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Can we fly out early while we wait for our 189 visa?


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Hi all,


As most of you may well know, we are getting very itchy feet while we wait for answers on our 189 Visa! We are at the final stages now and are waiting for a CO to get in touch with us. But life is on hold and our son is not at school!!!


My my question is this:

Can we fly out to Aus now while we wait for our visa to be processes?


Thankyou all in advance for any help!

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Hi Pumpkin. Thanks for replying to my post.


We are only considering it because we took a risk a couple of months back, thinking that we would have the visa pretty quickly, but have heard it could still be another month or so! Myself and my wife have both quit our jobs and we've taken our son out of school, all back in mid June! So as you can imagine we are getting rather anxious and thought that maybe getting out early would be better to start getting things sorted etc.


Just not sure if it's possible?? Will they even let us do it? Can we get a one way ticket with a hol visa etc??


Thanks again.

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A tourist visa is for tourists, it is not designed to allow people to wait for another visa, which might not yet even be granted. Turning up with ten suitcases and a one way ticket would be a very bad idea IMHO. I will never understand why people are premature with planning, we didn't even think about leaving date until the visa was in hand.

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I would advise getting return tickets because we did the single ticket path and then paid a fortune to visit family back home buying our tickets in oz.plus if you decide to go home for good it's easier-you won't know until you're here.some stay some don't.dont underestimate the power of homesickness!but anyway return flights are cheaper in uk.

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Sorry but this seems like an extremely foolish thing to have done. You have no guarantees at all that your visa will be accepted, let alone granted anytime soon. Meanwhile your child is out of school and both of his parents are unemployed.. all because you weren't patient.


But yes: there is nothing to stop you going to Australia now, on a normal holiday visa since you don't have a PR visa yet. But how that will help you I don't know; because yet again you'd be hanging your hopes on nothing going wrong with your application, and even if the visa is granted without issue - you have no idea how long this will take.

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This might sound silly, but what if you don't get granted a visa?


However, if it is going to take a a couple more months at least, then why not get a couple of part time jobs and put your son back into school so that he has some normality before the huge upheaval and transition to Australia?

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This might sound silly, but what if you don't get granted a visa?


However, if it is going to take a a couple more months at least, then why not get a couple of part time jobs and put your son back into school so that he has some normality before the huge upheaval and transition to Australia?

One thing for sure you have not considered is how expensive oz is to live-without an income you will be paying a fortune here for rent and food etc. you would be mad to come to oz before your visa is granted. It goes without saying you were mad to quit your jobs before receiving your visa for oz.my advice-stay put and get some work-get your kid back in school then when(if) you get visa-make move with return tickets.you could be waiting anywhere from 1-12+weeks-no one ever knows for sure!

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From the regulation quoted in that thread, it looks like they needed to already have a visa when they submitted their 189/190 application. I'd have thought there would be a lot more posts about this if people could come on a tourist visa and then apply for a bridging visa when they got here.

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From the regulation quoted in that thread, it looks like they needed to already have a visa when they submitted their 189/190 application. I'd have thought there would be a lot more posts about this if people could come on a tourist visa and then apply for a bridging visa when they got here.


Yes that is my take too on that thread.


And the idea that someone could come on shore and just get a bridging visa with working rights without lodging onshore, is against everything I have ever read before.

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From a purely financial perspective, stay put. As another poster stated, you'll find it too expensive on no income. We were in this situation earlier this year waiting for OH job to start (numerous delays) and it was scary how quickly the money disappeared but at least as citizens we were not gambling on a visa hopefully being granted at some stage. Coming here with a family is a huge move and I would definately not consider uprooting everyone until I at least knew we had the correct visa to stay.

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