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Australia's detention regime sets out to make asylum seekers suffer


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If you actually look at flags Dutch example he supports , it's pretty much fit in or fxxx off . You can only come in if you agree with us . Some thing these faux liberals express such distaste at, unless it's expressed in a foreign language.


It is fit in with the liberal standards that apply for the benefit of a tolerant harmonious society. Something all democrats would support. We don't have to necessary agree with all aspects, but as long as my freedoms are not hindered you are free to live as you see fit as long as it is not directing hate towards others.

Very different from the parochial fit in or f..k off mentality which allows very limited means of self expression for the main, outside of the norm.

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I am happy for it all to be shrouded in military secrecy too. Since when has the military ever revealed all its secrets anyway? The way you carry on, you would think, that in normal military matters, every ship, every tank, every aeroplane, has a journalist sending real time reports from every mission.


Just try and find out where our submarines are at any time.

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It is fit in with the liberal standards that apply for the benefit of a tolerant harmonious society. Something all democrats would support. We don't have to necessary agree with all aspects, but as long as my freedoms are not hindered you are free to live as you see fit as long as it is not directing hate towards others.

Very different from the parochial fit in or f..k off mentality which allows very limited means of self expression for the main, outside of the norm.


Just about every aspect of our community is based on the 'Fit in or **** off' mentality, anyway. Get too drunk in the pub, or start a fight, what happens? Start a new job? Go to school?


'FIFO' is just another way of saying 'obey our laws, follow our 'norms', don't be a 'square peg in a round hole', 'don't tilt at windmills.'

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I am happy for it all to be shrouded in military secrecy too. Since when has the military ever revealed all its secrets anyway? The way you carry on, you would think, that in normal military matters, every ship, every tank, every aeroplane, has a journalist sending real time reports from every mission.


Just try and find out where our submarines are at any time.


To politicise by making a military operation and veil it in secrecy totally wrong anyway. I expect as have written on previous occasions that the military would think the same. Nothing at all to do with the positing of subs or national defence. Just a void in correct policy, lazy thinking and vote tapping into the populist vote.

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Well no a true democrat allows the person the right of choice. That includes the right to reject. Of course should be allowed to choose from their cultural/religious background if so wish. No social engineering. Less regulations and more freedom. All have the right to be respected as long as not infringing on another's right to their freedom. That right does not include the right to be abusive to another due to their sexuality, race, religion, age, appearance.

Id describe only being able to marry your cousin as social engineering . Of course you should be able to marry within your own or any culture but it should not be compulsory , or result in threats , injury , ostracisation or death as so often has been the case . That clearly isn't the case in certain ethnic enclaves in the uk . It's a superiority thing . You seem to be contradicting yourself , free thought if you think like me . Would you still let some one in if they had racist thoughts but didn't practice them?

I don't understand the multi cultural utopia you seem to be grasping at . True it would be boring if we were all the same but I wouldn't dismiss living any where because it was too white , too british or too white australian . I'm quite happy to say " this is a nice place , it's by the sea. " regardless of its ethnicity .

but I do miss a good curry house !

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Whatever we post on this forum, its ultimately what the people of the country want that would be the policy of a government. The last set of refugees from that region in the 1970s and 1980s aren't covering themselves with glory now. So that might be the reason behind the apathy towards refugees in general.



No country should be forced to compensate for a problem in other country. Asking Western countries to solve all the problem without expecting the people from problematic nations to find a fix for their problems is another sophisticated form of white man's burden and racism. Its the duty of the people belonging to the problem countries to fix their problems and not for others to do it.

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I am happy for it all to be shrouded in military secrecy too. Since when has the military ever revealed all its secrets anyway? The way you carry on, you would think, that in normal military matters, every ship, every tank, every aeroplane, has a journalist sending real time reports from every mission.


Just try and find out where our submarines are at any time.


While you are obviously delighted with current policy, Australia is the only country that has militarised a non military matter. As such should not be a military secret matter but one of informed public awareness as was the case with previous, hardly enlightened government.

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To politicise by making a military operation and veil it in secrecy totally wrong anyway. I expect as have written on previous occasions that the military would think the same. Nothing at all to do with the positing of subs or national defence. Just a void in correct policy, lazy thinking and vote tapping into the populist vote.


Every day, the people smugglers received the news courtesy of the previous Government of the successful arrival of another boat, which then provided them with excellent publicity to promote their 'product'. That has all gone now. Goodbye to free advertising. Goodbye to their obscene profits, and goodbye to people dying at sea.


So far as I am concerned, the boats have stopped. I seem to recall being told that as soon as the monsoon season ended, we would be inundated with boats again. Well, unless they are being hidden somewhere, they have stopped. If they were continuing at the same rate as under the previous Government, there is no way that it could be covered up anyway.

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While you are obviously delighted with current policy, Australia is the only country that has militarised a non military matter. As such should not be a military secret matter but one of informed public awareness as was the case with previous, hardly enlightened government.


If RAN ships (and RAAF planes probably) are on patrol in Australian waters and rescuing people from shipwrecks, then that is a military, not a civilian operation, though of course, the military are subject to civilian political control.


What does it matter what other countries are doing? Why should we be judged according to other countries' policies? Let them mind their own business, and we will mind ours.

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Id describe only being able to marry your cousin as social engineering . Of course you should be able to marry within your own or any culture but it should not be compulsory , or result in threats , injury , ostracisation or death as so often has been the case . That clearly isn't the case in certain ethnic enclaves in the uk . It's a superiority thing . You seem to be contradicting yourself , free thought if you think like me . Would you still let some one in if they had racist thoughts but didn't practice them?

I don't understand the multi cultural utopia you seem to be grasping at . True it would be boring if we were all the same but I wouldn't dismiss living any where because it was too white , too british or too white australian . I'm quite happy to say " this is a nice place , it's by the sea. " regardless of its ethnicity .

but I do miss a good curry house !


I don't dismiss it but not for me. I do not find living within a particular ethnic enclave particularly desirable regardless of the origins of the ethnicity. Hence my favourite world cities reflect such diversity of the human condition. I do not see/find any contradiction. As I thought I pointed out the freedom of expression and to live how one deems appropriate applies with all communities. The freedom to decide to be a part of a specific religious/cultural definition should also be based on an informed or desired decision.

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If RAN ships (and RAAF planes probably) are on patrol in Australian waters and rescuing people from shipwrecks, then that is a military, not a civilian operation, though of course, the military are subject to civilian political control.


What does it matter what other countries are doing? Why should we be judged according to other countries' policies? Let them mind their own business, and we will mind ours.


No it is not. Military of all nations rescue sea farers, especially from the yachting fraternity when their lives are endangered at sea. The matter is political not military, as Australia's past recent history has revealed.

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How do you know? It's all shrouded in military secrecy.


What we do know for sure is that detention is permanently damaging children and adults. Not that you care of course.


And I'm not sure how you can logically justify *deliberately* damaging alive children and adults in the name of 'preventing death by drowning'.


Correct couldnt care less...

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Indians and the Chinese are the most arrogant, rude races I have ever come across, and have no interest in mixing with their host countries people..Us...same as the eastern europeans creating havoc in the UK, they do their own thing and have no interest in the British culture or laws and abiding by them...

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Guest The Pom Queen
Indians and the Chinese are the most arrogant, rude races I have ever come across, and have no interest in mixing with their host countries people..Us...same as the eastern europeans creating havoc in the UK, they do their own thing and have no interest in the British culture or laws and abiding by them...

You can't judge every Indian or Chinese person because you don't even know them. How many do you know? I've found them to be lovely, caring people just the same as with any race you get good or bad.

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Indians and the Chinese are the most arrogant, rude races I have ever come across, and have no interest in mixing with their host countries people..Us...same as the eastern europeans creating havoc in the UK, they do their own thing and have no interest in the British culture or laws and abiding by them...

OK. Few questions.


What do you mean by mixing with host countries people?

And please enlighten us on what part of British culture they are not interested in?. And by mentioning laws, do you mean the laws that are in effect in UK? If so, then both Indians and Chinese have the lowest incarceration rate. So do you mean any other law that I'm unaware of?

And what do you want British government to do?

And what is doing their own thing?

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Correct couldnt care less...


I can understand the point made by MaryRose, Harpodom, Flag and others and what spectrum of political divide they support. But I'm not able to make my mind on which spectrum you occupy? I'm sure its not right wing or left wing or something in middle.


If you are trying for something similar to what was in Germany before the end of World War II, then you are in the wrong country ( both in UK and in Australia).

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OK. Few questions.


What do you mean by mixing with host countries?

And please enlighten us on what British culture is. And by mentioning laws, do you mean the laws that are in effect in UK? If so, then both Indians and Chinese have the lowest incarceration rate. So do you mean any other law that I'm unaware of?

And what do you want British government to do?

And what is doing their own thing?


Part of British culture I suppose is living in a democracy where we are within reason allowed to go about our lives in the way we want, however there is now a certain section of society that would rather live by there rules/laws and would like to inflict this on the rest of us, including seeing women as slaves and second class citizens, and homosexuals as legitimate targets for death amongst other things, for me if they want to live like that then they can get on with it but they should go back to the backward countries that still practice these laws.

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Part of British culture I suppose is living in a democracy where we are within reason allowed to go about our lives in the way we want, however there is now a certain section of society that would rather live by there rules/laws and would like to inflict this on the rest of us, including seeing women as slaves and second class citizens, and homosexuals as legitimate targets for death amongst other things, for me if they want to live like that then they can get on with it but they should go back to the backward countries that still practice these laws.


And when were Indians and Chinese asking the UK government to change its laws or indulge in any activities that were a threat to anyone else?

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Sorry if you dont like my views, but i couldnt care less..I dont like people much, there are too many of them in this world, most are false and all the chaos in this world is caused by humans.Our race is rather like a virus..so I have no interest in being surrounded in a multicultural melting pot, and that is why i moved to the wilds of tasmania, surrounded by my wild animals and peace and quiet...and away from the human chaos..I mean whats the point of moving from the chaos of the UK to the chaos of Sydney or melbourne, its beyond me..

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