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Moved back to UK and now think we want to come back?!


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Well we returned to Aus from the Uk last November after one Year in the Uk.What i would say is don't be too hasty.We thought the same as you.But Australia is not what it was in such a short time,i myself just can't believe it,as we lived here for 29 years.How could it happen.Well the mining boom is well and truly over.The Conservative Government is lost.Abbott,Hockey and the rest of the Liberals and Nationals are going from one disaster to the next.They have stopped the boats.But thats it.The cost of living has trippled,rates and house prices have realy gone up.Meat. they must feed the animals on $100 notes.$42 for a kg of lamb chops.A box of cornflakes $7.potatoes$3,50kg We are thinking of returning to the UK.We should have given it at least 2 years.People that we knew that had returned.Said it takes at least that to get Aussie out of your system.When i was in the UK.I used to say I'll never whinge abut the heat again.Now i'm back in Aus, I say the heat is depressing, it's so humid.Even with the$ Nose diveng.We would rather take the loss than stay.I always said.Once the mining Boom goes, Australia will have the biggest crash ever.The governmet say they are paying out 2% more than the Country earns.Electric Bills are unbelievale some say they are paying $3000 a quarter.Child care has gone up to $100 per day.In the cities.And inner suburbs,But then it all comes down to what people earn.



My my electric bill and I'm electric only is $1000 a quarter roughly ...and I'm not mean with it niether it's like Blackpool illuminations with my kids .....shopping food shopping I don't really find expensive ...salad I do in comparison to back home ....it's not that for us anyway ....it's the lack of work about and what's about to unfold And is unfolding ...I agree with u on something's though ...I haven't a pool though but surely it's not going be 3000 even with a pool . :)

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My my electric bill and I'm electric only is $1000 a quarter roughly ...and I'm not mean with it niether it's like Blackpool illuminations with my kids .....shopping food shopping I don't really find expensive ...salad I do in comparison to back home ....it's not that for us anyway ....it's the lack of work about and what's about to unfold And is unfolding ...I agree with u on something's though ...I haven't a pool though but surely it's not going be 3000 even with a pool . :)


Yep, I ran a pool pump as well as those fish tanks

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Well we returned to Aus from the Uk last November after one Year in the Uk.What i would say is don't be too hasty.We thought the same as you.But Australia is not what it was in such a short time,i myself just can't believe it,as we lived here for 29 years.How could it happen.Well the mining boom is well and truly over.The Conservative Government is lost.Abbott,Hockey and the rest of the Liberals and Nationals are going from one disaster to the next.They have stopped the boats.But thats it.The cost of living has trippled,rates and house prices have realy gone up.Meat. they must feed the animals on $100 notes.$42 for a kg of lamb chops.A box of cornflakes $7.potatoes$3,50kg We are thinking of returning to the UK.We should have given it at least 2 years.People that we knew that had returned.Said it takes at least that to get Aussie out of your system.When i was in the UK.I used to say I'll never whinge abut the heat again.Now i'm back in Aus, I say the heat is depressing, it's so humid.Even with the$ Nose diveng.We would rather take the loss than stay.I always said.Once the mining Boom goes, Australia will have the biggest crash ever.The governmet say they are paying out 2% more than the Country earns.Electric Bills are unbelievale some say they are paying $3000 a quarter.Child care has gone up to $100 per day.In the cities.And inner suburbs,But then it all comes down to what people earn.


Where on earth are you living?? those prices are so high its laughable, i don't think anyone could live comfortably with those outgoings unless they were millionaires.

Not even hubbys workplace has an electric bill that high,im feeling grateful mine hover between $600 / $700 a quarter (with a pool), as for cornflakes, proper Kelloggs are $5 in Woolys / Coles but are on offer every few weeks,with homebrand ones half that price.

Totally agree the cost of living has risen, we have been here almost 9 years and have certainly seen an increase in lots of bills, not triple though, maybe just under double on some things (electric the big one) and less than that on others. This is all in my experience for Brisbane though ,so could be different in other states.

Shop around Zack as it sounds like your being ripped off big time.


Cal x

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Where on earth are you living?? those prices are so high its laughable, i don't think anyone could live comfortably with those outgoings unless they were millionaires.

Not even hubbys workplace has an electric bill that high,im feeling grateful mine hover between $600 / $700 a quarter (with a pool), as for cornflakes, proper Kelloggs are $5 in Woolys / Coles but are on offer every few weeks,with homebrand ones half that price.

Totally agree the cost of living has risen, we have been here almost 9 years and have certainly seen an increase in lots of bills, not triple though, maybe just under double on some things (electric the big one) and less than that on others. This is all in my experience for Brisbane though ,so could be different in other states.

Shop around Zack as it sounds like your being ripped off big time.


Cal x


Cal x


To be fair I suppose the poster did actually say the $3000 a quarter electric bill he was quoting was unbeliavale (sic!). :biglaugh:

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OMG $3,000 per quarter for electricity!



Our average quarterly electricity bill is $330


I think the poster was quoting the figures they've had on A Current Affair when they've had their sensationalist articles about electricity prices. I also can't understand how anyone can spend that much - but then I do know people who turn on the air con every morning in summer, regardless of temperature, and leave it running icy-cold all day. They also leave the TV on all day even when they're not watching it - and not only do modern TV's consume far more electricity than you think, they also blast out a lot of heat, meaning that the air con has to work even harder. No sympathy for careless people like that really.

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To be fair I suppose the poster did actually say the $3000 a quarter electric bill he was quoting was unbeliavale (sic!). :biglaugh:


As are his past posts if I remember rightly..................slagging off Oz when here and bulling up the UK...............once back in the UK, slagging off the UK and bulling up Oz................. and now he's back in oz..............guess what? :wacko::biglaugh:

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I have Aircon on a lot in brisbane in summer ...I have my tumble dryer on a lot too everyday and my washer now I know the suns out but I wash my towels everyday I like them soft lol ...and it's still roughly a thousand a quarter 958 to be exact my last bill for 90 days :)


What do you have the air con set at? A lot of people crank their air con down to 18 or 20 degrees, thinking it will work faster that way. It won't - it just pushes your bills up. The temp you set just tells the air con when to STOP cooling, it doesn't affect what temp the air comes out at.


If you were outside in 23 degrees, you'd think it was a lovely day, wouldn't you? So set your air con at 23 degrees. It will save you hundreds of dollars.


Tumble driers are horrendously expensive on their own, but if they're venting hot air into the house that's costing more too, because your air con has to work harder. I tumble dry my towels too, because I hate the dry scratchy feeling - but that doesn't mean you have to tumble dry everything else. A smaller load will dry a lot quicker so you'll save money by tumbling the towels on their own.


Also, always close the blinds/curtains on rooms you're not using - heat coming in the windows is the biggest cause of heat inside your house. And always turn off PC monitors and TV's when they're not being used - both pump out an incredible amount of heat (try putting your hand over the top of the TV and you'll see what I mean) - again, using energy in their own right but also creating more work for your air con.


Finally, I think we all know that you need to turn off appliances at the wall whenever possible. A switch left on continues to use electricity and it can account for up to 10% of your electricity bill.

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Electricity costs are dear in both countries, food is better and cheaper in UK, petrol is higher. Overall bringing wages into consideration, not much difference at all. As for average price of lamb being around $15 in Devonport, I fell off my chair as I am in Launceston and go to Longford where they have the abattoir shop and it is dearer than that!

The UK has had more sunny days this winter since - can't recall, was it 1948 I saw in the news? You do have to notice it though and if desperate to come back here you may not be noticing the good about UK. After 32 years we went back for a year, returning last April. The heat at Sunshine Coast Qld was horrible in winter so we moved to Tassie for summer! We are about to move back again to Qld - Australian state ping pongers!

Devon was amazing when we were back there. I loved the seasons, the variety of food shops and associated cheap prices, we could afford to eat out a lot more but we can't here. Travelling was so easy over long distances although shorter distances took a lot longer as so much attracted us we kept stopping! The UK is alive. The news is abysmal! Enough to depress the best of us so don't watch it! You can catch up on line so easily. Which reminds me - telecommunication costs are so low in the UK! Amazingly cheap, staggered us. I love both countries, there is room in my heart for both. I would prefer to live in the UK though despite my having 3 children here.

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Electricity costs are dear in both countries, food is better and cheaper in UK, petrol is higher. Overall bringing wages into consideration, not much difference at all. As for average price of lamb being around $15 in Devonport, I fell off my chair as I am in Launceston and go to Longford where they have the abattoir shop and it is dearer than that!

The UK has had more sunny days this winter since - can't recall, was it 1948 I saw in the news? You do have to notice it though and if desperate to come back here you may not be noticing the good about UK. After 32 years we went back for a year, returning last April. The heat at Sunshine Coast Qld was horrible in winter so we moved to Tassie for summer! We are about to move back again to Qld - Australian state ping pongers!

Devon was amazing when we were back there. I loved the seasons, the variety of food shops and associated cheap prices, we could afford to eat out a lot more but we can't here. Travelling was so easy over long distances although shorter distances took a lot longer as so much attracted us we kept stopping! The UK is alive. The news is abysmal! Enough to depress the best of us so don't watch it! You can catch up on line so easily. Which reminds me - telecommunication costs are so low in the UK! Amazingly cheap, staggered us. I love both countries, there is room in my heart for both. I would prefer to live in the UK though despite my having 3 children here.


I don't eat much meat and can't stand lamb but my husband loves it. He has been to the butcher in Spreyton to get stocked up with lamb chops. He bought 2 kilos for $30. Been busy stacking them in the freezer. He also bought half a dozen bottles of Spreyton cider and a couple big bottles of their apple juice :smile:

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I don't eat much meat and can't stand lamb but my husband loves it. He has been to the butcher in Spreyton to get stocked up with lamb chops. He bought 2 kilos for $30. Been busy stacking them in the freezer. He also bought half a dozen bottles of Spreyton cider and a couple big bottles of their apple juice :smile:


I love eating lamb, but it is more expensive in the UK. When I first went to Oz in 1960 I would go to Adelaide's Central Market, and buy half a side of lamb for my sister and her family, and it would cost ten shillings and sixpence. Is that only 52.5 pence in to-day"s currency?

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I'm SOOOOOOOO confused.

As an Aussie contemplating a permanent move to the UK, I've been reading the comments on as many threads as are relevant in attempt to make an informed decision. I read good and bad about both places and agree with you ALL.

It seems there is no overall good, bad or even better country/place. It really depends on your own personal feelings, lifestyle preferences and circumstances at the time.

At the moment, I'm trying to choose between a move to Gippsland, Victoria; Tasmania, Scotland, England or Wales.

No idea where I'll end up. They all appeal for different reasons.

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I'm SOOOOOOOO confused.

As an Aussie contemplating a permanent move to the UK, I've been reading the comments on as many threads as are relevant in attempt to make an informed decision. I read good and bad about both places and agree with you ALL.

It seems there is no overall good, bad or even better country/place. It really depends on your own personal feelings, lifestyle preferences and circumstances at the time.

At the moment, I'm trying to choose between a move to Gippsland, Victoria; Tasmania, Scotland, England or Wales.

No idea where I'll end up. They all appeal for different reasons.


Ah, but some of those places are in Oz, not the UK. I think your age, family situation, and experience are pertinent to decide, plus of course your desire and willingness to travel play a big part. A sense of adventure is why I went to Australia at the age of 22.

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I'm SOOOOOOOO confused.

As an Aussie contemplating a permanent move to the UK, I've been reading the comments on as many threads as are relevant in attempt to make an informed decision. I read good and bad about both places and agree with you ALL.

It seems there is no overall good, bad or even better country/place. It really depends on your own personal feelings, lifestyle preferences and circumstances at the time.


That's so true. Australia is not better than the UK or vice versa, it's just different.


On another subject, did you see my post about pensions on another thread? If you're not pensionable age yet, you won't be able to get the Aussie pension if you go to the UK so make sure you research your options.

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Hello exozpom


I started the "kiwi" thread below you as I am the opposite, can't wait to leave here and return to England. If you are not sure England is right for you but you will be not right for Australia, can you consider a completely different country and not live in either?


The reason I say that is in my experience you can not get more opposite countries. NZ is similar to UK, but nothing like Australia. I personally am happy to live NZ and UK, but not Australia. I think the lifestyle here is one you either "get" or don't and never will. I have been here for six years now and tried hard to fit in, accept the heat and sunburn, the long distances to travel, the lack of culture, but it did not work. I do not like the beach and get sick of the constant sun. I find here it is quite an "inside" life as people are always trying to find the air con.


9 months is not a long time. Maybe you can give it another six months and see if anything changes. And Australia is getting more expensive and very unstable in the government, plus the natural disasters.


It just might not be the same back here as what you remember it to be. Best of luck either way.

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What do you have the air con set at? A lot of people crank their air con down to 18 or 20 degrees, thinking it will work faster that way. It won't - it just pushes your bills up. The temp you set just tells the air con when to STOP cooling, it doesn't affect what temp the air comes out at.


If you were outside in 23 degrees, you'd think it was a lovely day, wouldn't you? So set your air con at 23 degrees. It will save you hundreds of dollars.


Tumble driers are horrendously expensive on their own, but if they're venting hot air into the house that's costing more too, because your air con has to work harder. I tumble dry my towels too, because I hate the dry scratchy feeling - but that doesn't mean you have to tumble dry everything else. A smaller load will dry a lot quicker so you'll save money by tumbling the towels on their own.


Also, always close the blinds/curtains on rooms you're not using - heat coming in the windows is the biggest cause of heat inside your house. And always turn off PC monitors and TV's when they're not being used - both pump out an incredible amount of heat (try putting your hand over the top of the TV and you'll see what I mean) - again, using energy in their own right but also creating more work for your air con.


Finally, I think we all know that you need to turn off appliances at the wall whenever possible. A switch left on continues to use electricity and it can account for up to 10% of your electricity bill.



Sorry only just seen this ...I have it set at 16 my Aircon ....I'll reset it ...I don't like drawing my blinds ....carnt stand being in the dark I like everything light and airy lol ...but it get what ya saying ....thanks :)

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Sorry only just seen this ...I have it set at 16 my Aircon ....I'll reset it ...I don't like drawing my blinds ....carnt stand being in the dark I like everything light and airy lol ...but it get what ya saying ....thanks :)


I used to work in the industry, that's how I know about the air con temp - and a lot of people do exactly what you do, and waste hundreds of dollars.


I know what you mean about drawing the blinds, what's the point of living in a country with lovely blue skies if you can't see them? But it does help to leave the blinds down in rooms you're not using, and to remember to pull them ALL down before you go to bed at night so the rooms aren't heating up with the early morning sun.

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