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A chance of a lifetime but suddenly feeling quite unprepared.


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I thought I would join and say hello.


My husband got offered a job in Sydney(a country and city we have never been to but wished to see, and looked at relocating to before) in April and we didn't really think twice about it. It is a chance of a lifetime for us and our three kids (pre visit, relocation package, repatriation if we didn't settle, pay rise which meant that I would be able to stay at home as I have done since our oldest was born) and could be as short as 2 years or longer. We were offered a 457 visa initially but after some talk to friends in Australia, and the fact that we were both on the skills list we decided to apply instead to a 189 visa. It just helped us with the extra costs of schooling, medicare, and more importantly if we loved it meant we could stay easily.


Amazingly everything went well (Usual long time waiting for qualifications to be skilled assessed) and we have now lodged the visa (just waiting o Medical and Police checks) which will delay us a bit, but like I said this is how unprepared we have been.


Now as you can imagine it's all systems go. I am in charge of everything on the homefront for a push for relocation in Jan (not a great time, but not much choice as hubby delayed start date as we wanted the 189 Visa instead). At points I am amazed by things I have managed such as getting the house in the UK ready to rent, looking and getting quotes for removal companies but then I seem lost with looking at the bank accounts, savings, etc ready to take to the accountant/financial advisor, looking for houses to rent in areas we like, thinking of schools etc (I am doing a lot online which is fantastic). I have started making a list that just seems to be getting longer with three things added to every one thing I tick off. I know we will get it done as have moved a couple of times as a family with much tighter timescales, but this is the furthest away.

Now I have written it down I don't feel quite so unprepared. :eek: Another hard thing is I am not sure other peoples OH are the same by my Husband is so laid back about everything. Just telling me it will get done.....

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I sound a bit like your husband. He's right though it all comes together and as soon as you are on the plane and on your way you will be thinking what was I worrying about, hopefully anyway.


Good luck, big adventure, sounds like you've got a good job to come to and things set, which a lot of people don't have.

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It is a lot of work! We arrived in Melbourne last week (me, husband, 2 kids) & it was certainly stressful getting ready & getting out here - there is so much to do - but it does get done. We don't have jobs here yet so you're one up on us! While internet research is a great thing (I did tonnes) I would say to use it as a guide rather than something to make final decisions on. For example, we did loads of research about suburbs to live, schools etc & since we've been here & done some exploring, we've completely changed our minds about where we want to be. You're probably better off doing enough research to get a rough idea of where you want to be & spending the rest of the time doing the practical things like getting a bank account set up (very straightforward process from UK with NAB), cleaning & disinfecting of stuff for shipping (this took longer than we imagined it would), getting your house ready, endless de-cluttering etc. make a list (or several); it does help!

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I'm with your husband - go with the flow, it'll get done and no point worrying about stuff and giving yourself an ulcer in the process.


But one of you must be proactive - bank accounts don't magically open themselves, removal companies don't just turn up.


Its hard when when only one of you seems to be doing it all (my OH was really good) and the other is chilled out. Maybe say to him that you're needing a bit of help with things - it's a massive step you are taking and it's a family move so get him involved to take some of the pressure off you. It's a roller coaster of emotions and you need to just let him know how you feel.


good luck with everything x

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Well I did a list and allocated each of us jobs to do, which made sure we shared the burden. But you are possibly putting to much on there, financial advisor really? Been here four years and not needed one yet and it takes five minutes to open a bank account, don't make tasks bigger than they need to be. You also can not do anything about the rental just yet, other than maybe identify the part of Sydney you want to be in, so that wouldn't be something on my list either.


Good luck with the move.

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Yes I agree with comments above break it up, tick off one at a time and don't over analize. We waited until we got here, walked into a bank, 5 minutes later we had a bank account. You won't need a financial advisor until you want to buy I'd say. You need to wait until you are here to sort out a long term rental.

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