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Are you 'comfortable' with Australia's handling of Tamil asylum seekers at sea?


Do you agree with Australia's handling of the 2 Tamil asylum seeker boats?  

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  1. 1. Do you agree with Australia's handling of the 2 Tamil asylum seeker boats?

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Harpo, they are Sri Lankans.


They should be returned to Sri Lanka. At least one returned voluntarily.

And you know for certain that they are not genuine refugees do you?


HOW??? Did you design the 4 questions? Jeez, you're good

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This has been a very efficient operation I must say.


Congratulations to our wonderful Border Patrol and Navy at once again stopping these illegal boats.

I wonder when we start to hear accounts from whistle blowers in the navy and customs, just like we have with regard to offshore detention?


I wonder how many in the navy are 'comfortable' with their role of herding innocent men, women and children into customs boats before handing them over to a foreign navy?

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I think there is more at stake than just that. Australia's international reputation is already suffering. God only knows what sort of reputation it would have if this goes on.


It does, but subverts the UNHCR Convention it signed up to. Both sides', political haste to win the overwhelming Bogan vote(for want of another word) aspirational if you must, have some answering to do in their conduct. A sad time for Australian politics with no statesman like qualities and only criteria being the desire at any cost to remain in power regardless of ethics or morality.

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They are hardly a foreign navy, they are the sri lankans own navy.

Stop being so melodramatic.

These people are not genuine refugees they are just trying to sneak into a perceived better country for a more prosperous life.


It is good that we were able to assess them so quickly at sea and send them back.


Good co-operation from Sri Lanka too.

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We are told if there are major incidents such as deaths, just not the routine operations of protecting our borders.


Are you one of the flawed spin doctors in the employment of the present government, increased seven fold on previous government, in order to attempt to subvert or at best cloud opposition, but the constant repetition of slogans and catch cry's? It would appear that way.

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They are hardly a foreign navy, they are the sri lankans own navy.

Stop being so melodramatic.

These people are not genuine refugees they are just trying to sneak into a perceived better country for a more prosperous life.


It is good that we were able to assess them so quickly at sea and send them back.


Good co-operation from Sri Lanka too.


You mean, the Sri Lanka that is currently under UN investigation for human rights abuses?


The Sri Lanka which was criticised by David Cameron for its human rights record, but which is praised by the Abbott govt, so much so that they gifted them 2 Bay Class customs vessels, so much so that they blocked the UN investigation mentioned above.



Are you really as stupid as you come across?

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A question , just read the transcript, if nobody knows what boats are arriving how can the journalist say that the boat is leaking oil and sinking ? Are the people on the boat in communication with journalists in Oz ,if they are true refugees how have they got a mobile phone to communicate with as I would have thought that all they had was very basic clothes and a few personal belongings.


no easy answers to this problem.


What an odd comment. Why wouldn't an asylum seeker possess a mobile phone? Actually if anything further underlines their claim not to be economic seekers.

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So it'sAustralia's problem that these people want to leave their country for a better life else where, can't blame anybody for doing that. But do it through the correct channels


as a matter of interest do you have any first hand experience with the navy or customs or any body who has actually been there on the front line dealing with this

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Why wouldn't an asylum seeker possess a mobile phone?


Why indeed. They may even have worked in a factory that produces them. What is odd is that they get a signal so far out to sea. They're obviously clever enough to avoid the Optus network.

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And the problem with that is? Tamil state, for tamils right next door. If they want to create a fuss to get their rights, so it in their own state with their own people.


And so? Tamil Nadu is a state in India. India is not a signatory of the UNHCR Convention. No Tamil asylum seekers have been given rights of abode there. They live in squalor forever under threat of deportation at some stage and as such have no ability to human rights in the way of education, establishing themselves with ease .

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Harpo, they are Sri Lankans.


They should be returned to Sri Lanka. At least one returned voluntarily.


Some of whom are Tamils who have fled Sri Lanka because they were persecuted by the majority Sinhalese government.


As a former LIBERAL Prime Minister (Malcolm Fraser) has pointed out, this is equivalent to returning Jews to the Nazis.


Ironic, given that in another thread you stated that Germans should still feel guilty about the past deeds of that country.

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Only 4 of the 41 were in fact Tamils. The remainder were Sinhalese.

And no they have not fled because they were being persecuted.


If that were in fact the case their claim for asylum would have been approved.


They were all found to be non genuine. Just trying to back door their way in to Australia.

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Besides what Australian government did to Tamil asylum seekers I was wondering that nobody blames India what they do to refugees from Sri Lanka! Why doesn't India tries to integrate Tamil refugees in its society? Tamil Nadu has the same language and culture. I


In a perfect world they would. Some things to consider would be the local authorities don't want a numerous hostile anti Sri Lankan population within its midst. It is only a short crossing to Sri Lanka and difficult to police in any further confrontation.

It should also be recalled India took military action against the Tamil a few decades back that didn't go well. Why would Indian Tamils necessary welcome Sri Lankan Tamils?

Given another analogy would UK/Australia welcome hundreds of thousands white South Africans over a period if that country really went off? Many are of British heritage.

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Do you know what the 4 questions are parley?


Only 4 of the 41 were in fact Tamils. The remainder were Sinhalese.

And no they have not fled because they were being persecuted.


If that were in fact the case their claim for asylum would have been approved.


They were all found to be non genuine. Just trying to back door their way in to Australia.

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Is that the definition of a refugee? Someone with 'very basic clothes and a few personal belongings'? How does the possession of a mobile phone diminish a person's claim to asylum? -


The point I was making is based on TV footage over many years of what the media put on our screens as refugees leaving countries , I was asking a legitimate question on how they are communicating when nobody is supposed to know what's going on , they no doubt have passed through more than one country to get on a boat to come to Australia ,so are they legitimate refugees or economic ones ,


what would your answer be to the problem Should India be more supportive and accept them and look after them ?


It is not possible to access their claim until they have had an opportunity as prescribed under law to state their case. I would imagine their mobiles are removed once in military custody. No they are unlikely to have passed any other country with an international binding agreement to hear their appeal for asylum.

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I don't know how Australia get away with it - don't they have a legal obligation to consider each case on its own accord and to not just turn them around?


There is an argument that Australia should face human right abuses. At the very least they should be pulled to task and told in no uncertain terms to engage the agreement they signed up to or face expulsion from UNHCR.

Punishing people for legally seeking asylum is a bad look for Australia and must make other nations ponder why they are in a position of receiving tens of thousands within their borders, while Australia receiving far less has been allowed to conduct the policy it has.

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No they are asylum seekers in flight from the Sri Lankan regime. So you consider it ok to return folk to their torturer? Or alternatively in flight from India, a state not signatory to UNHCR.


So you know these people were being tortured? then you better pass on this information to the relevant authorities

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Punishing people for legally seeking asylum is a bad look for Australia


And if the UNHCR punishes Australia it won't solve their refugee crisis. Taking refugees is a voluntary thing, and not all nations participate. So long as Australia continues to take legitimate refugees through established programs, the UNHCR won't make too much fuss.

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They are hardly a foreign navy, they are the sri lankans own navy.

Stop being so melodramatic.

These people are not genuine refugees they are just trying to sneak into a perceived better country for a more prosperous life.


It is good that we were able to assess them so quickly at sea and send them back.


Good co-operation from Sri Lanka too.


No doubt you'd have been thinking sending Jews back to Nazi Germany a good idea as well. You have no idea what the status of these or any other potential refugees are. I wonder if you have ever met one? Their own navy? You are clearly very divorced from the subject at hand and spew out slogans like a government stooge.

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