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David Cameron to introduce tough new laws on EU immigration in response to UKIP election wins.


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Whereas the Labour scum bastards just want to take money away from every hard working person, and give it to disabled, lesbian, Somali, single parent, immigrants along with houses taken from British folk.


It's answers like yours which disincline me to post here.


Please do keep posting.

God know's we need to keep the loony left in check.

They do tend to talk a lot of crap here and not many of us seem to stand up to them.

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That was a few years ago now but people seriously wonder why I refused to go when I was in between jobs for so long when you have to put up with that kind of thing. It's a absolute hell hole. My friend who graduated with a forensic biology degree but has no luck with jobs has had similar problems. She's been banned for silly things and if your going to go by stereotypes she's the least likely person you would imagine in the jobcentre. They have to work to so many targets now so they just try and chuck you out for any reason IMO


The growth of the mental health industry and the hell of and insecurity of work wouldn't be anyhow related by chance would it?

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Please do keep posting.

God know's we need to keep the loony left in check.

They do tend to talk a lot of crap here and not many of us seem to stand up to them.


Don't think he'll be a lot of help. But I hope the poster keeps it up as well. Further denigrates that pathetic side of politics with the rants of a typical rabid Right Winger. Clueless to the real world and preferring a tabloid one. Sadly fails the common decent folk on every measurement. Do a cracking job at pointing the finger at minorities and the vulnerable though.

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Whereas the Labour scum bastards just want to take money away from every hard working person, and give it to disabled, lesbian, Somali, single parent, immigrants along with houses taken from British folk.


It's answers like yours which disincline me to post here.


Hopefully you will read up a little and educate yourself into what are the real reasons the working class are being punished.

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Whereas the Labour scum bastards just want to take money away from every hard working person, and give it to disabled, lesbian, Somali, single parent, immigrants along with houses taken from British folk.


It's answers like yours which disincline me to post here.

don't let me stop you mate, its like one giant sand pit here, all views welcome!

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don't let me stop you mate, its like one giant sand pit here, all views welcome!


LOL!! Good reply.


I'm right of centre, and do not want division but opportunity, does that still make me "bastard scum"?


Hopefully you will read up a little and educate yourself into what are the real reasons the working class are being punished.


I think I'm reasonably well read, so you tell me, what is it you think I am unaware of?

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LOL!! Good reply.


I'm right of centre, and do not want division but opportunity, does that still make me "bastard scum"?



I think I'm reasonably well read, so you tell me, what is it you think I am unaware of?


I don't know enough about you to make that call!

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I take your point but he does seem utterly awkward in front of a camera: its not just a case of the Murdoch press 'monstering' him though is it? They're all at it, even Huff Post!


I admire his stance on Israel (especially so as he is Jewish) and his recognition of a Palestinian state and IIRC he was instrumental in GB pulling back from the brink of war in Syria.


He was less than impressive on the Scotland referendum though. He doesn't seem to have a good grasp on how to tackle the UKIP lunatic fringe.


From this far away you only see snippets, I'd be interested to hear in a UK perspective.


With the vote for UKip on the rise and falling for Labour, it's just possible UKip might have a bigger percentage of the vote, will that make Labour voters the lunatic fringe?

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With the vote for UKip on the rise and falling for Labour, it's just possible UKip might have a bigger percentage of the vote, will that make Labour voters the lunatic fringe?


I'd say the more likely scenario is the conservative vote being transferred to UKIP, increasing the possibility of UKIP forming a coalition with tories, or Labour with LibDems

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and on the matter of who would then be the lunatic fringe?


Well, my words were clearly emotive weren't they bovered?


Obviously politics has lurched massively to the right in both the UK and Australia (though Aus made the transition circa Tampa/children overboard IMO).


I suppose UKIP can't be considered a 'fringe' party anymore, but they're still lunatics if you ask me! I think the proof is in the pudding of them getting their hands on any power, then their true fascist instincts will become clear for all but right wing nutters to see.

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Well, my words were clearly emotive weren't they bovered?


Obviously politics has lurched massively to the right in both the UK and Australia (though Aus made the transition circa Tampa/children overboard IMO).


I suppose UKIP can't be considered a 'fringe' party anymore, but they're still lunatics if you ask me! I think the proof is in the pudding of them getting their hands on any power, then their true fascist instincts will become clear for all but right wing nutters to see.


I'm just having a gentle wind up mate, nice to see you've accepted the democratic process and have promoted UKip to mainstream.

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what would you vote?


Phew, now you're asking, if you could continue with the condem coalition that'd probably be my least worst option, I like the Labour philosophy, but they are so useless at running the country it's hard to vote for them, Greens=Nutters, UKip wouldn't even consider them until they weed out the loons they put forward as candidates, Conservatives, to much of a risk of a Tory UKip coalition, so I suppose thats only the Libs left, I don't really care for them much, but at least they curbed some of the Torys worst instincts.

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With the vote for UKip on the rise and falling for Labour, it's just possible UKip might have a bigger percentage of the vote, will that make Labour voters the lunatic fringe?

Living in a Dreamworld... UKIP won't get more than 10 seats... and thank god for that.

I'd say the more likely scenario is the conservative vote being transferred to UKIP, increasing the possibility of UKIP forming a coalition with tories, or Labour with LibDems
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Whereas the Labour scum bastards just want to take money away from every hard working person, and give it to disabled, lesbian, Somali, single parent, immigrants along with houses taken from British folk.


It's answers like yours which disincline me to post here.


Oh god forbid you should help a disabled person..

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