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HOW did Tony Abott get elected??!


HOW did Tony Abott get elected??!  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. HOW did Tony Abott get elected??!

    • Because the ALP LOST
    • Because he is a great guy!
    • The boats had to be stopped
    • Australians, apathetic by default, are forced to vote
    • I'm buggered if I know!!?
    • It doesn't matter, he be booted out in 2016 (or sooner)

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Why would the LNP destroy all that is good about Australia? Have the LNP done that in the past? Perhaps what you see is 'good' is what I and so many other LNP voters see as 'bad!'

we have had LNP in government in the past who have made some pretty tough changes but nothing as ruthless and cruel as this budget which is directed at the most vulnerable, the old, the sick, the unemployed and single parents. As a democratic country the government should govern fairly with the pain equally spread, but this budget is far from that. Abbott seems to live in some fantasy world where he actually believes he has not lied to the people of Australia, wont re state that. Australia has some of the most beautiful coast lines in the world yet the LNP choose to build coal ports and dump sludge into the oceans. We have always looked after the sick and elderly but now we are heading for a time where only the rich will be able to afford health care. Single parents with no support are simply told well tough you have to get a job, irrespective of the fact that there is no one to care for there children even if they could get a job. Students will be saddled with a massive debt if they chose higher education, but again that doesn't bother the rich. I just hope that those who normally donkey vote take the time at the next election to really think about what sort of Australia they want to live in and this time vote for a party or person who can show some compassion.

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your speling is atrossius.


Come on, play the ball not the man.


And there's plenty to play.


>>Australia has some of the most beautiful coast lines in the world yet the LNP choose to build coal ports and dump sludge into the oceans


It's not just the LNP that contribute to the industrialization of Australia. That's what drives the economy. If you've got a greener alternative, spit it out. I'm not saying that we should subsidize polluting our environment, but you have to recognise that industry is quite often a dirty process, and that dealing with the by products of industry is a choice between the lesser of two evils. The third variation is to have no industry, which has even greater evil effects.


>>We have always looked after the sick and elderly

Really? What was aged care like in the 1920's. 30's. 1970's even. Was it really better than today?


>>Single parents with no support....

Again, consider their position today with regard to the past history.


>>Students will be saddled with a massive debt if they chosse higher education, but again that doesnt bother the rich.

That's because the rich of today were the students of yesterday. They realise that you can leverage a better education into an increased salary. Why shouldn't they pay? Otherwise you've got 16 year old apprentices who will be subsidizing F.E. students so that they can get better paid jobs, buy an investment property and rent it out to the now qualified apprentice.


>>show some compassion

Compassion is great, but that's not really what you want, is it? I mean, here's a gob load of compassion....[101010101001010010101010] (in binary form). Copy paste that and take it to the supermarket to pay for your groceries. Hang on, that won't work. You don't want compassion, you want cash. But you have no idea how to get it. You've got a list as long as your arm of what to spend it on, but no ideas for raising revenue, other than "let the rich pay". You even want to hamstring the industries that do provide revenue. It's untenable, unrealistic, and that's why.....


...Tony Abott got elected.

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I did my own degree part time, whilst working full time, and paid for it via HECS through my tax. Why would I want to see anybody else get a huge grant to study full time?


When I am out of work, I do not qualify for any 'dole' or other help from Centrelink. Why? Because I built up some savings and assets. I must spend them first.


I use bulk billed medical services where I can, and pay when I have to. So far as I am aware, the old, sick, disability pensioners, etc, still get their Medicare benefits/discounts/subsidies?


I don't begrudge people who are living in public housing, on benefits/pensions, although I am suspicious of any on disability pensions who COULD be working. I'm the last person to belittle anybody suffering from mental illness, when I have an ongoing problem with anxiety, but I still push myself to continue working.


I am no economist but I have read plenty of articles which say that Australia has run up a huge debt. Some of them even say the budget was not hard enough, so presumably there is a valid reason for a tough budget?


The last Labor government was a disaster, which is why so many of us voted the Liberals back into power. Tony Abbott said he would abolish the carbon tax, and he would 'stop the boats.' As far as I am concerned, he 'delivered.' Why would I vote for Labor at the next election?

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your speling is atrossius.

No point getting into a heated debate, the divide between LNP voters and those that don't vote for them is becoming a hotly contested issue through out Australia. All I will say is if you are more concerned about a few spelling errors (I have dyslexia by the way, and have very recently lost the sight in one eye) than you are about the plight of the most vulnerable people in Australia, well to me that says it all really.

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No point getting into a heated debate, the divide between LNP voters and those that don't vote for them is becoming a hotly contested issue through out Australia. All I will say is if you are more concerned about a few spelling errors (I have dyslexia by the way, and have very recently lost the sight in one eye) than you are about the plight of the most vulnerable people in Australia, well to me that says it all really.



Well said Tina. Some posters fixate on spelling and grammar in lieu of having anything original to post.

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the usual way, by people putting a 1 in the box for the Liberal or National candidate.

I thought you said you loved and presumably understand the Westminster system.


But how many times they put a 1 in a box is something in question.

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the usual way, by people putting a 1 in the box for the Liberal or National candidate.

I thought you said you loved and presumably understand the Westminster system.


It's always easy for a Liberal/Tory to get elected, once we have enjoyed the dubious pleasures of a Labour Government. I think what happens is this; the general public lose their rationality every few years and vote for style rather than substance. They always regret it, but then they also have short memories.

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the usual way, by people putting a 1 in the box for the Liberal or National candidate.

I thought you said you loved and presumably understand the Westminster system.


Yeah yeah yeah, but what (if any [in your case none, obviously])

was involved in electing this man to be PM of Australia???!
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Yeah yeah yeah, but what (if any [in your case none, obviously])
was involved in electing this man to be PM of Australia???!


The thought process was to get labour out, and with the knowledge that you were voting, maybe not so much for Abbot, but the LNP, and this meant we were effectively voting for Abbot. With regards to actually voting Abbot in, then only his electorate can really answer your question.

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Harpo, you understanding is obviously a little shaky.


The people don't elect the Prime Minister.

What happens is the Liberal Party, Labor Party, Nationals etc elect their own leader.

Each party has differing means of choosing their leader. Tony Abbott was elected leader by the Liberal Party.


At the election, Australians (hence you are ineligible) vote for their choice of local candidate in their electorate.

So in my case I voted for the local candidate I liked best.


The prime minister is the leader of the party or coalition that wins enough seats to form a majority.


PS. I think you really meant Why, not How.

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I don't know, Harpo, but, even allowing for the fact you probably think that Britain's finest politician ever was Anthony Wedgewood Benn, surely you can be dispassionate enough to recognize that Rudd and Gillard were probably two of the most incompetent PM's we have 'suffered?' (Add in Swannee too, of course.)


I don't blindly accept everything the Liberals throw up. Look how they seem to be matching the ALP for corruption and incompetence in NSW, though they will have to stuff up much, MUCH more to have any chance of losing to the ALP.

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Harpo, you understanding is obviously a little shaky.


The people don't elect the Prime Minister.

What happens is the Liberal Party, Labor Party, Nationals etc elect their own leader.

Each party has differing means of choosing their leader. Tony Abbott was elected leader by the Liberal Party.


At the election, Australians (hence you are ineligible) vote for their choice of local candidate in their electorate.

So in my case I voted for the local candidate I liked best.


The prime minister is the leader of the party or coalition that wins enough seats to form a majority.


PS. I think you really meant Why, not How.

And perhaps you meant Your not You.

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Parleycross....taking disingenuous to new levels



Harpo, you understanding is obviously a little shaky.


The people don't elect the Prime Minister.

What happens is the Liberal Party, Labor Party, Nationals etc elect their own leader.

Each party has differing means of choosing their leader. Tony Abbott was elected leader by the Liberal Party.


At the election, Australians (hence you are ineligible) vote for their choice of local candidate in their electorate.

So in my case I voted for the local candidate I liked best.


The prime minister is the leader of the party or coalition that wins enough seats to form a majority.


PS. I think you really meant Why, not How.

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Harpo, you understanding is obviously a little shaky.


The people don't elect the Prime Minister.

What happens is the Liberal Party, Labor Party, Nationals etc elect their own leader.

Each party has differing means of choosing their leader. Tony Abbott was elected leader by the Liberal Party.


At the election, Australians (hence you are ineligible) vote for their choice of local candidate in their electorate.

So in my case I voted for the local candidate I liked best.


The prime minister is the leader of the party or coalition that wins enough seats to form a majority.


PS. I think you really meant Why, not How.


Parleycross is however, completely right in what he says.

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Because that's life and if people feel they made a mistake voting for the party (lead by Tony Abbott) then they will just vote for someone else in the future and thus the cycle starts all over again. A different party will gain power. That party will make promises. The party will introduce changes. They will break their promises. They will introduce/not introduce changes accordingly. Then everyone will come on this here Interwebs and have a whinge about them. Rinse, and repeat.


And to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of Tony Abbott and I'm not into all these cuts and that other stuff he's got going on but when you look at the recent stuff - the Malaysian plane crashes, terrorism etc I've sort of warmed to him a bit. I think he knows he's got to dig himself out of a hole a bit and his other key figures in Parliament are letting him and his party down somewhat (yes, you - Mr. Pyne!)


Also, Harpodom, I hope your tongue is placed firmly in your cheek with that signature...

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I think the overseas stuff is just what any Prime Minister of the country - of any party - would do, the difference comes in how they treat people domestically and while I'm sure Abbott is just a puppet whose strings are being pulled by his puppet-masters, so not entirely responsible, his actions have been despicable in so many ways - and barely a day goes by without another of his ministers opening their mouth and putting their foot in it: Hockey (totally out of touch with reality), Pyne (nasty little foul-mouthed man), the speaker (so blatantly biased it's a joke), Morrison (evil incarnate) and Abbott himself (milking the expenses system to within an inch of its life and demonstrating nepotism on an unprecedented scale)..not to mention the ten liberal heads that have rolled as the result of the ICAC corruption enquiry.... not a decent human being among the lot of them.

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