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UK winter weather update


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Guest Guest 47403
I never really found Dec a prob in the UK...yes it could be nasty, but everyone occupied with xmas n parties etc.


the really bleak times for me was from new year to the end of March. That was why we always had one of our major OS holidays then, just to escape the doom n gloom.


It was the same for me the post Christmas blues were just depressing in the UK but I'd extend it to April some (not all) years just damp grey and miserable!

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Damp grey and miserable all the time?You know what?I'm just grateful I'm alive and well.I really don't give a s*** what the weathers doing tbh. This is actually my second winter in a row.Spent winter in Oz for 3 mths this year and pretty much straight into late Autumn. when I returned.This morning was fine but lunchtime started raining.I took a look outside,put on my hat and jacket and cycled into town.Did'nt worry me one iota.My sister OTOH though is completely different to me. She did nothing but whinge the whole time I was in Oz about how much she hated the rain,cold,you name it!:laugh:I made a lovely pot of veg soup this morning and for me,thats one of the joys of winter.Embrace it I reckon.You can't change it so no point in whinging.Acceptance people! ;)

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I do whinge about the weather sometimes but I'd say I've been doing well this year. I've not found it bad at all other than the few stormy days. In the past I've found the winter really hard - lack of sunlight etc. I thought I had that SAD thing. I think I've had other things going on that haven't helped though. I'll have to see how the rest of the winter goes. Your right Melza - health is more important. I think loads of people moan about the weather though - it just seems to be our thing thing lol I've had OAP's come up to me at the bus stop and just start a conversation about it

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Damp grey and miserable all the time?You know what?I'm just grateful I'm alive and well.)


Know what you mean but that's setting the bar quite low lol.


Seriously though, it may be turning much colder now as we head into winter proper but at least we are able to keep warm with central heating and a log burner. I feel for the poor souls who sleep rough or cannot afford to heat their homes properly this time of year.

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  • 1 month later...
It's snowing!


We had a light dusting here in the west mids,gone now though.....if you are questioning how mild it is here.....how many soccer games have you seen called off this season?....i watched sheff Utd and spurs last night.....bit of snow in the air,but I haven't seen one game this winter where I can see the players exhaling breath.

I was a real cynic in relation to global warming.....but its definitely getting milder.

I generally don't like winter,but we have had some lovely days this January

Still no days below zero in the west mids......no high winds either

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More evidence of global warming! Especially in the USA.


You really don't get it do you...did you read my post about the jet stream...i posted it a while back just for you......THE WORLD IS WARMING UP....the jet stream imthr northern hemisphere has slowed pulling arctic air o to the u.s.....I told you weeks ago....

I also told you out winter would be miild.....after all the "uk winter from hell and armageddon " shite in the press......out weather is improving .....thank you

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The world is warming up and every heatwave is trumoeted as PROOF of it, but also every cold snap as further proof. In fact EVERY extreme is blamed on that, as if the world never experienced extremes before. This summer in Sydney has not been particularly intense, yet every heatwave, every bush fire is PROOF. There are enough examples of scientists manipulating statistics and I'm sure I read that warming has actually slowed in last few years. The winter did not look particularly mild when I was watching the recent EPL games!

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Yesterday it rained (not for very long or heavily) for the first time I can recall for about 2-3 weeks during the day. I don't think I have ever experienced such a dry and bright winter as I have this year - it's been sunny for long periods, stable (not at all squally or miserable) and free from the batterings that occurred last year (thankfully I missed those too), well where I live anyway. Here's to a beautiful spring and another blockbuster summer.

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Sunny but breezy today with serious wind chill making it feel below 0. Most days here lately have been totally grey though mainly dry. Too cold to rain so have only had snow or sleet showers. Must be warmer where you are.


This has been a much more normal winter. Last year was like one long wet stormy autumn. But whether it is cold/dry or wet/mild it's not for me. Can't wait for the winter to end......as always.

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Sunny but breezy today with serious wind chill making it feel below 0. Most days here lately have been totally grey though mainly dry. Too cold to rain so have only had snow or sleet showers. Must be warmer where you are.


This has been a much more normal winter. Last year was like one long wet stormy autumn. But whether it is cold/dry or wet/mild it's not for me. Can't wait for the winter to end......as always.


Hello GGS - yes walking to and from work it was bloody freezing that wind that cuts right through you today, but piercing blue sky and Sunshine and dusk as late at 17:15 today in the SW ...... wont be long.....

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Been like this the last week,bright,really cold though too,and the cold doesn't bother me normally tbh,but the winds "have" been proper bitter cold,had more skins on than an onion!:twitcy:

Not as cold today though:smile:


Not long till my fav season,spring weather,love it,when its dry anyway,ie no rain offs!



Oh btw,tower on the left is the top of the protestant cathedral,cranes on the right are the new Liverpool hospital


#Note the way i included a close up of the scaffold tube in the bottom left hand corner,this was deliberate btw:daydreaming:,us photographers always like to give a reference point for size/perspective purposes:GEEK::wubclub:,it wasn't just a balls up by me:mad:,eat yer .........ng heart out Kev:laugh:#


Right! ones orrrrrf(tfft i hear you say!),tara!


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just read an official met office report ...not related to all the bull.... you get from the daily express ....November , December , January are more likely to have above average temperatures .....not the coldest in 100 years as reported

November has been the third warmest on record , i have only had 4 morning frosts on the windscreen ... ....no snow ...no ice ...and the strange thing ,all year the air has been very still ...high winds have been very rare ....we shall see what the winter brings .


Well we are getting towards the tail now.....temps are starting to rise again.....coldest period has been the last week in Jan and the first week in Feb.....on the whole,very acceptable.....very little wind,rain or snow considering,and plenty of blue sky

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