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What is he thinking in "Aussie or Kiwi Logic"

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Some people asked me how it went after below story so I share.


Last night I was extremely shocked because he sent me the half-naked pics to me without notice.

I was so upset and said this must be a joke and his pointless action really irritates me.

Then he said he just wanted to show his good body to me (--for what????)

And added, he sees I reacted so sensitively so he thinks we wouldn't be a good match (--I never asked you to be my match :S) and dosen't wanna talk to me. I kept silent.

Then few seconds later he came back and say he feels bad for making me upset. (--Didn't you just say you don't wanna talk to me?)

I responded I am upset and I am sorry for losing good buddy because he ruined it.

Then in the middle of late night he said "let's be friend, I am so sorry"


-------------------------------------Now I figured out he is mentally unstable or ill. *sigh*



Here is the thing

I met cute and confident younger kiwi guy for drink last weekend. Someone set us up.

The 1st round became 2nd, 2nd round became 3rd round. He said he does not wanna make gf but

i could feel he was bit headed off to me. but not sure if it was because he was bit drunk.

Next day, he kept texting me from morning to evening and finally asked me for hangout again that night

I suggested evening tiime, then he changed his mind saying, he wanted to see me late night not evening.

So it was cancelled


And then next day, he told me he likes me.

But what he said is he is so busy for next couple of weeks and I said OK. I didn't ask if he is available for next going out.

(What I found was he had time to hang out with his guys friends though)


And today I had super exiciting news and shared with him.

He was so happy for me as well, and I invited him over a drink.

He was bit hesitated to say he is coming because he is supposed to meet his buddies

Then 10mins later he said he can come and have a drink. He do wanna celebrate the new with me!

And after fixing place and time to meet him up, he came back another 10mins later and said

he need to cancel the appointment with me.


What he is suggesting? He is such a Hot N Cold and even bit strange for me.

Is it normal pattern for Kiwi or Aussie guys?I really have no idea....

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Um..... honestly he doesn't give a hoots about it. Its cruel by the guys who play games like this you really need to stay clear of. If he liked you he would make the effort. Not excuses. Maybe he's just after one thing...I would say just move on.... there are guys who will actually care about making you feel wanted.

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Here is the thing

I met cute and confident younger kiwi guy for drink last weekend. Someone set us up.

The 1st round became 2nd, 2nd round became 3rd round. He said he does not wanna make gf but

i could feel he was bit headed off to me. but not sure if it was because he was bit drunk.

Next day, he kept texting me from morning to evening and finally asked me for hangout again that night

I suggested evening tiime, then he changed his mind saying, he wanted to see me late night not evening.

So it was cancelled


And then next day, he told me he likes me.

But what he said is he is so busy for next couple of weeks and I said OK. I didn't ask if he is available for next going out.

(What I found was he had time to hang out with his guys friends though)


And today I had super exiciting news and shared with him.

He was so happy for me as well, and I invited him over a drink.

He was bit hesitated to say he is coming because he is supposed to meet his buddies

Then 10mins later he said he can come and have a drink. He do wanna celebrate the new with me!

And after fixing place and time to meet him up, he came back another 10mins later and said

he need to cancel the appointment with me.


What he is suggesting? He is such a Hot N Cold and even bit strange for me.

Is it normal pattern for Kiwi or Aussie guys?I really have no idea....


Yeah everything is said and done, you guys are absolutely right.

I dont think I need to give a sh** about him anymore. Dont wanna waste my time and energy.

Thank you for the all clarification :D feel much better now

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Lucky escape I would say! Well done on knowing when to ditch him. He sounds very immature and certainly not what you expect after your first date x


Yes I am sure he is immature. He is quite youger than me, like 5yrs lol

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I notice that you referred to him as 'cute and confident' (at first meeting?) Perhaps you judged a 'book by his (sic) cover?'


Yes, I think I did. He was indeed quite handsome but he had quite a knowledge about various topics too. Anyway, looks does not tell everything I realized again :)

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What guys don't realise when they're feeding their ego's is,they are not wasting a ladies time!We ladies take this opportunity to realise said guy is teaching us a lesson,that we move onto someone else who deserves our time,so thankyou guys,you're doing us ladies a favour!:laugh:

Years ago I dated a guy for 4 (long)years.He made no commitment to me.Said guy is now 52 and STILL single!hahahaha

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