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Suggestions on places to visit in Sydney in April


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I am visiting my friend in Sydney in April and she's asked me where I would like to visit. However I can not think of really any places that I did not visit last time and was after some suggestions.


The places I visited last time were:


Weekend in Blue mountains

Darling Harbour

Bondi Beach,

The Rocks,

Manly Beach,

Featherdale Wildlife park

Australia museam

Olympic park/swimming pool

Botanic gardens

Paddy's market

Went up the tower

General wondering around the city


Any suggestions on places I have not visited that I should see? I have thought of the city zoo so far. All suggestions welcome :-)


Thank you

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1)Jenolan caves ( in Blue Mountains)

2)Royal National park

a) ferry from Cronulla to Bundeena in RNP, nice beach, kayak hire, aboriginal rock carvings

b) drive to Audley in RNP, visitor`s center with nice café, rent a canoe and paddle up the Kangaroo Creek, maybe a hike


3)Symbio zoo

last 2 are about an hour drive south of Sydney, that`s where we live, I am sure there are a lot of places in the north that someone can tell you about

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1)Jenolan caves ( in Blue Mountains)

2)Royal National park

a) ferry from Cronulla to Bundeena in RNP, nice beach, kayak hire, aboriginal rock carvings

b) drive to Audley in RNP, visitor`s center with nice café, rent a canoe and paddle up the Kangaroo Creek, maybe a hike


3)Symbio zoo

last 2 are about an hour drive south of Sydney, that`s where we live, I am sure there are a lot of places in the north that someone can tell you about


Thank you very much for the suggestions will have a look into them, I did the Jenolan caves last time but would happily return there again as there was many caves and we only did one of them.


Will have a look at the other suggestions :)

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Pick railway stations or bus destinations at random and then explore the suburb when you get there. Do the same thing in a car. If u get in wrong lane Follow out right or left. Sat arvo and eve I was meandering around the Northern Beaches, Warriewood, lunch in Mona Vale, swim at Avalon, dinner in Palm Beach. Beer in Avalon. On way up there I got in wrong lane after I crossed Bridge went via Roseville Bridge to Dee Why rather than via The Spit. There is always something to see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Palm Beach and Avalon. They're quite close, hire a tinny for an hour or two from Barrenjoey Boat House and scoot around the flat water jumping out for a splash or where you see a tiny beach, then swim in the surf at Palm Beach, then a short drive to Avalon for lunch, a wander round the shops and a swim / boogie board.


- Kayaking in Sydney Harbour. Either hire from the Spit Bridge and paddle to Balmoral (get out for a coffee and swim) and back, or hire from Rose Bay and paddle to Parsley Bay (cafe and swim again) and back.


- Sydney Harbour Bridge climb.


- If you're a swimmer take part in an ocean swim race, there's one at Coogee and one at Queenscliff some time in April.


- Barefoot Lawn Bowls at Clovelly. This is a really fun Saturday afternoon type activity for a small group of people. Beautiful views, quite informal and you can have a few drinks whilst bowling.


- Hyde Park Barracks museum is a really interesting 90 mins or so if you're in the city.


- Australian beers and lunch at The Australian, also in the city.


- Young Henry's brewery in Newtown.


- Surf / paddle board lesson.

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36 years after arriving in Sydney, I still have not been to Hyde Park Barracks museum! I don't know why? I've been to the Police and Justice Museum at Circular Quay (which was still a working police station when I arrived), and the Museum of Sydney.


Many of the RSL clubs have interesting displays built up over the years. I always find it moving when they dim the lights and everybody stops drinking and playing the pokies to stand up for "The Ode."


I was up at Avalon and Palm Beach the other week. I've never hurt a tinnie though! Never explored Pittwater. I must suggest it to my brother as he likes boating.


Young Henry's Brewery. No never been there either! (Tho had some of the beers.) Newtown, like the other inner city 'burbs, are interesting places to explore on the back streets. I turned off McPherson St on the way to Bronte the other arvo, and passed a lovely old mansion, like one of the inner city terraces, with ornate balconies, but a free standing house, and in a suburban street.


Cowan station to Jerusalem Bay! Never done that either. I'm a tourist in my own (adopted) city, actually not a bad philosophy to adopt perhaps?

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Pittwater in a tinny is great, we don't know the first thing about boats but the guys showed us how to work the motor and off we went no problems. Best to ring them and book ahead if it's the weekend.


You can search your family name at Hyde Park Barracks and try to work out if any relatives came over as convicts :)


Newtown has a lovely little grave yard with a big old tree thing. St Stephen's, I think.


I've never heard of Jerusalem Bay, will look it up.


I like ike seeing how the other half live wandering round Vaucluse.

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There's a YHA hostel somewhere on Pittwater isn't there on the west side I mean. I was up that way today, did not mean to but I gave a mate a lift to Ensemble theatre at Kirribilli (another place I've not been to, new David Williamson play on (there is a good reason to go to theatre!) Sold out today tho. I carried on to Neutral Bay where I lived in 1979 then over The Spit bridge, Frenchs Forest, Wakehurst Parkway. On whim I turned off up to Elanora Heights, Powderworks Rd to Mona Vale and I swam at Warriewood. Most of what I did was unplanned. That can be a nice way to look around. I turned left off Mona Vale rd and found a track thru Kurangai Nat Park which I followed a little way. I went to Newport Arms pub last year for first time. That has nice views over Pittwater.


I have to admit I am nervous of boats and terrified of the surf. I did little more than paddle at Warriewood. Was hoping they would have a sea pool at one end which many of the beaches have.


That big house at Vaucluse is another I've not been to tho I've passed it.

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I'm at Bronte and I actually went into the surf. It is not very big and waves are regular too but I am kind of pleased with myself for getting in and not panicking. Did not bother with a swim in the rock pool either! Now sitting on the promenade in one of my fave spots. Had walk around a couple of back streets at Warriewood yesterday behind the cafes. Nice homes. I wish I knew someone who'd invite me for the weekend! But I would not like to commute to city from there. I looked in my diary for 1979 went to Bronte in Feb and did not like it. Now it could be my fave beach.

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There's a YHA hostel somewhere on Pittwater isn't there on the west side I mean.


Yes, it's a great little hostel and you can get the ferry over to it. The lovely thing about it is the wildlife. Eat out on the verandah and you'll see lots of birds and the odd possum, closer than you might like.


I was there once, I was sitting on the verandah and making a point with my chicken drumstick. A kookaburra swooped down and snatched the drumstick straight out of my hand - he was so close, I felt his wing brush my cheek! Another time, my friend and I were eating grapes and two lorikeets came down and landed on the table. We moved the big bunch of grapes to the back of the table out of their reach and were happily hand-feeding them - and then we heard chirping behind us, looked around and discovered we'd been conned. Another six lorikeets were sitting at the back of the table demolishing the big bunch!


Take your Aeroguard though, because the bush there is absolutely chock-full of ticks, which can be really nasty.

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I don't like ticks! I didn't like them in The New Forest either. I never knew the correct way to extract them, ended up doing it wrong and then panicking about Lyme Disease.


I'm in Cook and Archies cafe in Surry Hills, cnr of Buckingham and Rutland Sts. "Sitting in a cafe.' T. There's an activity you can enjoy any month of the year! Go to a different one every day or make one your 'local' and become a 'local' even if it's just for a week or two. I don't come here so much but I got hair cut in Devonshire St.

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Hi, we have had family visit several times and it does get a bit boring doing the same sights.


Try looking at weekend notes for ideas, they have some great writers and there is always something new to do.

Ferry rides anywhere around the harbour are always good value

A drive out towards Woolongong along the scenic route to the large buddhist temple (can't remember the name, I think it's Nan Tai, or something similar)

The drive in cinema at Blacktown

A great retro cinema at Cremorne (again google it)

Amazing ice cream called H20 in Chinatown

Chinese Garden of Friendship in Darling Harbour

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Is it safe to walk around the rocks to Mona Vale from north end of Warriewood?I did walk as far as the cliff on Sat arvo, no intention of going up or around the cliff. But maybe at low tide you could do it safely?


I have slight sniffle so did not go to beach this eve. I hate missing my eve swim too. Instead I left my home in Surry Hills at 7 and walked to The Rocks and Circular Quay via Central tunnel, Darling Harbour and edge of Bangaroo. I had an OJ in Harbour View pub which is almost under the Bridge. In top floor bar you can see the people going out on the Bridge Climb.



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