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The Big Announcement...when to make it?


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Hi All, when we set out on this journey, we agreed that only close family members, and my boss would be informed of our plans. Now we have lodged our visa application it is KILLING ME not to scream it from the roofs that we may be going. Just wondered when you all went public with your news?

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I would think about those it is going to affect the most, very close family will need time to adjust and come to terms, and so maybe you should let them know this is something that could very well happen, in terms of mates I'd wait until the visa is granted then have a big shin dig at the local to make the announcement!!!

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My OH is Aussie I am on a 309/100 visa. My family always knew we would go to Oz at some point, we'ed always been clear on that. but we still didn't let them know officially until after we had applied. Mostly as my mum had just finished chemo. My visa was granted in 5 months due to my OH father being gravely ill. We had a very good case officer !!


I was bursting at the seams to let work colleagues know, especially as I had worked with them for 8 years or so, so classed them as friends.


In the end I actually resigned about a month before the visa was granted, and told them the reason was due to emigrating. But I still had a small doubt the visa would not be granted.


I'd wait with work colleagues until you are good to go.


But close friends and family i'd personally tell sooner. If it's not granted for any reason, they will be there to support you, if is granted they will also be there for the same reason.


Good luck

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Yeah we started telling people as soon as we applied . It ended up taking us so long they all thought we were deluding ourselves :laugh: With the exception of MIL when it finally happened they were prepared for it. MIL still isn't prepared and we've been here 4 years!


I know where you're coming from there! My mother hasn't gotten over my sister moving to Brisbane 8 years ago!!!! lol

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Families know, just colleagues and less close friends. We wanted to make a shameless Facebook picture announcement with a selection of corked hats and Tim Tams! I think it is the fear that we will not get the visas that has held us back.



Oh oh well that is quit different. I wouldn't tell my colleagues until resignation time. Less close Facebook friends, I didn't tell at all.

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When you tell people you are going, they may be sad but they also want you to go quickly. If you tell people too soon, you'll get a round of last drinks/last meals/heartfelt best wishes and then you'll meet those people again and get an "are you still here?" reaction. If I had my time again, I would tell people only when it was all certain and I had dates.


Having said that, I was glad to have told my boss early as I was able to get a lot of goodwill and flexibility - even being allowed to give "provisional notice" whilst the visa was being processed so I wouldn't have to give the full notice once it was settled. I know not all bosses are sympathetic but mine was.

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When you tell people you are going, they may be sad but they also want you to go quickly. If you tell people too soon, you'll get a round of last drinks/last meals/heartfelt best wishes and then you'll meet those people again and get an "are you still here?" reaction. If I had my time again, I would tell people only when it was all certain and I had dates.


Having said that, I was glad to have told my boss early as I was able to get a lot of goodwill and flexibility - even being allowed to give "provisional notice" whilst the visa was being processed so I wouldn't have to give the full notice once it was settled. I know not all bosses are sympathetic but mine was.


Mine literally turned on me as soon as he had done the VetAssess reference. As far as I know, he is the only person at work that knows, but owing to his new attitude, he may not be.

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We had to tell work once the vetassess was passed as we needed the boss who was a dentist to sign all our documents. Ironically they'd already sussed out we where going as we had done a recci a few months before & we told them it was a holiday. Didn't get to have a big leaving do as our visas where approved on the Monday & my partner booked our flights for the Wednesday! I gave 48hrs notice at work that I was leaving! I was in shock for months at the speed we arrived & did feel I'd missed out on saying goodbye properly!

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Hi All, when we set out on this journey, we agreed that only close family members, and my boss would be informed of our plans. Now we have lodged our visa application it is KILLING ME not to scream it from the roofs that we may be going. Just wondered when you all went public with your news?


We told everyone as soon as we booked the flights...visas in place, a job etc....no turning back or changing your mind once you book your flights(all being well,of course..!!)

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