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Do you have a NutriBullet?


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My wife just bought the cheap version from Big-W or K-Mart. Seems to do the same job but costs a lot less. Can't be bothered with that stuff myself, just buy a carton of orange juice and not have yet another gadget sat round the kitchen top to eventually get stored in a corner of a cupboard with all the other gadgets.

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My wife just bought the cheap version from Big-W or K-Mart. Seems to do the same job but costs a lot less. Can't be bothered with that stuff myself, just buy a carton of orange juice and not have yet another gadget sat round the kitchen top to eventually get stored in a corner of a cupboard with all the other gadgets.


Is it a Magic Bullet Paul? I was looking at one of those in Target yesterday. I made a green smoothie earlier, spinach pineapple mango and banana. Lovely, but hard work with a hand blender! :)

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Is it a Magic Bullet Paul? I was looking at one of those in Target yesterday. I made a green smoothie earlier, spinach pineapple mango and banana. Lovely, but hard work with a hand blender! :)


Could be. She says it was pretty cheap but I never know when she's just telling me that.:wink:

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I'm thinking about buying one. Does anyone have one? Are they easy to use and worth the money?


It's all a con. There is no magic way of breaking down foods to release extra nutrients - that's what your stomach does!


What it can do is pulverise pips and skin which you wouldn't normally eat, but that's about the extent of it. There are several other juicers which do that.

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Lindor,sorry I got the giggles reading the heading of your post!When I was recently in Oz,I'd go to bed at night,turn on the tv,start surfing the channels and there is a whole channel devoted to that Nutri Bullet!After 6 mths hon it really started to do my head in!:laugh:

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Lindor,sorry I got the giggles reading the heading of your post!When I was recently in Oz,I'd go to bed at night,turn on the tv,start surfing the channels and there is a whole channel devoted to that Nutri Bullet!After 6 mths hon it really started to do my head in!:laugh:


Haha! I know, I've seen it! I usually mute the telly when the ad comes on, he just shouts at the camera. He was on today and a little while later he was back on doing a vacuum cleaner ad! :arghh:

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I'm thinking about buying one. Does anyone have one? Are they easy to use and worth the money?


I had no idea what a NutriBullet was - obviously don't watch enough television :wink: - but the Australian Consumers' Association has tested it and done a review on their online Choice website.



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Guest Dave53

" Turns ordinary food in superfood " the ad says on TV .... Hold on I'll just pop this Big Mac in and see what happens ..


Dave C

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It's all a con. There is no magic way of breaking down foods to release extra nutrients - that's what your stomach does!


What it can do is pulverise pips and skin which you wouldn't normally eat, but that's about the extent of it. There are several other juicers which do that.


I just want a blender really, but this looks compact and powerful.

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Ok so whats the diff between actually eating the fruit you'd put into a blender than blending it,nutritionally wise I mean?:smile:


Nothing, except that the Nutribullet can smash the pips and skin as well, which could mean you get a bit extra.


However there is a big difference, because you need so much fruit to make one drink that fruit juice and smoothies often have more calories than a meal. So if you're not drinking them as a meal substitute, they're going to make you fat.

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we have one and love it. Compared to the other blaster, the contents are really broken down. Good for use if you are moving to a healthier lifestyle. If you just want to make an occasional smoothy, or are not too bothered about your health, buy a cheap blaster.

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I've got a similar one. I think it's great. It's not just for smoothies etc, you can use it for making soups and pretty much anything that you would normally blend. So easy to use and clean, I even made frozen margaritas with it because it's powerful enough to crush ice if you use a bit of water and add the ice gradually..

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I've got one, bought in the UK, just arrived yesterday with the rest of our stuff. I love mine and have missed it. Hand blenders do not do the same job, leaves lumps and bits.

The magic bullet is the cheaper version. Not sure how much there are in Oz, but seen the ads!

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