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Top ten most expensive places to buy a beer!

Que Sera Sera

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More interesting is the lowest price you'll pay.


In Lanzhou (sp?) in 2006 we paid 2 yuan each for a 500 ml bottle. It worked out less than 20p.








Damn, 2006 is a long time ago, it feels like yesterday!


Vietnam was the cheapest I think I have seen it. If you drank draft it was like 6000 dong a glass. at the time it was about 33,000 dong to a pound.

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Granted Perth is bloody expensive for a pint but I was in Melbourne recently and the prices were just the same. Wasn't any cheaper than Perth!


Dave ... don't you go shattering everyone's illusions ... take that back lol

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Cheapest beer I have found around mandurah south of Perth is $8. That would be number one according to this list. Most expensive I have had to pay was $16 in central Perth.


Me too. $16 for a pint of Hoegaarden in the Belgium Beer Cafe. The dude behind the bar did pre warm me though!

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Guest Guest66881
Here are the top ten most expensive cities:


1. Oslo (£2.87)

2. Zurich (£2.46)

3. Tokyo (£2.45)

4. Tel Aviv (£1.92)

5. London (£1.72)

6. Kuala Lumpur (£1.59)

7. Sydney (£1.58)

8. Singapore (£1.55)

9. Hong Kong (£1.49)

10. Rio de Janeiro (£1.39)


What no mention of rip off Perth ?:wink::wink:



Surely it should read:

Here are the top ten most expensive cities:


1. Oslo (£22.87)

2. Zurich (£21.46)

3. Tokyo (£20.45)

4. Tel Aviv (£16.92)

5. London (£10.72)

6. Kuala Lumpur (£10.59)

7. Sydney (£10.58)

8. Singapore (£10.55)

9. Hong Kong (£10.49)

10. Rio de Janeiro (£10.39)

- See more at: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/news-chat-dilemmas/213666-top-ten-most-expensive-places-buy-beer.html#sthash.2DnJ4xPc.dpuf:wink:

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