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189 Visa Lodged October 2014


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I've been assigned a CO today!!! :wink: They requested the original french police certificate of my partner. I initially sent the translated one certified by NAATI. And that's it so far!!!

That sounds promising. Best wishes for an early decision.

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Hi Nursebucko,

Same here, I applied on 16th and no update yet... :(

Please let us know as soon as CO contact you. Good luck.



Hello, congrats to all on all those that have their grants! I'm anxiously waiting for ours now.....lodged on the 17th oct..so it'll be 8 weeks on Friday. So hoping we get something soon...I'm rubbish at being patient! Every time my phone pings I check it!! X
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Hi all,


Quick update - I have now satisfied the requirements for my proof of Australian employment. Now just waiting on UK responses from 2009-2011 once i have uploaded all payslips/statements from then I should receive my grant (fingers crossed) as they haven't asked for anything further from me! Bit of naivety on my part not preparing proof of work history before applying!

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Wonder if anyone know the answer to this, my OH has decided not to emigrate. CO requested Form 80 and medicals last week. I am the main applicant, if I withdraw his application will it affect my visa grant? I am still to check how I go about withdrawing his application.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Not sure how you go about this now the application is in. I would speak to your CO and see what they advise. I would not do anything at this stage without their advice as I don't think there is a way to withdraw part of the application without withdrawing the entire application.


I think there will be some prying questions though to make sure your OH is not going to travel with you at a later date.


Sorry I can't help more.

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Probably the best approach would be to email your CO AND send a Change of Circumstances form 1022 detailing the new situation but your OH will still be a non-migrating dependent and a medical will still be required. Your CO will tell you what you need to do.



I very much doubt if it will adversely affect your visa grant.

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One thing to keep in mind is that the process and cost to keep your OH in your 189 visa is significantly less than if he changes his mind and you need to go through a partner visa application. It may be worth the time and money for him to stay on your visa. He'd need to make a trip to activate it, but then he'd be able to freely travel to/from Australia for 5 years for visits or any other travel needs.

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Hi Nursebucko,

Same here, I applied on 16th and no update yet... :(

Please let us know as soon as CO contact you. Good luck.



I uploaded all requested documents from CO on 8th Dec. Yet to hear anything from them...


Anyone get contacted by CO or visa grant this week?

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Hi everyone,

i just wanted to ask to any of you that have your grants already, what time of day did the email come to you? Was it night time? Only reason I'm asking is I'm doing my own head atm looking at my phone all the time. If I know there is no chance in the day then it will stop me during the day being so twitchy!



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I was just about to go to bed......and ping went my email and there it was direct grant!!!!! Over the moon!!!! 10 years we have waited for this!!!! So, so happy!! Now I have to go to bed as I have to get up in 5 hours and do a 12 hour shift and not tell anyone!! How hard will that be now!!! Arghh!!

Good luck everyone hope yours comes soon xx

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