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Is our plan flawed! (Nurse situation APHRA!)


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Morning All,


First time here.


We have decided to take the plunge and move to Oz (NT or WA) due to existing family / connections there.


My wife is a nurse but an DI HE (Diploma Higher Education) qualified, now we know about APHRA are only accepting nurses to degree standard so after speaking to APHRA and a few embassies we have deciphered the following please let me know if it is flawed!


APHRA will refuse my wife on qualifications, and MAY offer a supervision period or a bridge course (£5k?) And on appeal may get one of the 2 solutions I said.


OK so we can apply for permanent residency as my wife is classed as skilled being a nurse but cannot get APHRA until she has a degree.


Plan is sell up move with kids (2 + 6mth) to Oz on a Permanent Residency based on her skill and then she does the bridge course whilst doing some say aux nurse work / care home work.


I have no skill I am just an operations manager in a law firm (No degree etc)


Does the above stack up or am I way off!?


Thanks in advance!

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OK I am totally new to the process.


equity in house would pay for the course in Oz will explore UK option.


Thick question who sits the skills test and ILETS?


how long does permanent residency take? 12-18mth??


Sorry for for the questions!!

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apparently you can do these top up courses through Uni of Chester as online courses. You could maybe deal with now whilst you sort everything else in the UK - a bit of graft now, but could be a cheaper option.


then when you arrive you could be Ahpra ready maybe?


It's on here somewhere - search nurses thread and ahpra threads. And maybe call Uni of Chester and explain

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ANMAC is the most important in order to get Visa, AHPRA is to register as a nurse.


But ANMAC is what required to get accepted for VISA application, if going on 189/190 visa you will need ANMAC to have agreed your skills hit right level before you can put in your EOI for visa.


IELTS is done in UK and again needs to be done prior to applying for EOI.


ANMAC takes about 4 months to process and even when qualified to degree level they ask for huge amount of detail for daily tasks completed before they release letter of determination saying that skills fit visa requirements.

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We are looking to move to Oz my wife is a nurse although she cannot go as skilled (Needs to top to a degree this will be done in Oz)


What is the way into Australia apparently we can apply for permanent residency as a family?


Where do we start got that many acronyms I am going insane, ANMAC, APHRA, IMMI.GOV.AU :arghh::arghh:


Please can someone give me a step by step process what to do please?



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First she would sit the academic IELTS, then apply to get skills assessed, once approved and can meet the points test you submit EOI, wait for invitation to apply. Once invited - lodge visa application, then medicals and police checks if everything is approved then you are granted PR visa.

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Thanks for your response 'LEB' some further Q's.


What is the first thing my wife needs to do to get the ball rolling?


In my head it is following:-


1: Sit ILETS (what is the cost of this?)

2: Apply to get skills assesed.

3: Submit EOI (What if your never invited to apply does this happen??)

4: Apply Visa

5: Get out the UK after all checks!

6: Once in Oz do bridge course to degree

7: Register APHRA?


Am I correct?

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Thanks for your response 'LEB' some further Q's.


What is the first thing my wife needs to do to get the ball rolling?


In my head it is following:-


1: Sit ILETS (what is the cost of this?)

2: Apply to get skills assesed.

3: Submit EOI (What if your never invited to apply does this happen??)

4: Apply Visa

5: Get out the UK after all checks!

6: Once in Oz do bridge course to degree

7: Register APHRA?


Am I correct?

IELTS £130

if you meet the 60 points you will be invited for 189 or 190 if go down the state nomination route.


i would still look in to it if possible to top up to degree before going to Australia.

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Thanks for advise, problem is topping up here would just take to long! House sale etc time to do it in the UK working. If we was in Oz we could live off savings (from house equity) whereas we don't have that luxury in the UK at the moment.


Now AMNAC skills test Standard ThreeThe applicant is assessed as meeting current Australian nursing and midwifery educational standards.


Now my wife has a DiHe not a degree does this mean she cannot get AMNAC assessed as it states it needs equivalent to a degree? So can she not get assessed?

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Dunno, what visa are you planning on coming on so she can do her degree? If she doesnt qualify under her occupation one assumes that you qualify under yours? If you qualify then you apply - check out the visa wizard and follow the instructions; the situation will be different according to the desirability of your occupation. If neither of you have occupations which qualify then all else is moot - she needs to get her degree in UK then she may be able to apply. https://www.immi.gov.au/visas/migration-agents/applying-for-a-visa.htm

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Why not do degree in uk? Then u just need to do ielts test..apply to anmac for skills assess..register with ahpra n then apply for permanent resident visa for your family with wife as main applicant..you have alot of reading to do but hopefully it will start to make sense...or have a consultation wth an agent?

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Hi, I have seen on other threads that AHPRA (nursing board) won't register nurses without a degree, unless you will apply for the visa as the main applicant I don't think you will get a visa to oz :-( as others have said it might be worth your wife doing her degree in UK and in meantime you apply for ilets and then anmac, by the time these are done you will be ready to apply for the visa and she can gain registration with ahpra.

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We are looking to move to Oz my wife is a nurse although she cannot go as skilled (Needs to top to a degree this will be done in Oz)


What is the way into Australia apparently we can apply for permanent residency as a family?




You can get a visa without having Ahpra registration if you are diploma trained, but you can't work as a nurse without Ahpra. AHRPA is basically like NMC in the UK. You can't work without being registered with them (but you can still get a skills assessment with ANMAC)


Anmac is the body who do the skills assessment, which you need to apply for a visa (lodge an expression of interest / EOI).


IMMI is the immigration department, they handle all visas and immigration.


If you look though Nurses thread - http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/jobs-careers/30382-official-nurses-thread.html


http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/jobs-careers/54239-nurses-questions-registrations.html you will find out what you need to find out.


2 options - get over to Aus without Ahpra (if Diploma trained), but do bridging course in Aus / or do the missing bits in the UK before you go.


hope this makes sense (it should after you read those threads)

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Thanks for advise, problem is topping up here would just take to long! House sale etc time to do it in the UK working. If we was in Oz we could live off savings (from house equity) whereas we don't have that luxury in the UK at the moment.


Now AMNAC skills test Standard ThreeThe applicant is assessed as meeting current Australian nursing and midwifery educational standards.


Now my wife has a DiHe not a degree does this mean she cannot get AMNAC assessed as it states it needs equivalent to a degree? So can she not get assessed?

This is new that applicants required degree for ApHR! I would speak to a registered migration agent, review your case even if you decide to do it alone.

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Thanks for advise, problem is topping up here would just take to long! House sale etc time to do it in the UK working. If we was in Oz we could live off savings (from house equity) whereas we don't have that luxury in the UK at the moment.


Now AMNAC skills test Standard ThreeThe applicant is assessed as meeting current Australian nursing and midwifery educational standards.


Now my wife has a DiHe not a degree does this mean she cannot get AMNAC assessed as it states it needs equivalent to a degree? So can she not get assessed?



I've just been through the visa process. As far as I understand your wife dependant upon experience should receive a positive skills assessment from ANMAC. ANMAC take into consideration your qualification and experience and assessed me as equivalent to Australian degree. AHPRA are solely concerned with your qualification. I am DIP he nurse (child branch) and have yet to apply with AHPRA I am hoping to be offered registration with supervision. Is your wife adult trained?

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Why not do degree in uk? Then u just need to do ielts test..apply to anmac for skills assess..register with ahpra n then apply for permanent resident visa for your family with wife as main applicant..you have alot of reading to do but hopefully it will start to make sense...or have a consultation wth an agent?


Probably the time and cost to do a degree in the UK and the thought of not being in Aus for another few years. May as well get over here if you can and do the quals here.

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