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Is the 'Pacific Solution' unravelling?


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Guest Amelie
Rupert Murdoch controls the media and he tells the dumb Aussies to vote Liberal and they do, except when they don't, but that is all part of Rupert's evil plan. Let Labor win sometimes. Works in the UK works in the USA works in OZ best of all.



It's the same issue in the UK unfortunately. However, I believe people are catching on….you have to go by facts and not be led by the media or an organisation's own agenda.

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Guest Amelie
For someone without an opinion you sure write a lot on things you have little knowledge on. One living here in Australia is well entitled to have an emotional and in your eyes obsessive view on Abbott and his government taken into consideration the harm being attempted and the politics being imposed on the Australian people.


I must say, I'm at a bit of a loss just to determine what your beef is about. I'm afraid your on very shaky ground entering the fry on the treatment of asylum seekers within the Australian context and no it is far from speculative reports that have surfaced on ill treatment occurring within the camps. Check it out or do you require to be spoon fed every organisation that has condemned of the practise of ill treatment being undertaken within the off detention network, not forgetting of course the grave risk those that do speak up will likely incur.


The Australian government has explained........makes me smile. Not to dis similar from the reasons Zimbabwe government explaining why white owned farms are needed to be taken over by government in the national interest. If the government says so it must be alright......


I didn't quite catch what you found so funny with regards the reasons given for UK citizens moving to Australia are. Perhaps when the hilarity passes you could inform?


I find the mentioned posts more than adequate in response to the continued right wing agitation to which you had nothing to say about.


One can share the benefits on Poms in Oz as well adding value outside the arena of cyber space where it really matters.


You have more than exceeded my expectations with the above details of your reply. A few projected points, concealed with superiority with an attempt to cloud and belittle someone else’s opinion.


Regarding the ‘treatment of asylum seekers in Australia’, no I don’t have a lot of knowledge on the topic. I listen and learn mainly from media and friends who live in the country. Do I take everything that I have read as valid? No, because it all depends on how the information was researched as well as determining the background and agenda of the writer…this goes for two sides of the argument, for your benefit the views of the ‘left-wing’ and the ‘right-wing’.


After living in Zimbabwe for 2 years and witnessing first hand the impact of how the government took over the farms, to compare Australia with Zimbabwe is a farcical attempt to make your projected point.


One of the posters on this thread, ‘BacktoDemocracy’ made a sweeping statement explaining why UK citizens decided to move to Australia. Read post #1129 and there you will find the answer.


You seem to like categorising other individual’s posts between left and right wing. Maybe it is easier for you so you can put your point across? I do find it bizarre that anyone who challenges Harpodom’s posts that those individuals are automatically in the ‘right-wing’ category and they are ‘bad people’. Really?


As I already said on one of my previous posts, when I first started reading this thread, I found Harpodom’s initial posts interesting and informative. To then reply with exaggerated speculation on others who oppose or challenge his views in a way of preaching with projected points, one is not going to gain support and understanding from one’s audience.

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Really? Unfortunately, for some people that must be very difficult, especially if you're a resident. It was certainly drummed into me when I lived overseas during my teens…yes, I had a visa through my parents but as a visitor, I had no voice of what was going on and when you lived in a country like Zimbabwe and witnessed the most unfortunate events, your opinion does not matter - bottom line.


You have more than exceeded my expectations with the above details of your reply. A few projected points, concealed with superiority with an attempt to cloud and belittle someone else’s opinion.


Regarding the ‘treatment of asylum seekers in Australia’, no I don’t have a lot of knowledge on the topic. I listen and learn mainly from media and friends who live in the country. Do I take everything that I have read as valid? No, because it all depends on how the information was researched as well as determining the background and agenda of the writer…this goes for two sides of the argument, for your benefit the views of the ‘left-wing’ and the ‘right-wing’.


After living in Zimbabwe for 2 years and witnessing first hand the impact of how the government took over the farms, to compare Australia with Zimbabwe is a farcical attempt to make your projected point.


One of the posters on this thread, ‘BacktoDemocracy’ made a sweeping statement explaining why UK citizens decided to move to Australia. Read post #1129 and there you will find the answer.


You seem to like categorising other individual’s posts between left and right wing. Maybe it is easier for you so you can put your point across? I do find it bizarre that anyone who challenges Harpodom’s posts that those individuals are automatically in the ‘right-wing’ category and they are ‘bad people’. Really?


As I already said on one of my previous posts, when I first started reading this thread, I found Harpodom’s initial posts interesting and informative. To then reply with exaggerated speculation on others who oppose or challenge his views in a way of preaching with projected points, one is not going to gain support and understanding from one’s audience.


The point i was making was that as a citizen i decided to return to the uk after 10 years because i could no longer put up with the wall to wall insularity of australians and the dominance of the right wing media, not just the murdoch press but also tv and radio news, also i was appalled at the levels of quite open nepotism and corruption which australians just seem oblivious to.

I was also gobsmacked by the casual racism of australians and their attitude towards the aborigines, also the lack of of an alternative view of the world and any proper understanding of what democracy means, it means you cannot just do what you want to do because you are in power and you can just silence all opposition like some tinpot dictator, i would rather put up with the tories than abbott and his bunch of rigtwing henchmen doing a 1930's germany number.

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Guest Amelie
The point i was making was that as a citizen i decided to return to the uk after 10 years because i could no longer put up with the wall to wall insularity of australians and the dominance of the right wing media, not just the murdoch press but also tv and radio news, also i was appalled at the levels of quite open nepotism and corruption which australians just seem oblivious to.

I was also gobsmacked by the casual racism of australians and their attitude towards the aborigines, also the lack of of an alternative view of the world and any proper understanding of what democracy means, it means you cannot just do what you want to do because you are in power and you can just silence all opposition like some tinpot dictator, i would rather put up with the tories than abbott and his bunch of rigtwing henchmen doing a 1930's germany number.



Fair enough. However, I don't think UK citizens left in their droves to move to OZ because they did not like the Equality Laws and were anti-Europe…and even thought about whether the country they were going to were either 'left' or 'right wing'….it's not really the first thing people think about when they decide to move to another country. As I said on a reply to your comment, on post #1129, there are a lot of people in the UK who don't even know who their local MP is and that has been the case for the last 20 or so years.

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Fair enough. However, I don't think UK citizens left in their droves to move to OZ because they did not like the Equality Laws and were anti-Europe…and even thought about whether the country they were going to were either 'left' or 'right wing'….it's not really the first thing people think about when they decide to move to another country. As I said on a reply to your comment, on post #1129, there are a lot of people in the UK who don't even know who their local MP is and that has been the case for the last 20 or so years.


No they may not know who their mp is and they may not know who is in govt but they all know that there are too many romanians taking their jobs and too many darkies taking all the council houses ( those there are left) off them and all those pakis getting free handouts..

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I don't know how anyone who has given this issue proper thought and consideration can remain undecided as to the morality or justification of offshore processing. In particular this govt's handling of Manus and Nauru.


There are those on here who continue to defend offshore processing in its current incarnation. They fall into a number of camps.


Firstly the extreme right wing: it doesn't matter what facts you throw at them, it doesn't matter how harsh or cruel the treatment , they'll always support it to have 'secure borders' and keep out people they fear will fundamentally hange their precious way of life. They like to insinuate that people who don't have a valid visa are terrorist jihadists. They use fuzzy logic a lot to justify this insinuation: the Sydney siege guy was a refugee, ipso facto boat people are all potential terrorists aren't they? Best keep em out, forget about them seeking asylum. Wasn't he a plane arrival??


Second the 'patriots', my country right or wrong types, for whom there can be no greater accolade of good policy than a bollocking from the UN.


Third, intellectually lazy, apathetic types of the 'so when are you gonna stop moaning and do something about it then?', they kind of like the policy cos it causes them no personal discomfort and they like the status quo as it is thank you very much.


Apologies if I haven't included your particular view.

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Guest Amelie
No they may not know who their mp is and they may not know who is in govt but they all know that there are too many romanians taking their jobs and too many darkies taking all the council houses ( those there are left) off them and all those pakis getting free handouts..



I am more confident that the majority of the UK know who is in government, but then again it depends on who you talk to and what region/area of the UK you live in as well as how much emphasis the media portrays the 'view' of the UK people.


Regarding how many Romanians 'taking their jobs' in the UK, well Romanian and Bulgarian nationals had restrictions to work and claim benefits for the first 7 years since the countries joined the EU back in 2007…..the restrictions were lifted last year. I'm sorry, but what are 'darkies?' Regarding people from Pakistan, the UK have had Pakistan communities living in the country for decades, or probably even as far as the last century? It could be that people are talking about a number of asylum seekers as a result the Iraqi and Afghan wars? I know the government have not been able track asylum seekers who have 'disappeared' within their communities in London, Yorkshire, Wales and the North West and possibly other areas of the UK? There have also been people who have applied for temporary visas in the past and again they have 'disappeared' within the UK. My understanding is that currently, it isn't very easy for non EU nationals to just enter the UK and claim benefits or even work, unless they go through the proper visa procedures and they have to contribute to the economy….unless they are on a student visa. I know border control is very tight and very strict for non-EU nationals if they are travelling through the airports.

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I don't know how anyone who has given this issue proper thought and consideration can remain undecided as to the morality or justification of offshore processing. In particular this govt's handling of Manus and Nauru.


There are those on here who continue to defend offshore processing in its current incarnation. They fall into a number of camps.


Firstly the extreme right wing: it doesn't matter what facts you throw at them, it doesn't matter how harsh or cruel the treatment , they'll always support it to have 'secure borders' and keep out people they fear will fundamentally hange their precious way of life. They like to insinuate that people who don't have a valid visa are terrorist jihadists. They use fuzzy logic a lot to justify this insinuation: the Sydney siege guy was a refugee, ipso facto boat people are all potential terrorists aren't they? Best keep em out, forget about them seeking asylum. Wasn't he a plane arrival??


Second the 'patriots', my country right or wrong types, for whom there can be no greater accolade of good policy than a bollocking from the UN.


Third, intellectually lazy, apathetic types of the 'so when are you gonna stop moaning and do something about it then?', they kind of like the policy cos it causes them no personal discomfort and they like the status quo as it is thank you very much.


Apologies if I haven't included your particular view.



Has any kind of news footage of life in the camps made it out and into the media?. I ask that because I don't recall ever seeing any, and I just wonder if a documentary on daily life there would surprise or even shock people, or whether it would just be disregarded as 'leftist' propaganda by supporters of the government's policy?

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Why do you ignore the approaching 1500 people who drowned at sea under the people smuggling trade during the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd years ?


Surely you are happy the boats and drownings have stopped aren't you ?


With no more arrivals the offshore camps will reduce in size as those inside are processed.

But they will remain an important deterrent in the whole Operation Sovereign Borders defence against illegal immigrants.

Without that deterrent, the boats and drownings will inevitably recommence.


Sadly there are some in detention indefinitely. Eg the man who beat his pregnant wife to death. Some are far too dangerous to ever be released into society so there is not much choice they must remain locked up for our safety.


But barring those who are dangerous or otherwise fail ASIO security checks, the remaining residents will be processed and resettled in other countries in our region, if they don't wish to return home.

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Why do you ignore the approaching 1500 people who drowned at sea under the people smuggling trade during the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd years ?



I guess there are some that do this, just as there are some who choose to believe that just because they don't hear about drownings and deaths at sea any more, they are not happening. People that do either of these things aren't the sharpest tools in the box though.


I don't think unless someone has lived for a fair time in Australia they can have any concept of how insular the news here is. It's one of the reasons I do my best to listen to overseas news stations from around the world, to ensure I do not get sucked into the typical Australian mindset of thinking only what happens here is important, and all we need to know about it is what we are told by the mainstream media. Don't get me wrong, it's a great country with some great people and great scenery, but unfortunately currently controlled by a far right wing party led by a megalomaniac with narcissistic personality disorder, who are regrettably allowed to do so by an ineffective opposition in what is effectively a two-party system.


Good to see in NSW though that some people are voting with their heads and giving their votes to the Greens, (who are not as weird here as I believe they are in the UK google some of Scott Ludlum's speeches if you want confirmation) rather than vote for either of the main two parties who are often equally as corrupt as each other (again, google ICAC if you don't live here).

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No point in that Diane.

A wasted vote as it will get preferenced to Labor anyway.


Believe me if there were boats still coming here and mas drownings of hundreds of people at a time like under Labor we would hear about it.

The people on the boats are in touch with their buddies here on the mainland en route.


The usual MO is get close to Australian waters and then put out a distress call and wait for the taxi to arrive.

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No point in that Diane.

A wasted vote as it will get preferenced to Labor anyway..


Do you understand the voting system here? Vote below the line, number every party. The Green's primary vote in some places in NSW I believe was around 47% this time. That's primary vote. Before preferences.


Believe me if there were boats still coming here and mas drownings of hundreds of people at a time like under Labor we would hear about it. The people on the boats are in touch with their buddies here on the mainland en route.


I would as likely believe YOU about something like this as I would Scott Morrison or Tony Abbott! I choose to instead research outside journalistic accounts and weigh up the verity of those.

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Okay Diane, provide me any evidence of drownings at seas by boat to Australia in the last year.


Put up or Shut up.


And in virtually every seat no matter how you preference, your vote will end up with one of the major parties.

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How can you compare the government of Australia to the government of Zimbabwe, when one is elected in 'free and fair' elections, and will be 'un-elected' if the people of Australia so decide at the next election, and the other is a horrible dictatorship and a sham democracy with the most un-free and un-fair elections.


Is it a lie that the transport of asylum seekers is controlled by criminal gangs?


Is it also a lie that the trip is dangerous? You only have to see the state of the boats, how crowded they are, and the frequent shipwrecks, drownings, and rescues.


Why should we believe everything (bad) that is alleged to have happened in the various detention camps, when there have been frequent cases where allegations have been made, (naturally) accepted at face value by the ABC and Fairfax, broadcast and/or printed as 'fact', and then proven to be lies, eg, the allegation that RAN personnel deliberately burnt asylum seekers.


Tony Abbott won the last election, in part because he promised to 'stop the boats', which he did. He has since made a number of mistakes and 'cock ups', although of late, his ratings seem to have approved. I have read plenty of criticism of Tony Abbott but little of it blames his unpopularity on 'stopping the boats.'


How is he viewed 'on the world stage?' Well, the left seizes on every little thing he does and trumpets it as proof of his idiocy, and the way he embarrasses the Australian people, when they are relatively minor things, on a par with the BBC journo who made Michael Clarke and Steve Smith laugh because he said 'sex' instead of 'success.' Had Tony Abbott said something like this, the ABC and the Fairfax press would have turned it into the lead story and headlines. So what if Tony Abbott said 'Canadia' or whatever it was.


And I still can't understand why so many of his critics take Putin's side rather than Abbott's? It would be like having a go at Churchill for insulting Hitler.


I guess the real thing that Amelie finds so odd about the criticism of Abbott (which we all do of course) is how you and others can portray the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd era as some kind of super Golden Age, destroyed by the stupidity of the Australian people listening to Rupert Murdoch and 2GB's lies, when the evidence of Labor's mega incompetence was all around them.


I'm not doing the comparing but as the poster would appear to have a Zimbo connection and refers to the Australian Government as having explained the reasoning behind asylum seeker cruelty, that the poster must be assured by government proclamations.


You could say the free market at work. There are shady characters galore in all avenues of the market place during these times where everything has a cost and a price. Does not in any way diminish Australia's responsibility nor those seeking liberation under signed Agreements.


Lives are constantly lost inside camps due to poor sanitation, violence and illness. It could be argued the ones that attempt to flee by whatever means possible are showing intuition and daring with their escapades. Anyway the moral justification with towards ill treatment with the reasoning given as the prevention of perishing at sea is a joke, from a party that then went on to lower the intake brought in through official channels and loudly politicise the matter.

Only Australia did so. But then posters like yourself have clearly stated your disinterest in others outside of what happens to those not kith and kin.


Tony Abbott won the election due to ALP confused leadership largely due to its slender thread parliamentary majority thanks to a coalition and Abbott's small target but shrill sound bites of repetition. The message was kept simple with few forth coming plans revealed. Hence the dislike grew as the agenda ran largely by big business lobbyists was attempted to be put into place.


I doubt if Amelie would have any real sense on past Australian political history. I can see new support would perhaps be welcome to the faltering and repetitive Right Wing cause on this Forum and there the hope lays.

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You have more than exceeded my expectations with the above details of your reply. A few projected points, concealed with superiority with an attempt to cloud and belittle someone else’s opinion.


Regarding the ‘treatment of asylum seekers in Australia’, no I don’t have a lot of knowledge on the topic. I listen and learn mainly from media and friends who live in the country. Do I take everything that I have read as valid? No, because it all depends on how the information was researched as well as determining the background and agenda of the writer…this goes for two sides of the argument, for your benefit the views of the ‘left-wing’ and the ‘right-wing’.


After living in Zimbabwe for 2 years and witnessing first hand the impact of how the government took over the farms, to compare Australia with Zimbabwe is a farcical attempt to make your projected point.


One of the posters on this thread, ‘BacktoDemocracy’ made a sweeping statement explaining why UK citizens decided to move to Australia. Read post #1129 and there you will find the answer.


You seem to like categorising other individual’s posts between left and right wing. Maybe it is easier for you so you can put your point across? I do find it bizarre that anyone who challenges Harpodom’s posts that those individuals are automatically in the ‘right-wing’ category and they are ‘bad people’. Really?


As I already said on one of my previous posts, when I first started reading this thread, I found Harpodom’s initial posts interesting and informative. To then reply with exaggerated speculation on others who oppose or challenge his views in a way of preaching with projected points, one is not going to gain support and understanding from one’s audience.


I'm always happy to exceed expectations although at a loss to understand why. The reason I mentioned Zimbo was with regards to your comment, The government said the reasons were...or words of a similar nature, relating to a highly politicised event, not dis similar to majority rule take over of farms by regime cronies in Zimbo. No not a farcical attempt by any means. The Zimbo government gave their reasons to which most the population from an outsiders point of view supported. Doesn't make it right.

Nor does the ill treatment of asylum seekers by a populist government. Sound similar now?

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Another sweeping comment with an assumption. I'm British, lived in Zimbabwe as an Ex-pat for 2 years, studied and did voluntary work in the late 90's. For your information, there is still a majority who are denied voting rights - or are forced to vote for the established 'Right Wing' government, led by a dictator.

It should be recalled that the regime in Zimbo was facilitated into place by a Right wing British government under Thatcher. The irony was such a government couldn't wait to wash their hands on their former, delinquent colony and as such Mugabe an alleged Marxist was put into place ahead of more moderates.

Any blame sought can easily be directed to its rightful source. Just the name Carrington, Thatchers axeman was once assured to raise the ire of the most placid white rhodie/Zimbo.


Anyway got more important things to attend like a march in the city for the refugees....

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Guest Amelie
I'm always happy to exceed expectations although at a loss to understand why. The reason I mentioned Zimbo was with regards to your comment, The government said the reasons were...or words of a similar nature, relating to a highly politicised event, not dis similar to majority rule take over of farms by regime cronies in Zimbo. No not a farcical attempt by any means. The Zimbo government gave their reasons to which most the population from an outsiders point of view supported. Doesn't make it right.

Nor does the ill treatment of asylum seekers by a populist government. Sound similar now?


The comment is and your point still remains a farcical attempt to compare Australia with Zimbabwe. A country, which was suspended from the Commonwealth in 2002 and received no foreign aid because it breached the Harare Declaration by taking over farms, abusing, causing fear and harm, which result to killing their own citizens, who did not agree with the Mugabe's regime, regardless of their tribe and race……is a comparison to Australia's policy on Asylum seekers, who arrive on boats and apparent ill-treatment on Manus Island?


No, not even close.

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Guest Amelie
It should be recalled that the regime in Zimbo was facilitated into place by a Right wing British government under Thatcher. The irony was such a government couldn't wait to wash their hands on their former, delinquent colony and as such Mugabe an alleged Marxist was put into place ahead of more moderates.

Any blame sought can easily be directed to its rightful source. Just the name Carrington, Thatchers axeman was once assured to raise the ire of the most placid white rhodie/Zimbo.


Anyway got more important things to attend like a march in the city for the refugees....


Regarding the first paragraph - in your opinion.


Have a good time marching in the city. If you see a cameraman, make sure you give a big wave incase your cause makes the world news.

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I'm always happy to exceed expectations although at a loss to understand why. The reason I mentioned Zimbo was with regards to your comment, The government said the reasons were...or words of a similar nature, relating to a highly politicised event, not dis similar to majority rule take over of farms by regime cronies in Zimbo. No not a farcical attempt by any means. The Zimbo government gave their reasons to which most the population from an outsiders point of view supported. Doesn't make it right.

Nor does the ill treatment of asylum seekers by a populist government. Sound similar now?


So a government which won power by fulfilling certain key pre-election promises, and has been lambasted for reneging on other pre-election promises, should re-instate the former Labor government's failed (and far more inhumane, given the number of people who lost their lives) asylum seeker policy?

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Regarding the first paragraph - in your opinion.


Have a good time marching in the city. If you see a cameraman, make sure you give a big wave incase your cause makes the world news.


It is only a minority - an 'empty vessel minority - who will be taking part in the marches. I imagine the people in the MCG alone for the cricket World Cup final will outnumber the total number of marchers, and then add on the people at the footie, plus those watching sport on TV, and all the other activities, shopping, cinema, beach, bushwalking, whatever, and I guess you could say the Australian people are voting with their feet.

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I don't know how anyone who has given this issue proper thought and consideration can remain undecided as to the morality or justification of offshore processing. In particular this govt's handling of Manus and Nauru.


There are those on here who continue to defend offshore processing in its current incarnation. They fall into a number of camps.


Firstly the extreme right wing: it doesn't matter what facts you throw at them, it doesn't matter how harsh or cruel the treatment , they'll always support it to have 'secure borders' and keep out people they fear will fundamentally hange their precious way of life. They like to insinuate that people who don't have a valid visa are terrorist jihadists. They use fuzzy logic a lot to justify this insinuation: the Sydney siege guy was a refugee, ipso facto boat people are all potential terrorists aren't they? Best keep em out, forget about them seeking asylum. Wasn't he a plane arrival??


Second the 'patriots', my country right or wrong types, for whom there can be no greater accolade of good policy than a bollocking from the UN.


Third, intellectually lazy, apathetic types of the 'so when are you gonna stop moaning and do something about it then?', they kind of like the policy cos it causes them no personal discomfort and they like the status quo as it is thank you very much.


Apologies if I haven't included your particular view.


But why would it be better if we returned to the even worse policies of the previous government? Why do you continue to ignore the evidence of the numbers who drowned? How many people have died since the Liberals took office?


Maybe if the terrorist who carried out the Sydney siege had been held in a detention camp whilst his story and identity had been checked properly, he would have been deported, or still been in a camp. Why do you advocate that anybody who reaches Australia should immiediately be released into the community?

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I guess there are some that do this, just as there are some who choose to believe that just because they don't hear about drownings and deaths at sea any more, they are not happening. People that do either of these things aren't the sharpest tools in the box though.


I don't think unless someone has lived for a fair time in Australia they can have any concept of how insular the news here is. It's one of the reasons I do my best to listen to overseas news stations from around the world, to ensure I do not get sucked into the typical Australian mindset of thinking only what happens here is important, and all we need to know about it is what we are told by the mainstream media. Don't get me wrong, it's a great country with some great people and great scenery, but unfortunately currently controlled by a far right wing party led by a megalomaniac with narcissistic personality disorder, who are regrettably allowed to do so by an ineffective opposition in what is effectively a two-party system.


Good to see in NSW though that some people are voting with their heads and giving their votes to the Greens, (who are not as weird here as I believe they are in the UK google some of Scott Ludlum's speeches if you want confirmation) rather than vote for either of the main two parties who are often equally as corrupt as each other (again, google ICAC if you don't live here).


If it was still happening, then why hasn't there been any footage released onto YouTube or Facebook? Just about every member of the RAN has a mobile phone. Sooner or later, someone would 'sneak' something out, given that there must be the odd opponent of the Abbott government in the RAN.


Both the Fairfax and Murdoch mewspapers and media print and broadcast a wide range of domestic and overseas news, sourcing much of it from various sources, from all sides of the political spectrum. Fairfax and the ABC could hardly be accused of 'sucking up' to the Abbott government.

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I guess there are some that do this, just as there are some who choose to believe that just because they don't hear about drownings and deaths at sea any more, they are not happening. People that do either of these things aren't the sharpest tools in the box though.


I don't think unless someone has lived for a fair time in Australia they can have any concept of how insular the news here is. It's one of the reasons I do my best to listen to overseas news stations from around the world, to ensure I do not get sucked into the typical Australian mindset of thinking only what happens here is important, and all we need to know about it is what we are told by the mainstream media. Don't get me wrong, it's a great country with some great people and great scenery, but unfortunately currently controlled by a far right wing party led by a megalomaniac with narcissistic personality disorder, who are regrettably allowed to do so by an ineffective opposition in what is effectively a two-party system.


Good to see in NSW though that some people are voting with their heads and giving their votes to the Greens, (who are not as weird here as I believe they are in the UK google some of Scott Ludlum's speeches if you want confirmation) rather than vote for either of the main two parties who are often equally as corrupt as each other (again, google ICAC if you don't live here).


So tell me, where are these drownings happening in boats coming to Aus?

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