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Is the 'Pacific Solution' unravelling?


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The comment is and your point still remains a farcical attempt to compare Australia with Zimbabwe. A country, which was suspended from the Commonwealth in 2002 and received no foreign aid because it breached the Harare Declaration by taking over farms, abusing, causing fear and harm, which result to killing their own citizens, who did not agree with the Mugabe's regime, regardless of their tribe and race……is a comparison to Australia's policy on Asylum seekers, who arrive on boats and apparent ill-treatment on Manus Island?


No, not even close.


The only thing farcical is the inability to keep up. Put simply one cannot expect a government be it Australia or Zimbabwe to relay the truth to its citizens. It will do what ever it takes to curry favour to win influence over voters without compulsion to do what is right. The same applies for both countries in different circumstances.

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Regarding the first paragraph - in your opinion.


Have a good time marching in the city. If you see a cameraman, make sure you give a big wave incase your cause makes the world news.


Actually no it is not my opinion, it is something called history. You may want to examine it before discussing Zimbabwe to at least have an idea what you are talking about.


Some don't find the ill treatment of human beings a smiling matter. Something else you could perhaps brash up on rather than relying on alleged friends and media outlets for education.

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So a government which won power by fulfilling certain key pre-election promises, and has been lambasted for reneging on other pre-election promises, should re-instate the former Labor government's failed (and far more inhumane, given the number of people who lost their lives) asylum seeker policy?


Not that your concerned about strangers lives as noted in previous posts. Being right is not always populist just as being populist is not always right. Sort of says it all with regards the matter.

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I am more confident that the majority of the UK know who is in government, but then again it depends on who you talk to and what region/area of the UK you live in as well as how much emphasis the media portrays the 'view' of the UK people.


Regarding how many Romanians 'taking their jobs' in the UK, well Romanian and Bulgarian nationals had restrictions to work and claim benefits for the first 7 years since the countries joined the EU back in 2007…..the restrictions were lifted last year. I'm sorry, but what are 'darkies?' Regarding people from Pakistan, the UK have had Pakistan communities living in the country for decades, or probably even as far as the last century? It could be that people are talking about a number of asylum seekers as a result the Iraqi and Afghan wars? I know the government have not been able track asylum seekers who have 'disappeared' within their communities in London, Yorkshire, Wales and the North West and possibly other areas of the UK? There have also been people who have applied for temporary visas in the past and again they have 'disappeared' within the UK. My understanding is that currently, it isn't very easy for non EU nationals to just enter the UK and claim benefits or even work, unless they go through the proper visa procedures and they have to contribute to the economy….unless they are on a student visa. I know border control is very tight and very strict for non-EU nationals if they are travelling through the airports.


I do wonder where it is that you are living because when I worked in local govt in the UK these were the attitudes that were constantly on display when I had to carry out public consultation exercises in the public housing sector and became such an expected norm that I changed jobs because it was pointless and worse still was often the opinions espoused by co workers.

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Apparently they are still happening.

Just as many boats and drownings are occurring as they ever did under Labor, but no one knows about them now.


How on earth did Morrison and Abbott manage to impose such a comprehensive news blackout though, at a time when it has never been harder to achieve such a thing in a democracy? Under Labor, every day on the news, we saw the boats arriving, RAN meeting them, boarding them, kitting the asylum seekers out with lifejackets, and then transferring them to Christmas Island. But now? Nothing?

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How on earth did Morrison and Abbott manage to impose such a comprehensive news blackout though, at a time when it has never been harder to achieve such a thing in a democracy? Under Labor, every day on the news, we saw the boats arriving, RAN meeting them, boarding them, kitting the asylum seekers out with lifejackets, and then transferring them to Christmas Island. But now? Nothing?


Tony has got his mates Rupert and Gina to not report all the boats and drownings that are still occurring.

Very clever.

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I do wonder where it is that you are living because when I worked in local govt in the UK these were the attitudes that were constantly on display when I had to carry out public consultation exercises in the public housing sector and became such an expected norm that I changed jobs because it was pointless and worse still was often the opinions espoused by co workers.


It makes you think doesn't it. In the Northern Hemisphere, the most racist country is Britain, and in the Southern Hemisphere, it is Australia, yet two of the most multi-racial countries in the world. Why would anyone, rather than a racist, of course, want to migrate to either country?

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It was great to attend the march today in Melbourne. An estimated 15000 were there. Parley won't like this but mrs harpo and the little harpos were with me. They're all Australian. My kids had some important experiences today. They witnessed the power of humanity, the power of peaceful protest, the power of social justice.


Trying to explain Australia's treatment of refugees to kids is hard. They haven't been brainwashed by a lazy MSM or cynical, inept politicians into fearing and hating the 'other'. Kids naturally understand about fairness and justice, and naturally assume that such things are available to everyone. They don't understand how humans can descend into the depravity of xenophobia.


Where you there on the sidelines parley? If so, did you feel a pang of envy?

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15,000 wonderful people who marched in Melbourne as opposed to the 94 000 nasty racists at the MCG plus 100 000's more watching on TV who couldn't even drag themselves away from the cricket for ONE DAY to show their contempt for Scott Himmler and Tony Hitler!?

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If you can't believe anything the Aussie Govt tells us and what is in the papers is all lies too, how can you believe anything? Did 15000 really March in Melbourne? Maybe the Govt is telling the truth about the camps but we are so used to then lying we don't believe them, or maybe the stuff about the camps is lies and everything else is truth.

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Guest Amelie
The only thing farcical is the inability to keep up. Put simply one cannot expect a government be it Australia or Zimbabwe to relay the truth to its citizens. It will do what ever it takes to curry favour to win influence over voters without compulsion to do what is right. The same applies for both countries in different circumstances.



You mean the 'inability' to agree with your general, box ticking theories. The 'inability' or the correct word uninfluenced by your continuous attempt to write with superiority, clouded with words that actually don't have any specific meaning at all and cannot be considered as valid but only as opinion...

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Guest Amelie
Actually no it is not my opinion, it is something called history. You may want to examine it before discussing Zimbabwe to at least have an idea what you are talking about.


Some don't find the ill treatment of human beings a smiling matter. Something else you could perhaps brash up on rather than relying on alleged friends and media outlets for education.


Your comment on Zimbabwe is not considered as valid, particularly with your use of characterisations and hearsay, which are not facts. After learning about the Zimbabwean Independence of 1980, in a very good school in the UK and discussions with the Zimbabweans whilst living there, I do believe I have sufficient knowledge on the matter - many thanks for thoughts and concerns regarding my level of knowledge, it is very much appreciated :)


I'm sure the marches in the cities have resulted in considerable value, with media coverage that will address awareness for your cause. Right now, I am watching the many thousands of Tunisians who are marching through their capital to protest against Jihadis and ISIS after the deadly attack on a Tunisian museum.

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Guest Amelie
I do wonder where it is that you are living because when I worked in local govt in the UK these were the attitudes that were constantly on display when I had to carry out public consultation exercises in the public housing sector and became such an expected norm that I changed jobs because it was pointless and worse still was often the opinions espoused by co workers.


I live in Manchester.


I'm sorry but you didn't explain….what are 'darkies?'

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I live in Manchester.


I'm sorry but you didn't explain….what are 'darkies?'


Having read a lot of BTD's posts, I'd guess that he was being ironic about how certain sections of British society view immigrants from the Indian sub-continent and the Caribbean.

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Guest Amelie
Darkies are black people, which is the term that people of colour I believe prefer at the present, there seems to be some argument between the different racial groupings,ie. Asians ,Africans, Afro caribeans, orientalist, as to how far that descriptor can be applied.



Right, ok thanks. I've never heard that term used before to describe people.

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It was great to attend the march today in Melbourne. An estimated 15000 were there. Parley won't like this but mrs harpo and the little harpos were with me. They're all Australian. My kids had some important experiences today. They witnessed the power of humanity, the power of peaceful protest, the power of social justice.


Trying to explain Australia's treatment of refugees to kids is hard. They haven't been brainwashed by a lazy MSM or cynical, inept politicians into fearing and hating the 'other'. Kids naturally understand about fairness and justice, and naturally assume that such things are available to everyone. They don't understand how humans can descend into the depravity of xenophobia.


Where you there on the sidelines parley? If so, did you feel a pang of envy?


Seriously Harpo, if he was on the sidelines he'd be there taking names and photos of the 'enemy within' in order to have us deported/ put in death camps! :smile:

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What should we be doing to people who arrive here with no identification and claiming to be asylum seekers? What would a humane society do? What is the approved UN standard operating procedure as practiced in countries with a social conscience? (Where are these countries?)

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[seriously Harpo, if he was on the sidelines he'd be there taking names and photos of the 'enemy within' in order to have us deported/ put in death camps! :smile:

Yep, its that whole 'free speech' thing that conservatives struggle with isnt it? And to think tthey're so passionate about it!


Must be hard trying to fit so many logical inconsistencies into the same brain. I suppose Orwell nailed it with his term 'doublethink'

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