarily and if you're not selling the house then you would have something to return to should you decided that it's not for you.

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You have family here and the itch won't go away, sounds like good genuine reasons to me, but as Ali said these are just our opinions. We waited until our youngest daughter had done her GCSE's but to be honest it didn't do her any good as they meant nothing here anyway. Obviously if she ever goes back they would I suppose. Emigration is all ifs and buts though isn't it? None of us know but some of us have to try . Good luck with your decision.

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