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Gough Whitlam dies


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Sad day. I wish I was around in Australia in 1972, it sounds like an exciting time.


RIP Gough


[h=1]Gough Whitlam dies at age 98[/h]






Gough Whitlam, who was prime minister for just three years but became a defining political figure of modern Australia, has died aged 98.

Whitlam’s family said in a statement on Tuesday: “Our father, Gough Whitlam, has died this morning at the age of 98.”

“A loving and generous father, he was a source of inspiration to us and our families and for millions of Australians.

“There will be a private cremation and a public memorial service.”

The election of his government on 2 December 1972, with

, ended 23 years of conservative rule and its dismissal by the governor general Sir John Kerr on 11 November 1975remains one of the most controversial events in Australian political history.

But in just three years the Whitlam government instituted sweeping changes that transformed Australian society as the baby boomer generation came of age.

In a rapid program of reform it called “the program”, the Whitlam government created Australia’s national health insurance scheme, Medibank; abolished university fees; introduced state aid to independent schools and needs-based school funding; returned traditional lands in the Northern Territory to the Gurindji people; drafted (although did not enact) the first commonwealth lands right act; established diplomatic relations with China, withdrew the remaining Australian troops from Vietnam; introduced no-fault divorce laws; passed the Racial Discrimination Act; blocked moves to allow oil drilling on the Great Barrier Reef; introduced environmental protection legislation; and removed God Save the Queen as the national anthem.

The former Rudd government minister Lindsay Tanner has written: “Whitlam and his government changed the way we think about ourselves. The curse of sleepy mediocrity and colonial dependency, so mercilessly flayed in 1964 by Donald Horne in The Lucky Country, was cast aside.”

But the Whitlam government’s economic record is more controversial. It came to power at the time of the first oil shock and failed to contain wages inflation. In 1975 it was embroiled in what became known as the “loans affair” when the minister for minerals and energy, Rex Connor, sought to borrow money for resource projects, outside normal treasurer processes, from Arab financiers using a middleman called Tirath Khemlani. No money was borrowed but the scandal deeply damaged the government.

Whitlam won a double dissolution election in 1974, with a reduced majority. But from October to November 1975 the parliament was deadlocked, with the opposition using its numbers in the Senate to refuse to pass the budget. When Whitlam visited Kerr to call for a half Senate election, Kerr instead withdrew his commission as prime minister and replaced him with the Liberal leader Malcolm Fraser.

Whitlam lost the election to Fraser after the national upheaval of the dismissal. He stood down as Labor leader and retired from politics in 1978.

A towering figure at 1.94m, with a deep resonant voice and an eloquent turn of phrase, Whitlam inspired a generation of progressive politicians and was widely referred to by just his first name. His is remembered forsome of the most famous quotes in Australian politics, including while standing on the steps of the old parliament house after news of his dismissal. He said: “Well may we say ‘God save the Queen’ because nothing will save the governor general.”

He was a graduate of Knox Grammar and Canberra Grammar and joined the airforce after university, before studying law and being admitted to the bar. He married Margaret Dovey in 1942; they had four children.

He won the western Sydney seat of Werriwa in 1952 and was elected leader of the Labor party in 1967, succeeding Arthur Calwell.

After leaving politics he worked as Australia’s ambassador to Unesco, accepted several visiting professorships and, along with Margaret, received life membership of the Labor party in 2007.

Margaret died in 2012. Whitlam, by then using a wheelchair, had moved into an aged-care facility in 2010. He described her as “the love of my life”.

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Free university, no fault divorce, land rights for Aborigines, out of Vietnam, national health service, funding for non government schools - he was the making of my generation. It all cost a fortune that we didn't quite have, but still the big ideas were there. Not sure where they are now.....

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I am deeply saddened by this although we knew it was coming. Gough was instrumental in me joining the ALP in1971( a membership I have maintained to this day)....my first political campaign was the "It's Time" in '72 and what a campaign it was....a truly wonderful and exciting time and the years of his government (to be honest beset with a few problems) were just as exciting. I had the privilege to call Gough and Margaret if not friends, close aquaintences having met them at numerous State and Federal ALP conferences and social functions. I remember once being at Sydney Town Hall for if I remember rightly an Evett Memorial Lecture around '82 or '83........we were all seated and Gough and Margaret arrived......we all stood and gave him a standing ovation.....he was that sort of man.....a towering intellect and a kind and good father......and he was also ex RAAF. I for one will miss him. :sad:

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A truly great man. 1972 was the first time I voted. I remember election night and the overwhelming emotion - it felt like Australia had emerged from the dark ages. He saved me and thousands of others from Vietnam but too late for my cousin who died for nothing.

I did several burial parties in the 70's during my time in the RAAF in Adelaide and Melbourne, if my memory serves me correctly. Not something I'll ever forget

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A truly great man. 1972 was the first time I voted. I remember election night and the overwhelming emotion - it felt like Australia had emerged from the dark ages. He saved me and thousands of others from Vietnam but too late for my cousin who died for nothing.


His election was too late for me but when I got home I knew what side of the fence I was on.That '72 campaign was so electrifying, after 23 years of conservative rule we were in with a shot......and we did it.......we partied for days.......shame it only lasted for three years but those three years were reformist years. One of Gough's greatest achievements was Medicare but of course the Abbott-Credlin Government is now trying to dismantle that.

I just hope no one like Abbott, Pyne, Morrison et al attend his funeral........Gough despised them.

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I wasn't here then and don't know much about him other than the dismissal part.

But he did get overwhelmingly defeated at the next 2 elections after his dismissal so the public must have gone off him in a big way.


And Les, of course every living current and former prime minister will go to his funeral, as they should.

Funerals are not a place for partisanship. The man will be honoured by all for his service to his country.


I don't really imagine Gough despising anyone. That is not a nice image and I don't think he would.

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No hating is not admirable.

and I understand you are probably wanting Gough to be that sort of person but he seems like a good and decent man to me.


Anyway better to keep this thread positive and not get into his nasty side if he had one.

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Sounds like he did some great things. Health care for all, free education, got out of Vietnam. All good Labor (Labour) values that the current lot seems to have forgotten about in exchange for petty squabbling about small stuff that doesn't really matter.


Whether the country could afford it is still up for debate. It certainly managed to get through it and has had booms and busts ever since without any massive reforms. The lot that are in now how big ideas on reform but it's mostly getting rid of the good bits that Gough managed to get in. They would love to privatise everything and stop unemployment benefits tomorrow. When is it that medibank goes on sale? No doubt make the rich people who can afford shares millions and the people who use it will find the costs jumping up.


Has anyone known anything get privatised and get better?

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I just hope no one like Abbott, Pyne, Morrison et al attend his funeral........Gough despised them.


Sounds like an excellent judge of character to me.


Heard a very moving tribute to him from an Aboriginal Elder today, saying they considered him one of theirs.


What a life he had, and what a mark he left on Australia!

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Sounds like an excellent judge of character to me.


Heard a very moving tribute to him from an Aboriginal Elder today, saying they considered him one of theirs.


What a life he had, and what a mark he left on Australia!


Few visionaries made anymore. He certainly took Australia into an enlightened phase from the deep rooted Menzies conservative era, but even that was better in most respects than what the present lot would kike to impose on us.

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