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Is the 'Pacific Solution' unravelling?


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I'm glad you warned me about those March Marches so I can avoid the location. I've noticed how the leftie right to freedom of assembly and protest always overrides everybody else's similar freedom to walk or drive around even if the marches turn violent as they do often do. I guess their principle is that "good" ends justify. "Evil" means?


Scared of being beaten up by some Marxist Leftie? Even with your extreme views I'd hazard a guess you'd be quite safe. May learn something outside of your orbit as well. Some lefties are almost human.

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Scared of being beaten up by some Marxist Leftie? Even with your extreme views I'd hazard a guess you'd be quite safe. May learn something outside of your orbit as well. Some lefties are almost human.

These rightards love to crap on about free speech don't they? What exactly do they mean when they use the term 'free speech'?


I'm presuming its the Brandis 'everyone has the the right to be a bigot' version of free speech, hence his installation of Tim Wilson as 'freedom commissioner' at the Human Rights Commission (after sacking the Disability Commissioner).


I presume its that as opposed to the freedom of expression, eg the right to political protest, or the right to blow the whistle or the right to use science to see through the BS at the heart of their climate 'policy'.


How many bodies have they abolished/disbanded/trashed since coming to power? Basically any voice they don't want to hear they attempt to silence. Free speech my arse.

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Guest Amelie
Actually not many left wing people stay in oz once they realise how universally right wing it is unless the alternative is economically or professionally unacceptable , it is a process of self selection for many people coming to oz, they left the uk in their droves because they were didn't like the equality laws in the uk and were anti European, even the oz Labor party does not really understand socialism or equality properly, it merely exists to get more money for the workers as defined by the Labor party.


What?! People from the UK move to OZ because they 'didn't like the equality laws' and were 'anti European??' Since when? 1997? 2001? 2008? or 2011? So, people from the UK didn't move to Australia because of their view of a quality of life; the job opportunities; they had visited Australia, loved it and wanted to go back and live? Let's not forget there were people who moved to Spain, France, Netherlands and Ireland as well as other EU countries since 1997, for similar reasons.


Do you really think people actually care about whether the country they decide to move to is either 'Left' or 'Right?' There are a lot of people in the UK who don't even know who their local MP is and that has been case since 1997. I specifically mention 1997 because that was the year Tony Blair signed the EU Social Charter.


Granted, there is focus and awareness of the right wing movement that has grown across Europe, which has been highlighted in the media. People are currently scared of using public transport and shop in major cities, since the ISIS propaganda campaign from July last year. Of course what has resulted is that some Europeans are questioning the immigration policies within their own countries.

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These rightards love to crap on about free speech don't they? What exactly do they mean when they use the term 'free speech'?


I'm presuming its the Brandis 'everyone has the the right to be a bigot' version of free speech, hence his installation of Tim Wilson as 'freedom commissioner' at the Human Rights Commission (after sacking the Disability Commissioner).


I presume its that as opposed to the freedom of expression, eg the right to political protest, or the right to blow the whistle or the right to use science to see through the BS at the heart of their climate 'policy'.


How many bodies have they abolished/disbanded/trashed since coming to power? Basically any voice they don't want to hear they attempt to silence. Free speech my arse.


Hear, hear. Fully endorsed post.

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Scared of being beaten up by some Marxist Leftie? Even with your extreme views I'd hazard a guess you'd be quite safe. May learn something outside of your orbit as well. Some lefties are almost human.



Well, we do our best to be. I won't be able to attend this year due to family commitments (sorry Harpo), but I do remember that at last year's Melbourne demo there were some particularly scary-looking vegan activists who were armed to the teeth with Mung-Bean Casserole and Kale and Nettle Soup. I don't think they posed any particular threat to public order, except perhaps by substantially lengthening the toilet queues. :smile:

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[/b]Well, we do our best to be. I won't be able to attend this year due to family commitments (sorry Harpo), but I do remember that at last year's Melbourne demo there were some particularly scary-looking vegan activists who were armed to the teeth with Mung-Bean Casserole and Kale and Nettle Soup. I don't think they posed any particular threat to public order, except perhaps by substantially lengthening the toilet queues. :smile:


Being toilet trained would further antagonise the Right by means of subverting yet another belief held about Lefties.

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[/b]Well, we do our best to be. I won't be able to attend this year due to family commitments (sorry Harpo), but I do remember that at last year's Melbourne demo there were some particularly scary-looking vegan activists who were armed to the teeth with Mung-Bean Casserole and Kale and Nettle Soup. I don't think they posed any particular threat to public order, except perhaps by substantially lengthening the toilet queues. :smile:

This is how I find out!



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What?! People from the UK move to OZ because they 'didn't like the equality laws' and were 'anti European??' Since when? 1997? 2001? 2008? or 2011? So, people from the UK didn't move to Australia because of their view of a quality of life; the job opportunities; they had visited Australia, loved it and wanted to go back and live? Let's not forget there were people who moved to Spain, France, Netherlands and Ireland as well as other EU countries since 1997, for similar reasons.


Do you really think people actually care about whether the country they decide to move to is either 'Left' or 'Right?' There are a lot of people in the UK who don't even know who their local MP is and that has been case since 1997. I specifically mention 1997 because that was the year Tony Blair signed the EU Social Charter.


Granted, there is focus and awareness of the right wing movement that has grown across Europe, which has been highlighted in the media. People are currently scared of using public transport and shop in major cities, since the ISIS propaganda campaign from July last year. Of course what has resulted is that some Europeans are questioning the immigration policies within their own countries.


May I draw your attention to the fact that child abuse allegations have been brushed aside as a 'political stitch up', the whistleblowers, employed to act as advocates for these kids, have been sacked and falsely accused of 'coaching' them to self harm.


So far on this thread certain posters have admitted they couldn't give a toss about the welfare of asylum seeker kids, cos they're 'not Australian'.


If I remember correctly, someone said they'd be happy for asylum seeker boats to be sunk


Out of all the $hite that has been posted on this thread, this is what you got excited about?

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[/b]Well, we do our best to be. I won't be able to attend this year due to family commitments (sorry Harpo), but I do remember that at last year's Melbourne demo there were some particularly scary-looking vegan activists who were armed to the teeth with Mung-Bean Casserole and Kale and Nettle Soup. I don't think they posed any particular threat to public order, except perhaps by substantially lengthening the toilet queues. :smile:


Just 'weed out' the Trots and Anarchists, and other 'Nazis' and I'm sure there will be no problems.

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May I draw your attention to the fact that child abuse allegations have been brushed aside as a 'political stitch up', the whistleblowers, employed to act as advocates for these kids, have been sacked and falsely accused of 'coaching' them to self harm.


So far on this thread certain posters have admitted they couldn't give a toss about the welfare of asylum seeker kids, cos they're 'not Australian'.


If I remember correctly, someone said they'd be happy for asylum seeker boats to be sunk


Out of all the $hite that has been posted on this thread, this is what you got excited about?


If the boats have stopped, then the numbers of adults and children in detention must either be 'stable', assuming none have been released from detention, or 'reducing' if they have been released from detetention.


So, firstly, have the boats stopped, and, secondly, are you pleased or displeased?

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Guest Amelie
May I draw your attention to the fact that child abuse allegations have been brushed aside as a 'political stitch up', the whistleblowers, employed to act as advocates for these kids, have been sacked and falsely accused of 'coaching' them to self harm.


So far on this thread certain posters have admitted they couldn't give a toss about the welfare of asylum seeker kids, cos they're 'not Australian'.


If I remember correctly, someone said they'd be happy for asylum seeker boats to be sunk


Out of all the $hite that has been posted on this thread, this is what you got excited about?


Do you mean oppose to all of your self-indulgent posts and your unhealthy obsession with Tony Abbott?

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Do you mean oppose to all of your self-indulgent posts and your unhealthy obsession with Tony Abbott?


The sad fact that most of us find difficult to accept, despite Harpo's best attempts to educate us, is that for six years, under Rudd and Gillard, Australia reached almost Utopian standards of life, but the fools, i.e. the Australian electorate, ignored the facts, and instead believed the disinformation and lies fed to them by Rupert Murdoch, and elected Tony Abbott.

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Guest Amelie
Oh FFS, another apologist!




Really? That's the conclusion you have come to? An overall assumption, which obviously makes it easier for you...


I don't have an opinion on Tony Abbott apart from what I see at the world stage. The reason is because I'm not an Australian citizen and I've never lived in the country. Therefore, my opinion on Tony Abbott doesn't actually matter. You however, seem to have a very emotional and obsessive view on Tony Abbott that you share by preaching and ranting on a number of threads on this forum. Fair enough, you obviously live in Australia and you are a citizen. However, because people don't agree with your view or they are looking at your point from another perspective, you write obnoxious and suggestive comments. Ok, it seems that putting people in boxes is easy for you when you have to preach your cause.


Do I think the way asylum seekers trying to get to Australia by boats and placed in camps at Naru and the way they are treated a good thing? Overall, no. Though, with the speculative reports of what happens on camp, it is very difficult to trust the source of information. The Australian government have explained, as I am sure you have been told, that the journey the asylum seekers make is dangerous and apparently controlled by criminal gangs. I have read that the polls suggest a lot of Australians approve of the government's move with their tough policies on asylum seekers.…ok, well it's their country and fair enough….again, I have no opinion.


When I come across a comment based on the reasons why UK citizens chose to move to Australia, I have to say it was hilarious at first but overall the biggest amount of bull I have ever read….and yes, I had to comment whether you liked it or not.


Your initial posts on this thread was very interesting and informative, but then your point fell apart. Categorising people in boxes, is such a simplistic and narrow minded way to get your point across and when you wrap it up with ignorant and exaggerated speculation on people who challenge you - your initial point deteriorates and you lose your audience.


This seems to be a forum for you to express your intensive, informative and expressive views…I just wonder how much it benefits you to share this information on PomsinOz, or are you better off joining a cause, a movement or something that may add more value?

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Guest Amelie
Amelie, He is not even an Australian Citizen and can't vote which is very funny.


His opinion doesn't count for anything. :laugh:


Really? Unfortunately, for some people that must be very difficult, especially if you're a resident. It was certainly drummed into me when I lived overseas during my teens…yes, I had a visa through my parents but as a visitor, I had no voice of what was going on and when you lived in a country like Zimbabwe and witnessed the most unfortunate events, your opinion does not matter - bottom line.

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Really? That's the conclusion you have come to? An overall assumption, which obviously makes it easier for you...


I don't have an opinion on Tony Abbott apart from what I see at the world stage. The reason is because I'm not an Australian citizen and I've never lived in the country. Therefore, my opinion on Tony Abbott doesn't actually matter. You however, seem to have a very emotional and obsessive view on Tony Abbott that you share by preaching and ranting on a number of threads on this forum. Fair enough, you obviously live in Australia and you are a citizen. However, because people don't agree with your view or they are looking at your point from another perspective, you write obnoxious and suggestive comments. Ok, it seems that putting people in boxes is easy for you when you have to preach your cause.


Do I think the way asylum seekers trying to get to Australia by boats and placed in camps at Naru and the way they are treated a good thing? Overall, no. Though, with the speculative reports of what happens on camp, it is very difficult to trust the source of information. The Australian government have explained, as I am sure you have been told, that the journey the asylum seekers make is dangerous and apparently controlled by criminal gangs. I have read that the polls suggest a lot of Australians approve of the government's move with their tough policies on asylum seekers.…ok, well it's their country and fair enough….again, I have no opinion.


When I come across a comment based on the reasons why UK citizens chose to move to Australia, I have to say it was hilarious at first but overall the biggest amount of bull I have ever read….and yes, I had to comment whether you liked it or not.


Your initial posts on this thread was very interesting and informative, but then your point fell apart. Categorising people in boxes, is such a simplistic and narrow minded way to get your point across and when you wrap it up with ignorant and exaggerated speculation on people who challenge you - your initial point deteriorates and you lose your audience.


This seems to be a forum for you to express your intensive, informative and expressive views…I just wonder how much it benefits you to share this information on PomsinOz, or are you better off joining a cause, a movement or something that may add more value?

I'm sure that Harpo won't mind me sharing this, but he is very involved in a number of humanitarian and environmental causes and devotes a lot of time and effort to them. He's not alone there of course, many people across Australia and the wider world do similar.


I'd argue that your opinion of Tony Abbott does matter, just as any opinion you may have of David Cameron, Angela Merkel or Robert Mugabe matters. Having a view on an issue doesn't begin and end at the ballot box. Just because you can't vote for or against someone doesn't invalidate your opinions, nor does it stop you getting involved the debate and making yourself heard.


I'm not yet an Australian citizen and so I can't vote, but I have strong views on how it's current government deals with asylum-seekers arriving by boat. For that matter,I also have strong views on how Putin treats critics of his regime in Russia, the appalling treatment that Mugabe meted out to White farmers in Zimbabwe and China's human rights record. I can't vote in their elections, but I'd argue that my view on what's going on in those countries is still valid. As human beings we have a right to a view on every subject. That doesn't mean that we have to hold a view on every single issue - imagine how exhausting that would be! - but there are too many people both in Australia and across the globe who'd be more than happy to shut down debate which they find inconvenient. Don't give them that chance, every view counts.

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Also isn't there some saying about for evil to happen, all it takes is for good men to stay silent?


And for the record, I am a citizen, I do have a vote and I exercise it in an informed manner, not letting those with a vested interest sway me one way or another, as that would make me as complicit in evil as those who are perpetrating the acts.

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Really? Unfortunately, for some people that must be very difficult, especially if you're a resident. It was certainly drummed into me when I lived overseas during my teens…yes, I had a visa through my parents but as a visitor, I had no voice of what was going on and when you lived in a country like Zimbabwe and witnessed the most unfortunate events, your opinion does not matter - bottom line.


What exactly was going on in a country called Zimbabwe? Oh wait a minute wasn't that the place where the majority were denied voting rights? Ruled over by a rather racist and ill educated minority. A Right Wing British government no less passed the country over to Marxist rule. I can see your angst with the subject of human rights and unfortunate events.

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Also isn't there some saying about for evil to happen, all it takes is for good men to stay silent?


And for the record, I am a citizen, I do have a vote and I exercise it in an informed manner, not letting those with a vested interest sway me one way or another, as that would make me as complicit in evil as those who are perpetrating the acts.


Citizen or not. If you live here and pat taxes here you have a right to dissent or otherwise.

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His opinion counts as much as yours. He pays his taxes and besides is one of the good guys.

I'm really looking forward to the day I get my citizenship mate, I'll feel a real sense if pride and belonging.


Just think, I'll be just as Australian as parley!:biglaugh:.

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