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Let's imagine..... but would Tony go quietly??


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So let's just imagine for a moment, that at some stage in the near future, the LNP decide to replace Toxic Tony Abbott as leader, and let's say, just for laughs, that Julie Bishop, as his deputy, moved into the top job.


Firstly, would anyone in that case dare to suggest that she might have backstabbed him to get the job? Particularly as she is said to have "gone bananas" when he decided she needed to be chaperoned by Trade Minister Andrew Robb at the recent climate conference.


Secondly, would Tony go quietly or would he "do a Rudd" and start undermining her from the back benches (or wherever he ends up) as he seems to already be taking Peta Credlin's side against Bishop so obviously doesn't feel any great loyalty to her?


Or thirdly, would he be quietly admitted to an institution, as even I am starting to feel a little sorry for how badly he is coming across to all levels of the media and there is a lot of online talk about his ongoing mental health?

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If it came to leadership I reckon Malcolm techno turnbill would fill the gap just fine.he doesn't stumble his words and swagger round like John Wayne with a pineapple in his pants.or is abbots budgy smugglers a bit too tight under the suit.


God I forgot about that budgie smuggler pic. Thanks for reminding me [emoji22]

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Interesting isn't it, that @MARYROSE02, @parleycross and @cjscjs have been unable to contribute to any speculation here about what might happen in the future. Could it be that they are only capable of looking backwards, to blame everything on Labor, and the 'mess they inherited from that other lot' rather than taking responsibility for the traincrash that is this country's economy and reputation under LNP?


Come on, you guys, what's your take on the consequences should this situation arise?

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I genuinely do think he will be replaced about 3-4 months before the next election, that would be the best timing for his replacement to get to terms with the role and still be a 'fresh' face for the electorate. The replacement could not feasibly take over the premiership earlier than that without having to call an immediate general election.

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I genuinely do think he will be replaced about 3-4 months before the next election, that would be the best timing for his replacement to get to terms with the role and still be a 'fresh' face for the electorate. The replacement could not feasibly take over the premiership earlier than that without having to call an immediate general election.


Who do you reckon? Julie Bishop? Malcolm Turnbull? I think it could be either as MT has probably had the least foot-in-mouth moments of the current contenders, and JB is obviously doing her best to subtly slowly distance herself from Toxic Tony and Peta Credlin. I think MT has to be the front-runner though, as if JB takes over it's going to be like a re-run of the Rudd/Gillard thing. Far too many similarities...


Mind you, with the powers that Morrison has managed to give himself, he may just appoint himself PM and abolish any need for democratic elections from now on~

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Let's imagine that Tony decides to throw the towel in and calls an election. Then let's further imagine that labour win that election and Bill "shorty" Shorten becomes prime minister. How long do you think it would be before you are all whinging about him? I'd give it a month max. Lets face it Australia is running headlong into recession and nothing or nobody is going to prevent that from happening. All anybody (the ruling party in this instance) can do is take measures to soften the impact by cutting back, which is what Tony's trying to do. But you, the dear proletariat of Australia don't like that idea very much and poor Tony continually finds his hands tied. When the recession hits and it will, most likely the second half of 2015 it will hit hard. So please don't whinge and whine. Because if you had let Tony get on with his job he might just might have been able to ease the pain. Here endeth the lesson.

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[/b]And as a 'paid to post' LNP staffer, he/she (delete as inapplicable) would know.

Parleycross is definitely a he - remember the perving at nursing mothers. But I doubt that he is an LNP staffer or he would use better arguments. I think he's just a fanboy.

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Let's imagine that Tony decides to throw the towel in and calls an election. Then let's further imagine that labour win that election and Bill "shorty" Shorten becomes prime minister. How long do you think it would be before you are all whinging about him? I'd give it a month max. Lets face it Australia is running headlong into recession and nothing or nobody is going to prevent that from happening. All anybody (the ruling party in this instance) can do is take measures to soften the impact by cutting back, which is what Tony's trying to do. But you, the dear proletariat of Australia don't like that idea very much and poor Tony continually finds his hands tied. When the recession hits and it will, most likely the second half of 2015 it will hit hard. So please don't whinge and whine. Because if you had let Tony get on with his job he might just might have been able to ease the pain. Here endeth the lesson.


So you think a double dissolution is more likely than a change of party leadership?

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Does the Federal Liberal Party have a history of ditching Prime Ministers? I don't know but I imagine that even if they did think of doing it, they will look at the example of the ALP dumping Rudd for Gillard and consider the possibility of things getting worse not better. After all, Abbott was a success as Opposition Leader otherwise they would have dumped him long ago.


Lefties like Turnbull because he is a "good" Liberal? I have no opinion. If anything Abbott is middle class and Turnbull upper class judging by their background and where they live.


How was Thatcher doing on her first year or two by the way?

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How was Thatcher doing on her first year or two by the way?

She was unpopular but greatly helped by a crazy opposition that was fragmenting into a million pieces. In case we forget, in 1981 it looked like her main opposition at the next general election was likely to be the SDP.

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Does the Federal Liberal Party have a history of ditching Prime Ministers? I don't know but I imagine that even if they did think of doing it, they will look at the example of the ALP dumping Rudd for Gillard and consider the possibility of things getting worse not better. After all, Abbott was a success as Opposition Leader otherwise they would have dumped him long ago.


Lefties like Turnbull because he is a "good" Liberal? I have no opinion. If anything Abbott is middle class and Turnbull upper class judging by their background and where they live.


How was Thatcher doing on her first year or two by the way?


Not sure if history has much to do with it - though all parties in Aus seem to have a bizarre fetish for ditching and even reappointing leaders. If 6 months out from the election the Liberals are as far behind in the polls as they are now, then Abbott will go, no question. They could try the old 'the only poll which matters is on election day' line - but all that achieves is losing by the margin the polls say you will.


Thatcher certainly did suffer in the early part of her career as PM owing to the economy doing poorly, but was of course saved by the Falklands War, in which she performed very well. She did remain as PM for another 8 years after that, which I doubt Abbott will. Some sort of successful military campaign would do Abbott some good, but I'm not sure where he can conjure one from.


Strangely just the other day my wife was wondering if N Korea invaded part of WA or NT for resources whether the US would come to our aid militarily - she thought they would, but I soon convinced her otherwise.

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I think MT has to be the front-runner though, as if JB takes over it's going to be like a re-run of the Rudd/Gillard thing. Far too many similarities...



But MT was the leader of the party 2008/9 - and was dumped for Abbott. So that would be a reminder of the Rudd - Gillard - Rudd shenanigans.

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Does the Federal Liberal Party have a history of ditching Prime Ministers?
Well it happens at state level to premiers. I think we have entered a new age of volatility at the top where leaders get dumped if they aren't looking like winning the next election - regardless of party. The Liberals would presumably look at the Gillard challenge as having won another term in office for Labor, and the return of Rudd as having saved a lot of seats that would otherwise have been lost.
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