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Australia's detention regime sets out to make asylum seekers suffer


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What on earth has the Dalai Lama got to with anything.

No one takes anything he says seriously.


:eek:The quote summed up my point and I gave credit to the author rather than plagiarise.......but I could add that sweeping statements continue to abound with "no one takes anything he says seriously" - parleycross post 294 :wink: Tx

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Sorry if you dont like my views, but i couldnt care less..I dont like people much, there are too many of them in this world, most are false and all the chaos in this world is caused by humans.Our race is rather like a virus..so I have no interest in being surrounded in a multicultural melting pot, and that is why i moved to the wilds of tasmania, surrounded by my wild animals and peace and quiet...and away from the human chaos..I mean whats the point of moving from the chaos of the UK to the chaos of Sydney or melbourne, its beyond me..

That doesn't mean you have wish for the sinking of boats with children on , I doubt they've ever done anything seriously wrong or fully understand the situation they're in. I hope you never need the services of an Indian doctor , would you refuse it. ?

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That doesn't mean you have wish for the sinking of boats with children on , I doubt they've ever done anything seriously wrong or fully understand the situation they're in. I hope you never need the services of an Indian doctor , would you refuse it. ?

Yes but what you dont seem to understand is this..From my point of view I dont believe a single word this Govt says about asylum seekers..i dont believe that the boats are sinking or have ever sunk...Govt are liars..

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Yes but what you dont seem to understand is this..From my point of view I dont believe a single word this Govt says about asylum seekers..i dont believe that the boats are sinking or have ever sunk...Govt are liars..


One was wrecked off Xmas Island, during the term of the last Government. If you don't believe that happened, well you probably don't believe the Americans landed on the Moon.

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And when were Indians and Chinese asking the UK government to change its laws or indulge in any activities that were a threat to anyone else?


I am not talking about the Indians or Chinese?

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Yes but what you dont seem to understand is this..From my point of view I dont believe a single word this Govt says about asylum seekers..i dont believe that the boats are sinking or have ever sunk...Govt are liars..

Do you think the government pretends there's off shore detention centres just to upset lefties ? I reckon you need to find an Indian psychiatrist .

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How do you know that...from the news??, controlled by our loving Govt..


Which part of this report is controlled by 'our loving Government?, taking into account that both the Commonwealth and WA Govts were involved plus the RAN, Customs, and the people of Xmas Island.


[h=1]2010 Christmas Island boat disaster[/h]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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A map of Christmas Island



On 15 December 2010, a boat carrying around 90 asylum seekers, mostly from Iraq and Iran, sank off the coast of Christmas Island, an Australian territory in the Indian Ocean, killing 48 people aboard; 42 survivors were rescued.[1][2][3][4] The boat was later named SIEV-221.[5]

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[h=2]Incident[edit][/h]At about 6.30 a.m. local time the boat collided with rocks at Flying Fish Cove and was then smashed against the nearby cliffs, complicating rescue attempts.[3][6][7]

For a period of about one hour, the unpowered boat was washed back and forth as backwash pushed it away from the cliff.[8] Many of those who entered the water grabbed onto the flotsam and jetsam as the boat quickly broke up.[8] Residents tried to help victims by throwing them life jackets and other objects.[9] Some refugees were battered by the debris from the disintegrating boat and some were able to use the life jackets thrown from the shore.[8] Rescue efforts by Australian Customs and Border Protection included allocation of HMAS Pirie and ACV Triton,[4] with at least 42 survivors having been recovered from the ocean.[2] One man was able to scramble ashore himself with a great leap.[10] Poor weather conditions made rescue operations difficult.[4] Two critical care teams from the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia left from Perth to provide medical assistance.[9]

[h=2]Aftermath[edit][/h][TABLE=class: metadata plainlinks ambox ambox-content ambox-Update]


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[TD=class: mbox-text]This article is outdated. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (December 2012)[/TD]



The Premier of Western Australia, Colin Barnett, stated that "all available assets" were put on standby, and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced that she would cut short her holiday to manage the emergency.[3] A criminal investigation based on people smuggling laws is being undertaken.[11]

It was originally thought the boat held about 70 people but this figure may be as high as 100.[12] The political repercussions of the disaster continue, and are concerned with knowledge of the boat's movements and what actions were taken.[6][13] Prime Minister Gillard responded to initial questions of why the boat wasn't intercepted by explaining that considering the very rough seas, the response time by border protection authorities was adequate and that the extreme weather made radar less effective.[14]

The search for survivors of the shipwreck was suspended on 18 December after doctors advised that survival was by then unlikely.[15] Memorial services for those who were lost occurred on the 19 and 20 December.[15]

On 25 January 2011, three Indonesian men were charged with people-smuggling in connection with the incident.[16] The men, who were on board the vessel when it sank, could face up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to A$220,000 per person.[16]

The first burials for those killed in the incident were held on 15 February 2011, with twelve funerals occurring in Sydney, as families of the dead lived there, and five bodies being sent to other countries.[17] The funerals in Sydney attracted opposition from politicians, who criticized the financial cost, and from family members, some of whom said the government failed to honor traditional Muslim funeral ceremonies.[17]

[h=2]Investigation[edit][/h]On 11 July 2011, as part of the coronial inquest into the incident, the Western Australia's Coroner, Alastair Hope, began a series of public hearings on the island.[18] The inquest heard conflicting evidence related to the knowledge of whether or not the Australian Navy was aware of and expecting another asylum boat.[5] Sonja Radovanovic, the Assistant director of the Christmas Island Immigration Reception and Processing Centre claimed that she was told about another asylum boat in the vicinity by custom officials and that she was to speed up the processing of asylum seekers from a boat intercepted earlier that week.[

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I dont believe anything the news or the Govt tell me..Nothing..do you??


Do you believe anything? What happens if you are waiting for a bus, say, and you look at the number and the destination. Why would you believe that the number and destination are true, as it is the government who owns and controls the buses. Do you believe the direction signs on the road if you are driving anywhere? How about the names of streets? All controlled by governments. (or they tell the newspapers what to print.)

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Being racist and wishing badness /ill health for people is very sad...


Racist whose racist, my wife is asian so how can I be a racist..Im not a do gooder like you but Im not a racist...My wife feels the same way...even about people from her own country in how they get preferential treatment with regards to visa applications than people from say Britain..and their applications are processed rather quick I can assure you..

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Do you believe anything? What happens if you are waiting for a bus, say, and you look at the number and the destination. Why would you believe that the number and destination are true, as it is the government who owns and controls the buses. Do you believe the direction signs on the road if you are driving anywhere? How about the names of streets? All controlled by governments. (or they tell the newspapers what to print.)

I dont believe a single word anyone tells me, especially the media which is controlled by Govt..would you believe?

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Do you think the government pretends there's off shore detention centres just to upset lefties ? I reckon you need to find an Indian psychiatrist .


No I believe there are offshore detention centres, but I dont believe all these videos of asylum seeker boats crashing into rocks and sinking on the news are real, no definately not...

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Racist whose racist, my wife is asian so how can I be a racist..Im not a do gooder like you but Im not a racist...My wife feels the same way...even about people from her own country in how they get preferential treatment with regards to visa applications than people from say Britain..and their applications are processed rather quick I can assure you..

Australia gives points for age, qualification and English knowledge.


If we exclude age and qualification, then English knowledge should give advantage to the people whose mother tongue is English.

If you still feel that you are at disadvantage and are not able to compete in your mother tongue against person who is learning it as second language, then I don't know what change can be done to make it advantageous to you.

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I can understand the point made by MaryRose, Harpodom, Flag and others and what spectrum of political divide they support. But I'm not able to make my mind on which spectrum you occupy? I'm sure its not right wing or left wing or something in middle.


If you are trying for something similar to what was in Germany before the end of World War II, then you are in the wrong country ( both in UK and in Australia).


I'd say he sees himself as something as a survivorist living in the wilds of Tasmania. Hopefully one that can maintain sanity.

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Do you believe anything? What happens if you are waiting for a bus, say, and you look ate number and the destination. Why would you believe that the number and destination are true, as it is the government who owns and controls the buses. Do you believe the direction signs on the road if you are driving anywhere? How about the names of streets? All controlled by governments. (or they tell the newspapers what to print.)

I do find it ironic you lecturing someone about using logic and common sense when echidna's paranoid siege mentality isnt far removed from your own brand of anti science, anti UN claptrap. :biglaugh:

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I do find it ironic you lecturing someone about using logic and common sense when echidna's paranoid siege mentality isnt far removed from your own brand of anti science, anti UN claptrap. :biglaugh:


I am opposed to surrendering Australia's sovereignity to the UN, when the UN is dominated by anti-democratic countries. You, of course, are opposed to the nation-state, and want us to do everything the UN tells us to do.


Every time 'we', 'we' being the Western democracies, try to do something worthwhile, the bloody Russians or Chinese will veto it. And look who is running to help in Iraq? Yes, it's the Western democracies, whilst Saudi Arabia and the Emirates do nothing, ditto the Russians and Chinese.


The 'science' of global warming is unproven. For the last 20 odd years, the global temperature has stabilised. There are far bigger threats to humanity.

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